
Author Topic: Millennium Simulation  (Read 205 times)


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Millennium Simulation
« on: March 23, 2008, 10:57:00 PM »

Atheism at it's finest....

What your lookin at, is what scientist's believe to be our entire universe. Every point at which you see light is another galaxy!!

Their is no doubt we are no alone in this universe.


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Millennium Simulation
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2008, 12:51:00 AM »

Whats that got to do with atheism? Maybe one of those pitstops is heaven.


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« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2008, 11:32:00 PM »

I see it as a dose of reality....or what's really going on around us...that's how I relate it to atheism.

Kind of kills teh fantasy worlds of religion.


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« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2008, 02:09:00 AM »

How so?


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« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2008, 02:31:00 AM »

I  am also missing your point.


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« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2008, 04:44:00 AM »

He must not have ever read Ezekiel.


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« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2008, 09:22:00 AM »

It's pretty dumb to post a link to a video of God and then claim it is "athiesm at its finest".


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« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2008, 09:07:00 PM »

I didn't plan on posting this and receiving  all this negative attention....Regardless this is a very cool video...and it kind of relates to religion..It supports the big bang we know the shape and how large the universe is...this proves in fact that the universe is expanding.  Which leads to a lot of atheism and Darwinism.

Religion teaches you the universe is this sort of  fantasy like place.... where everything you want to be true.  Science (everyday) is telling us different where here for so and so reasons and it's based on facts. Religion is based on beliefs. This video just pushes that phenomenon further.



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« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2008, 10:48:00 PM »

No offence meant, the video is awesome. I have read more books about quantum physics then books about the alphabet.  When I go to sleep at night I use Carl Sagan narration of Cosmos to put me to sleep. Michael Kaku has recently become one of my favorite authors and I have read 3 of his books so far. The video is awesome. It does not, however, show in any way that the universe is expanding nor does it show anything relating to the big bang. You don't have to be a religious person to read the bible. You should pick it up once just to see what it says and educate your self about the story, fictitious or not. Even Marilyn Manson thinks it's a good book. We are probably very similar people, I have pretty much switched from being religious to non-religious. I'm not here to hurt your feelings, but it's just a cool video and does not discredit religion at all.   smile.gif  smile.gif


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« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2008, 02:56:00 AM »

The thing that offends me most about many people on both sides of the science/religion debate is their extraordinarilly limited view.

Their argument generally seems to go something like this:

1) My understanding of the world through my experience with religion is (x)
2) My understanding of the world through my experience with science is (y)
3) (x) and (y) have facets that do not match up.

:.Therefore, either religion or science is false.

The flaw is assuming that one's experience and understanding of religion, science, and the world is complete- a staggeringly egotistical and narcissistic viewpoint.

Adding this premise:

4) As a human being, my experience and understanding of the world is fundamentally limited.

Gives us a much more valid conclusion:

:.Therefore, I do not have enough information to draw any logical conclusion from these facts.  

Which brings us to the center of the human experience, the fundamental existential quandary- the question of faith. In an inherently unpredictable and chaotic world where nothing is certain except for existence itself, one is forced to make a personal choice as to what to believe in.

If you choose to put faith in the experiences given to you through your five senses, it's called science. If you choose to put faith in the experiences given to you through the processes of language, it's called philosophy. If you choose to put faith in the experiences given to you that are beyond sensory perception or language, that's spirituality or mysticism (commonly expressed through religion).

These three are by no means mutually exclusive- in fact, it should be obvious that each strengthens and reinforces the other two. One does oneself a grave disservice by denying the validity of any of these modes of understanding.

Denying the validity of religion on the basis of science not "matching up" is not only foolish, but damaging to one's human development. If your understanding of religion doesn't 'jive', your best couse of action is to expand your understanding of religion!

If what they taught you in Sunday School seems incompatible with what you learned in Astronomy or Biology, take that as as sign that there's a whole lot more to religion than what you've been taught. Read the Tao te Ching. Try yoga and learn about chakras and meditation. Study about the Kaballah, or Native American spirituality. Listen to Christian speakers from various traditions- OPEN YOUR MIND.

Also, don't forget the philosophy part either. Critical thinking skills are essential to making sense of the world. Expose yourself to the great thinkers' ideas with a questioning attitude.

More than anything, these steps will help you to become more comfortable with the fact that there is no way one will ever be able to rightfully claim that they have "figured it out" or "have the complete truth". It's not something we are equipped to understand.

When you watch that video, first realize that the furthest out it goes is 1.5% of the width of the Universe. Then realize that that's just what we know from what we can see. Then realize that quantum physics tells us that that's just one of innummerable parallel Universes.

Existence is truly infinite in every sense of the word: that which man cannot measure or comprehend. Claiming to be able to do so is incontrovertable proof of self-absorbed ignorance.


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« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2008, 03:33:00 AM »

I, too, am also stuck.  So much to figure out. You see this dot right here?  .     <--- yeah, that one. I may have created life. I might just be a god. I may have created another universe. If I had pressed the back space key (oh shit i spelled word key wrong!!) i may have killed trillions of living things and universes. All which worshiped me. I made that dot.  Science and religion really almost say the same thing. Maybe every thing is a god. Every time energy is transferred or light is absorbed. Maybe the bible is just a story of some redneck in another universe lighting a firecracker in a frogs butt hole.  Maybe matter is the frogs anus and energy is the rapid expansion of the firecracker.

Any moderators out there who delete that dot are the devil!!!!!

No body is wrong or right. You can stake your claim as much as you want, but in the end it's just opinion.


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« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2008, 08:04:00 AM »

QUOTE(HOUSECAT @ Mar 25 2008, 11:43 PM) View Post
I didn't plan on posting this and receiving  all this negative attention....

Then don't start a disrespectful thread.

And, on top of that, don't use flawed logic, and you won't get called on it.

Truth be told: From your 1st sentence, I was against any stance you took, for being a jerk, regardless if you were pro atheism or pro religion. (I wasn't sure if you were sarcastic or not, until I watched the video). But, a couple other stand up people got to it before I could.


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« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2008, 07:17:00 PM »

hmm well I started the thread for no specific reason (no argument intended) other than too show a cool video...Unconsciously threw the "Atheism at it's finest" sentence in their. Really scrambled things up.

 The sentence itself was not meant in a jackass way or to start an argument like I was a shot at science more so Exposing this to the public which really doesn't need to be done. People are happy enough worshiping the GOD, The bibles words, and feel like they truly are going to a magical place when they die.  Then science comes in (Not directly) and maybe not consciously (please) take shots at religion.


It just does this video supports evolution, Universe expanding, big bang theory. Which all take shots at religion.


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« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2008, 06:13:00 AM »

QUOTE(HOUSECAT @ Mar 26 2008, 08:53 PM) View Post

It just does this video supports evolution, Universe expanding, big bang theory. Which all take shots at religion.

OK. I am about to stop being so kindly blind to your ignorance. What part of that video shows any of that?!?!?!?  Using THAT video is like me posting a video of Jesus on the cross with a guitar solo playing in the back ground, saying hey, uhhhh, this like supports God and Jesus and faith.  

That video only shows a HYPOTHETICAL measurement. Nothing in that video shows any science facts validating any of your claims. Heck it's not even real! It is CGI.  Come back when you have some SOLID information. Until then the only thing you have is blind faith, in a video. Quite similar to a christian. At least when I ask them to back their claim, they have a big book by their side. Until you have a mathematics, physics and engineering degree to where you can work out the same equations as a astrophysicist or astroscientists you are merely a sheep under the shepherd's staff.


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« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2008, 11:52:00 PM »

QUOTE(hamwbone @ Mar 27 2008, 07:49 AM) View Post

OK. I am about to stop being so kindly blind to your ignorance. What part of that video shows any of that?!?!?!?  Using THAT video is like me posting a video of Jesus on the cross with a guitar solo playing in the back ground, saying hey, uhhhh, this like supports God and Jesus and faith.  

That video only shows a HYPOTHETICAL measurement. Nothing in that video shows any science facts validating any of your claims. Heck it's not even real! It is CGI.  Come back when you have some SOLID information. Until then the only thing you have is blind faith, in a video. Quite similar to a christian. At least when I ask them to back their claim, they have a big book by their side. Until you have a mathematics, physics and engineering degree to where you can work out the same equations as a astrophysicist or astroscientists you are merely a sheep under the shepherd's staff.

Smart ass.