
Author Topic: Xcm 360 Adaptor  (Read 104 times)


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Xcm 360 Adaptor
« on: October 21, 2009, 07:53:00 AM »

After reading about MS blocking unauthorized storage, and the recent ban waves, I have started asking myself why I would bother with XBOX at all. I am willing to bet a lot of the people who played FM3 early were either
A: People who already had a copy pre-ordered
B: People who wanted to try the game before they threw down hard earned cash
C: People who, lets be honest, weren't going to pay for the game anyways.

Same with Datel Cards/HDD(maybe). Innocent consumers trying to save a buck now have a useless piece of plastic. Why? So MS can force people to buy their ridiculously overpriced accessories.  

I for one am sick of it. I recently bought a PS3 slim, and to be honest there really isn't much of a difference between the consoles. My biggest gripe right now is the DS3 Controller. It's alright, but the 360 Controller is so much better for FPS games.
Call of Duty comes out soon and I want to be ready. I would like to get one of these devices and play the game on my PS3 using a 360 controller. Seems like this would give me the best of both worlds. I get the game I have been waiting for on the 360 and don't need to keep the xbox!

I am just curious whether it is actually worth buying or not. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Thanks in advance