
Author Topic: Trainers Not Working  (Read 253 times)


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Trainers Not Working
« on: December 20, 2003, 07:26:00 PM »

well to start with xbins ftp protocal is a piece of shit.
every damn file i downlaod from there is corrupt and i must redownload the file 2 maybe 3 times before its finally a good file.
this is with FlashFXP and Bulletproof.  they all do the same thing, and if tried binary and ascii modes and still the same.
ive seen plenty of other people say the same thing.

so, with that out of the way.

i grabbed a few trainers. the new ones released the other day.
after downloading them all twice so i had all good downloads,. i tried to open them and guess what 2 out of the 5 were good.  the zio file would open fine but if you try to extract the trainer it says the compression data is bad, but it would still extract the files.
ok so next problem

i start evox and go into the trainers folder from the main menu. start the trainer for Tiger Woods,  Vexx Armed and Dangerous, and a few others,, none of them are working,  nothing.. the only one that worked was ,, errmmm i think house of dead 3 no reload worked.

ok so what the heck am i doing wrong,, why arent the trainers working ?
do i need to inject them into the xbe file or someshit ?

anybody ?  someone ?


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Trainers Not Working
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2003, 07:31:00 PM »

im not very familiar with the evox trainers but if i understand they have to be specifically evox trainers. and all the files i get from xbin are not curropt so something is fucked up with your ftp program or something.


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Trainers Not Working
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2003, 08:27:00 PM »

yeah they are the evox trainers,

and i am using 2 different ftp programs, and i have several friends who have the same problems as i do with xbinx ftp recieving corrupt files.

what you do is go to irc get the "list"
log into ftp
try to download, when its done try to open it and 100% of the time it says rar or zip is corrupt.
log out of ftp
go back to irc and get the "list"  again
log back into ftp and try to download ,, this time about 90% of the time the file is good BUT you will usually only get 1 or 2 files that are good, then all the rest are bad.

sooooo you have to go thru all that buillshit until you get all the files you want.

it just took me 4 times to download all the trainers before i got all the trainers i wanted to be good zip files.

im using FlashFXP 2.1 build 924


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Trainers Not Working
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2003, 09:58:00 PM »

well to start with xbins ftp protocal is a piece of shit.

to start with, its standard FTP, we are running glftpd on a freebsd box, its nothing special.
The problem is on your end.
im using FlashFXP 2.1 build 924

let me guess, a 'cracked' copy, right?  Ya, your 'crack' isnt so great, all the files on the ftp server are fine, and your badly cracked ftp client corrupts the files on the way down.
Also, this, not xbins, we have a help channel (#xbins-help) where people can tell you the exact same thing as I just did.

The trainers work fine, once again, its a problem on YOUR end.  Make sure you have the latest version of evox, have TSR_TYPE = 1 (normal), and you might need to have IGR on.

LESTAT, quite frankly, I'm getting pretty tired of your attitude on these forums.  You post a question but claim that you are doing EVERYTHING right, you need too be a little more humble and except the fact you are asking for help because the problem is with something YOU are doing.

Now I will move this to the evox trainers forum...


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Trainers Not Working
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2003, 10:38:00 PM »

the ftp comment did exactly what it was suppose to do,   it got your attention. (since ive asked around before and never had anyone gimmie other options for possible fix's)

im sitting here rolling my eyes simply because i know im not the only one whos had this corrupt file issue with stuff on the ftp. and your comments to me about how i always post stuff about how my rig is good but the files or whatnot is bad.  yeah uh huh  sure boss if you say so.  your breakin my poor little heart man.

whether its my fault or or the fault of the crappy freebsd,,

my cracked copy ?

hmm not sure if i cracked this one or not,, i just reinstalled windows last week so... either way around it

frankly i dont care if your jesus christ or sadam .  i will talk how i want to you or anyone else.
i will not humble myself to a bunch of people who started out no different than i did , and who are no better than i am right now. people here have helped me and ive tried when people ask to help back and if anyone has anything to say about me being a little too honest for your poor little ears,, well tuff titties brother,, its life  get over it.

when i realise or i find out things are my problem i have in the past stood up and apologised and said hey i was wrong. and i will gladly bow my head and apologise if i am wrong this time.

so your gunna tell me my bulletproof and flashfxp AND cuteFTP are all causing corruption ?
nah.   if thats the case then why is the work around ,., simply log off and log back into the server ? (well 98% of the time that fixes it.) if there is a better ftp program hey man ill try it.

and as for the trainers,,  i never said it wasn't my fault in fact i said what am i doing wrong ?
TSR is what i was looking for. ill give it a try.
and igr is on .

and lastly,,

people EARN my respect they do NOT get it automatically.
the only people who get my respect day and night are my father, my grandparents, and my girlfriend. and my lifelong best friend.
Anyone else ?  best pack their lunch.

out of respect for the forum, and since you are the only one to tell me im such a prick,  ill tone my choice of words down from now on, but NEVER expect me to sit here like an "uncle tom" or "lame duck" and be anyones "yes man"  i have and always will be upfront and honest. whether YOU like it or not.

now,, since ive went overboard with all this.
its 0230 am  goodnight



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Trainers Not Working
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2003, 10:43:00 PM »

Ok LESTAT, feel free to get your files elsewhere, this is nothing wrong with our ftp, or the files on it.


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« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2003, 10:54:00 PM »

This is apparently one of two issues. Let me resolve them for you.

1) You do not have the latest WINRAR.

2) You have a cracked version of flashfxp or another ftp client.

I assure you ever file upon our servers is verfied to be working. I would know as i personally use these things ; )

Your problem is that you are a end user using cracked software in attempt to retrieve our software. If you used our script that we put out for public usage, you would find that all your files should be magically fine, assuming you are using the latest winrar to extract these archieves.



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Trainers Not Working
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2003, 11:07:00 PM »

QUOTE (LESTAT @ Dec 21 2003, 05:26 AM)
well to start with xbins ftp protocal is a piece of shit.
every damn file i downlaod from there is corrupt and i must redownload the file 2 maybe 3 times before its finally a good file.
this is with FlashFXP and Bulletproof.  they all do the same thing, and if tried binary and ascii modes and still the same.
ive seen plenty of other people say the same thing.

Not even sure what the conversation is here... but!

I have never had ONE corrupt file from the ftp site and it doesn't seem like anyone else has that I have met... what seems to be the common denomenator here?


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Trainers Not Working
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2003, 01:07:00 PM »

well as promised i will stand up and take my medicine.

i uninstalled flash and got rid of any reg entries,, and downloaded it again and installed, and now all is fine.
i still wish the server didnt kick you for being idle for 15 seconds or whatever it is. i like to open stuff and see if its what i really want without having to go back and doing the list command again. but oh well.

so i stand here corrected as the file corruption was appearently my fault. and yes i had cracked it (as i stated i couldnt remember if i did or not)but not anymore. nope not if i have to deal with corrupt transfers.

so my appologies to the xbins crew and merry christmas and happy new year to everyone!