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Author Topic: Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread  (Read 2805 times)


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« on: January 14, 2004, 11:19:00 AM »



Rant of the year.
>> Ok, you gotta love XboxAddict, and I agree 100% with a letter one of their

visitors sent them.

FUTURE SITUATION: 3 or 4 years from now, Xbox will be leading just in time for
Sony to release Playstation 3 too early. Playstation 3’s sales will be dismal
compared to PS2’s feverish release because everyone is anticipating Xbox 2’s
release the next year. Xbox 2 is released (fully compatible with every single
Xbox game made because of the DirectX coding) and very quickly MS
surpasses whatever lead Playstation 3 had put together. Sony falls one step
behind MS and never, ever again will Sony or any console producer regain
lost market share. MS is chopping away at Sony’s legs right now, and as
soon as Sony losses enough to where MS can reach it’s head--- BAM. Sony’s
face is in the dirt and MS is stomping on it.

This is what MS does. This is why they are considered evil. This is why
XBox will dominate.

Anyways read the whole letter, its worth it, over at

XboxAddict. http://www.xboxaddic...hp?News_ID=1599
Posted by:: Saxx
December 10 2001 19:32 GMT+1  (yes.. 2001)


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2004, 10:28:00 AM »

XBox 2 'designed with AMD processor'
>> MS engineers are busy designing the second version of Xbox around an
AMD CPU, according to Fechtor Detwiler, the Boston-based investment bank.

Their channel checkers picked up this tidbit, and say that Intel won't be able
to snatch and grab the contract as easily as it did first time around.

"One of the primary reasons for the selection we understand," the firm says in a
research note, "was the close relationship of MS with Nvidia. We were
told that Intel's strategy of combining graphics capability with processor
function on the same device left MS with fears that they would lose the
ability to provide enhanced video features offered Nvidia or potentially

Hmm. As Fechtor Detwiler points out this would be an "impressive win for AMD and
a noteworthy loss for Intel".

But the reasoning looks a little suspect; granted Nvidia and AMD are bosom
buddies, and granted that Nvidia and MS are new best friends, with plans
to jointly dominate digital entertainment in the home till Kingdom come. But
would Intel really jeopardise an important gig like X-Box for the sake of
integrating graphics onto its CPUs? More to the point, does MS really
think Intel would jeopardise the gig?

First time around with XBox, Intel won the deal because it underbid AMD at the
death. By dallying with AMD, MS is simply keeping Chipzilla on its toes. There
is still everything to play for.

Posted by:: XanTium
March 21 2002 22:40 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2004, 11:23:00 AM »

nVidia to stay with MS for the Xbox 2?
>> From XboxAddict :

"Well, it looks more and more each day that nVidia is comitted to the Xbox, even though MS continues to insist that they want to pay less for nVidida's chips. That is understandable, because MS is losing about $160 for every console they sell. However, nVidia is so comitted to getting in console chip making that they possibly will sell their technology even cheaper than previously thought. This is most likely because of other companies such as ATI and Via trying to unseat nVidia as the graphics producer for the Xbox 2."
Posted by:: XanTium
July 20 2002 11:38 GMT+1


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2004, 10:29:00 AM »

Xbox2 before 2005 ?
>> From :


The confession came when Allard was being grilled about the PlayStation 3, and the potential release dates of future consoles. Allard remarked "One thing we have learned that, and we'll promise, is that they [Sony] won't get a head start next time. And I'll just leave it at that."

Wooo, exciting! This means that MS will be going hell for leather to get the Xbox 2 on store shelves before Sony release the PlayStation 3 - it may turn out to be an empty promise, but 'J' certainly seemed like he wanted to nose ahead of Sony in the console market next time round. It's no secret that Sony's massive success is partly to the 18 month-long headstart they had over the competition - they had no less than TWO Xmas's to themselves before any serious opposition came along.

But, it looks as though MS have got their heads screwed on straight this time - the very fact that they're determined to launch before the PS3 (scheduled for a 2005 release) leads us to believe that work on the console infrastructure has already begun.

If Xbox2 comes in 2004 that doesn't give alot of time for xbox1 ... so it looks like they already kinda gave up xbox1.
Posted by:: XanTium
October 12 2002 11:11 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2004, 10:29:00 AM »

Xbox 2 to be "smaller"
>> From :,52554,

According to Ohura, the "Xbox 2," as it has been so unoriginally dubbed by half the media (we prefer to call it NeXtBox; please laugh), will be much smaller in size than its predecessor. One of the largest complaints against MS's current hardware is that its much too big. There was a theory that a lot of Japanese people would not buy the Xbox based off of its gynormous figure. While we think that's silly, apparently MS is taking some stock in it; they want everyone to know, Xbox 2 will be smaller.
Also, since MS is betting on Playstation 3 hitting retailers in 2005, they're hard at work on developing strategies to counter the consoles impending release. Presumably, MS wants to have its next-generation console out around the same time, to prevent Sony from having an enormous lead after a year on the market.

Read the whole article here[].

Thanks to Jason for mailing us this link.
Posted by:: XanTium
December 10 2002 23:28 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2004, 10:30:00 AM »

New game consoles in play for '03
>> posted a nice article about upcoming hardware releases.


The true next generation of hardware is pegged for a 2005 launch, with MS planning Xbox Next and Sony planning PlayStation 3. But 2003 might see a portable take on GameCube and cheaper variations of Xbox and PlayStation 2, Envisioneering analyst Richard Doherty predicted.

Doherty expects an Xbox 1.5 that will be cheaper to manufacture and will be a smaller, lighter version of the current Xbox. He said it will retail from $129-$149. MS also might introduce a new combination Xbox-digital video recorder for about $199.

Sony is on the third generation of PlayStation hardware, and the company is expected to ship its second incarnation of PS2 this year.

"I believe you'll see the price of this PS2.5 drop as low as $99," Doherty said. And Sony is a TiVo investor, which leads Doherty and others to think there's a combination TiVo-PS2 device in the works -- possibly a $149 add-on to "fit into the back bay of the PS2," Doherty said.

Little is known about Xbox Next, other than that it will ship before PS3 and likely will include UltimateTV technology (DVR and TV Web surfing), and it could serve as a PC for the living room.

Read the whole articlehere[]
Posted by:: XanTium
January 2 (2003) 03:10 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2004, 10:33:00 AM »

Billg on Xbox 2
>> From TheRegister :

The next-generation Xbox (which many people speculate will be called "Xbox Next", based on recent domain name registrations by MS) is a much more broadly-focused multimedia device than the current console, he says.

Some of this functionality could make it into the Xbox before a new console launch - several sources tell us that MS is considering major upgrades to the Xbox Dashboard in the near future, including a possible integration of Internet Explorer and Windows Media into the console.

Next-gen features include "digital media capabilities such as video and photo editing" and "Internet capabilities without the need for direct connections through Wi-Fi," Billg says.

This makes the Xbox 2 sound very like, well, a PC - indeed, if the system combines Internet, video and photo-editing functionality with a games console, it may become an attractive alternative to PC ownership for a lot of families.

Read the whole article here
Posted by:: XanTium
February 12 12:42 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2004, 10:36:00 AM »

UK Press Talk to J Allard
>> Is it true that on a recent visit to London you spent all night soldering circuits after blowing up an Xbox prototype?

Unfortunately, it is. Bill Gates announced we were doing Xbox and I was in London. We had these oneof-a-kind prototypes, all hand-made, worth between $30,000 and $40,000 each and I blew one up. We were up until 3am in the basement of the Metropolitan Hotel, soldering this thing back together.

When do you think the PlayStation3 will come out?

I don't know.

Do you really care?

No. Really, the Xbox represents the next big step forward in gaming and although I've already heard talk about the PS3, we think there is an awful lot we can do with the Xbox. We don't need to talk about the next one yet.

So, no Xbox2 on the horizon?

I didn't say that. I just said we weren't going to be talking about it.

You pushed MS towards the Internet. Does that make you a visionary?

I think that's a pretty loaded term. I prefer to think that was more of a rallying cry, and I was speaking for more than one person.

Does that dream stay alive?

Absolutely. You have to dream. If you don't, you have nightmares. When I came to the company, what I really wanted to do was integrate the Internet into society, in a way that could open new communication channels.

I thought that, if I got my mum on the Internet and sending me e-mails, I would have achieved my goal.

And what happened then?

After I achieved that goal, I always had a soft spot in my heart for games. I've always been a gamer - that's what introduced me to technology in the first place. Looking at what Sony and Nintendo were doing, I thought both were doing evolutionary things and it was time for the revolution, so we launched Xbox.

Is everyone that works at MS a millionaire?

I dunno.

How much money do you have?

Enough to keep me very happy with all my gaming.

Do you get letters from people asking for money?

No, I haven't really had much of that. I'm a pretty low-key guy.

Do you object to such letters?

No, feel free to send them on. It's important to give back to the less fortunate members of the community.

Does the job leave you with any time off. If so, what do you do?

I spend a lot of time snowboarding in the winter and have to admit I have an affection for racing go-karts and cars.

Does Bill Gates play games?

You know, he's not the world's biggest gamer, although he is starting to turn a new corner with Xbox. We're making him a believer now.

Any particular game?

He's hooked on Fusion Frenzy. He and his wife went down to Hawaii for a week, before we launched in the US, and he said: 'Y'know, I should really put my hands on this thing,' because we were going to send him to New York to play gamers. They ended up staying in the hotel most of the time playing Fusion Frenzy.

What about the Home Station, the other new rumoured MS product?

It's an old code name for a defunct product. Don't ask me where it came from - I have no idea how the press picked up on it, or why.

What's your current favourite game?

Gotham Racing. I've spent ages flying around Trafalgar Square in my F-50. It's a hoot.

What's your favourite game on the PS2 and Game Cube?

There's nothing I like on the Game Cube. With PS2, Jak And Dexter has some interesting game-play.

What game did you first play?

It was hockey on the Magnavox Odyssey, a 1970s game system. It was basically Pong.

Is there one thing you do every time you come here?

It wouldn't be the food. I'm a huge fan of British music. You guys get it right over here, especially dance music. I used to be a rabid New Order and Joy Division fan. I wish I could spend more time in clubs.

Didn't you have a clubbing description for the Xbox?

A rave in a nuclear reactor. Or the other one I've heard is 'better than a Norman Cook set on ecstasy'.

Is that from personal experience?

No. I just read about it...

Posted by:: XanTium
March 13 23:34 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2004, 10:42:00 AM »

ATI instead of Nvidia on Xbox2
>> From

MS has dropped Nvidia in favour of the graphics chip maker's arch-rival, ATI, as the provider of the graphics technology to be incorporated into its as yet unannounced next-generation Xbox console.
So says a report on Internet gaming-oriented web site Spong, citing "senior development sources in the UK".

Certainly MS and Nvidia haven't had any easily relationship during the life of the current Xbox. The highly competitive and price-sensitive nature of the console market required MS to be flexible on price. Nvidia is believed to have been decidedly inflexible when it came to helping the software giant achieve its pricing goals. MS wanted to pay less for its chips than originally agreed, but Nvidia (quite understandably) stuck to its guns.

But more prosaic reasons may lie behind the decision - if such as decision has been taken. ATI has a Pentium 4 bus licence from Intel; Nvidia does not. MS would undoubtedly be looking at a more advanced CPU for Xbox 2 than the current console's Pentium III, and the P4 is a logical step up.
If there is an ATI connection, then that would seem to preclude the use of an AMD chip, for which Nvidia would be the most logical partner thanks to its nForce expertise. Indeed, the current Xbox's chipset is essentially an nForce geared to work with a PIII.

ATI is nevertheless a problematic partner for MS as it is already Nintendo's chosen graphics contributor for the next-generation GameCube. Or is that a problem? Spong suggests that Nintendo and MS are natural allies against market leader Sony - my enemy's enemy... - and this opens the door to co-operation between the two, with ATI as a third member of the alliance.

Read the whole article at
Posted by:: XanTium
June 13 16:32 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2004, 10:42:00 AM »

ATI shares enjoy rumors of MS deal
>> From

TORONTO, June 13 (Reuters) - Rumors that ATI Technologies Inc. has been selected for a major contract by MS Corp. helped push up the shares of the graphics chip maker on Friday, but analysts were not buying the rumor.
Shares of ATI rose 46 cents, or 5.8 percent, to close at $8.40 on Nasdaq. On the Toronto Stock Exchange, the stock finished 40 Canadian cents, or 3.7 percent, higher at C$11.18, while the broader information technology sector was down 2.4 percent

According to a computer games Web site, ATI is said to have been selected by the world's largest software maker to supply graphic technology for the still unannounced next generation Xbox console.
The Web site says MS will dump Nvidia Corp. because of its inability to work cohesively with the chip designer.

Read the whole article at
Posted by:: XanTium
June 14 19:51 GMT+1


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2004, 10:43:00 AM »

Nvidia source confirms ATI Xbox 2 design win
>> From

Internet gaming site has claimed its recent story ATI will provide the chipset and graphics technology for the Xbox 2 has been confirmed by an unnamed "senior source close to Nvidia".
According to's source, "[Nvidia] didn't want to meet MS's demands for the floating design of Xbox Next. It didn't make sense to partner on the project. At this moment in time, ATI is working with MS."

Assuming the source knows what he or she is talking about, the comment suggests that MS did offer the project to Nvidia. After the battle between the two companies over how much money MS should pay Nvidia for the original Xbox graphics and chipset technology, it was widely supposed at the time of's first ATI/Xbox 2 story that the software giant was simply pissed off with Nvidia.
But it's clear that sound business minds prevailed, and the longer-term benefits of working with an existing partner outweighed more momentary emotional considerations.
Nvidia, however, doesn't seem to have been willing to be flexible, and now its arch-rival has the deal - if the source's comments are accurate.

Read the whole article at
Posted by:: XanTium
June 20 17:05 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2004, 10:43:00 AM »

Xbox2 and Playstation3 - who will be first
>> From

There has been all kinds of rumors about the Playstation 3 as well as MS Xbox 2. It has been rumoured that the next generation consoles would roll out rather soon, leaving the life-span of PS2 and the Xbox rather short. According to this statement the PS3 will not be launched during the next year.

Sony: "All I can really say [about the PlayStation 3] is that it definitely won't launch in 2004."

Read the whole article at
Posted by:: XanTium
July 8 15:18 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2004, 10:43:00 AM »

Xbox 2 gets a codename
>> From

According to men on the Internet, Xbox 2 is being referred to internally at MS and trusted developers as "Xenon" - a rather more politically correct project codename than Project Midway, which is what the company called the original Xbox development work. Taking on the Japanese, see?

As for the next generation Xbox, well, chances are we're still going to call it Xbox 2 until MS says otherwise. However, the system is actually unlikely to be called that when it finally arrives; MS is apparently concerned that consumers might assume that Xbox 2 would be less powerful than PlayStation 3 because of the version numbers. Current bets are on "Xbox Next" as the brandname.

Read the whole article at
Thanks to DaCxKasD for the news.
Posted by:: XanTium
July 15 16:09 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2004, 10:44:00 AM »

Will Xbox Next use a Pentium M?
>> From

A CHINESE WEB SITE claims that the Xbox Next will use a special version of Intel's Pentium M, it said.

That followed news yesterday that ATI and MS, as earlier predicted, will cooperate together on the design of the Xbox.
Sources yesterday told the INQUIRER that the ATI deal with MS includes a royalty deal that will mean the Canadian firm scoops up money "quarter after quarter", and isn't necessarily dependent on sales of the Xbox.
That indicates a closer relationship with MS than the one between Nvidia and the software firm, which was, to put it mildly, troubled.

Never heard of Pentium M(obile)? ( for more info about the cpu.
Posted by:: XanTium
August 15 22:03 GMT+1  <


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Xbox 2 / Xbox Next Etc News Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2004, 10:45:00 AM »

Why ATI is ecstatic about its Xbox 2 deal
>> By Fuad Abazovic on

PRECISE DETAILS of ATI's Xbox 2 are still harder to find than a pin on a 940 Athlon 64, but there's a while before the console of consoles arrives – like 2005.

Nvidia sold two chips to MS, one for graphics and one for the chipset but ATI will do something completely different, as the Monty Python refrain goes.
ATI actually bagged a deal where it will simply send the marchitecture to the Vole, while another company will actually make it for the Xbox 2.
All ATI is doing is giving away rights to its marchitecture to MS, while Nvidia had the not so pleasant job of designing and then getting the chips made for the Satan of Satans.
So someone needs to make an Xbox 2 motherboard as well, and we speculate that ATI might include its good friends at Sapphire to do that job. It's just speculation.

Posted by:: XanTium
September 1 18:15 GMT+  <
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