
Author Topic: Harrison Discusses Sony Aid For Unreal Engine 3  (Read 88 times)


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Harrison Discusses Sony Aid For Unreal Engine 3
« on: July 23, 2007, 06:43:00 PM »

Harrison Discusses Sony Aid For Unreal Engine 3
Posted by XanTium | 23-7-2007 20:07 EST


When asked why Sony had chosen to re-announce its partnership with Epic Games at the recent E3 expo, along with plans for continued optimization of Unreal Engine 3 on the PlayStation 3, Harrison admitted a lack of support on Sony's part for the popular middleware solution.

"If we're honest, we didn't do enough of a good job supporting them and getting them the tools and technology early enough," said Harrison. "Also, Epic isn't a huge company. They don't have unlimited resource. We have parachuted in some of our SWAT team of super engineers to help them. Specifically, to optimize for SPUs (synergistic processing units) which are the point of difference that the Cell processor has."

Harrison further suggested the possible advantages of this fix, which is currently disadvantaging Unreal Engine 3 developers on PlayStation 3: "The benefits that [increased support] yields to end developers whether they're writing exclusive titles or multiplatform titles is that the performance on PS3 goes up exponentially, and it will make for a much better game experience," claimed Harrison.

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Harrison Discusses Sony Aid For Unreal Engine 3
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2007, 06:52:00 PM »

I think its great Sony's supporting use of the Unreal Engine 3 for better use in the Playstation3... I think we'll see some of the best games this generation because of this, so best of luck to both Epic & Sony biggrin.gif