
Author Topic: Avalaunch Video Settings With Hdtv A/v Pack  (Read 39 times)


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Avalaunch Video Settings With Hdtv A/v Pack
« on: December 30, 2004, 11:12:00 PM »

Is there a way to change the video settings in avalaunch?  I have a a normal(non-hdtv) tv with component video inputs, but when I plug the xbox in, I see the xbox splash screen and then the screen goes crazy.  I am reasonably sure that the problem is that the xbox is set to 480p mode or higher.  I need 480i.  I think I am in a catch 22.  Please check my facts:

1. The xbox, when hooked up to the tv with the stock composite cables, does not have the option to change the video modes in the MS dashboard.  The only options I have are 'normal', 'widescreen', or 'letterbox'.  Is this really the case?

2. The xbox, when hooked up via the hdtv av pack(component), will give me the option to set the resolution to 480p, 480i, etc., and only when it(xbox) is hooked up this way.  Right or wrong? If only I could see to make the changes.....

3.  I could hook the xbox up to an hdtv, i could make the change to 480i and save the changes, and then it would work on my tv.

Is there anything else I should be doing to make this work?  Help!
