
Author Topic: Xbox 360 Psu Used As Pc Psu?  (Read 132 times)


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Xbox 360 Psu Used As Pc Psu?
« on: July 05, 2009, 09:52:00 PM »

I'm working on a little project, and I'd be especial for me to have the PSU be external for this project, and I was thinking about how I was going to do it.. and I looked at my Xbox 360 power brick and I thought "That's it!", however.. I'm not sure if it puts out all the required voltages or not, or if there is any other reason why this wouldn't work.

Anyone have some input on how/if this could work?


EDIT: As it would seem the Xbox 360 PSU is missing 3.3v (Which could be added with a resistor, I believe), and -12v... I don't know what to do with the -12v though.

I'm also confused as too weather or not the 360 is compatible with standard PWR_ON like a ATX power supply. I see it had PWR_ENABLE but I think that's different.