
Author Topic: Its A Logical Question.  (Read 177 times)


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Its A Logical Question.
« on: March 23, 2008, 02:08:00 AM »

With the continued decline of the u.s. economy, unreliable political leaders, and fierce weather, wouldn't it be nice to know if someone had an answer? If there is a God wouldn't you like to know what he is saying about the u.s. and the world today? If there is no God then this is pointless and you have nothing to fear.  
But. If there is a God then He was alive in the past as Hes alive Today, and he has spoken to prophets(messangers of Gods messages) today like he did in the past (read the Old testament). God cannot die otherwise He wasn't real and there wasn't or never has been a God. But if God is real, wouldnt you like to know what he thinks of our society? Are we about to go the way of the roman empire, the assyrians, the persians ,the babylonians? Here is text from a modern day prophet. NOT Me. Im just passing on information.

Oh, America, America, why have you forsaken Me, says the Lord? Why have you forsaken Me? For you have sought the very evil which has downed nation after nation, kingdom after kingdom, time after time, from the beginning of sin until now.

Search the Bible. Read it. Carefully examine it. Do you not understand? When a nation goes into sin and rebels against the God of heaven there comes a time of judgment. You cannot get away from it. You cannot escape it, except that you repent and that the people turn from their sin and stop it.

Do you not realize the parallel? Do you not understand the ways of God?

Less that 6 thousand people died when the towers came down, and you call that evil. But 40 million children have died because of what you call freedom. And yet you do not stop this. Yet you allow it to continue. Do you not understand when you say, "I repent, I am so sorry, God please forgive me, God bless this nation," and you continue in sin you are the worst of all hypocrites? Do you not understand this is evil? Do you not understand America has not repented? It has only used God's Name excessively, yet it has meant none of it.

When they turn from their sin they are repenting! When America turns from its sin I will say, "Stop!" and the judgment shall stop. But until it does there shall be judgment! If you think that this is judgment, you have yet to see judgment in any serious manifestation.

Many years from now you will say, "Yes, judgment has come." And yet, even more will come except that the nation repent! For that is the only way it can escape. I will turn up the wrath of God. For My wrath, saith the Lord, will be strong! And it will not turn aside except there be repentance.

From the heart turn from your sin and I will stop it, saith the Lord. But, oh those who seek to pervert the so-called freedom by turning it to sin after sin, I say unto you: you will suffer severely both now and in the judgment day because you have perverted what I gave America.

I gave it freedom to serve Me, saith the Lord. Freedom to reach the world with the gospel. And yet that is not what it has done. It has chosen freedom to sin, freedom to rebel, freedom to take God's Name out, freedom to put other religions in, freedom to worship money, freedom to serve self. IT HAS NOT COMMITTED FREEDOM TO SERVE THE LORD!!

Therefore, they have reaped what they have sown. And they will continue to do so. So says the Lord God!

This is the word of the Living God to the nation of the United States of America.

Listen to Me. Have you reaped holiness in all the sin you have sown? No! You have reaped sin and evil upon yourselves for the sin which you have sown. For what you sow you shall reap! Therefore you shall reap judgment and evil upon your nation.

Pray for it: that some would be saved. Pray for it: that through the judgment of God, some would be saved. Pray that the people who realize what is about to occur will turn and tell their neighbour, tell their friends, tell the people that there is a great judgment of God coming. And when they do so, they may be laughed at, they may be scoffed at, but when it comes the people will remember, and some will be saved through that witness.

Link to many more messages.


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Its A Logical Question.
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2008, 03:19:00 AM »

You really think there are prohets out there speaking to God? That must cost a lot in long distance charges. Hope he has VOIP! Why not keep to the Bible which is gods word instead of some fruitcake prophet?  

Fierce weather? Science can prove that many things can and will affect the earths climate. Pollution, people changing it, distance from the sun, axis tilt and possible magnetic field migration.  OPEN YOUR EYES.

Decline of the economy? More like settling from the 90's, and a market crash can be expected soon, people have been saying 2010 for decades. Some things just get to big for their britches.

Unreliable political leaders? hahahahaha, does a bear shit in the woods?

Not really a logical question you have posed, but a hypothetical question.  If you are a God fearing man you should stop listening to false prophets, stop reading the watchtower and start asking what does God think of ME (you) right now.


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Its A Logical Question.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2008, 06:24:00 AM »

You really think the quantity of people killed makes a difference? Be it 1 or 1 billion, a sin is a sin.

How many people did God kill vs. how many people did Satan kill, in the Bible?

The answer seems hypoctritical to me, based on this "prophet's" words.


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Its A Logical Question.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2008, 09:14:00 AM »

^ I don't understand what you are saying at all.

Someone please say something logical, my head hurts.


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Its A Logical Question.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2008, 10:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(WetPamper @ Mar 23 2008, 07:39 PM) View Post

MEDIA and PERSIA = Iraq(Babylon),Afghanistan(Media), and Iran(Persia)

Grecia = Western (Gentile) Powers

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Do You believe in COINCIDENCE??

are you saying Afghanistan is the modern analog of Media? because ancient Media was in Iran (as your map clearly shows)


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Its A Logical Question.
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2008, 10:08:00 PM »



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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2008, 03:36:00 AM »

QUOTE(WetPamper @ Mar 23 2008, 11:39 PM) View Post

We have the answers and we know what is to come it is just whether or not we choose to accept the truth or embrace the doctrine of the enemy.

As much as it hurts the American ego but no Empire will stand forever. Mother nature has been very very clear with this.

Daniel 8 (King James Version)

Prelude to the Rapture

The Revelation

MEDIA and PERSIA = Iraq(Babylon),Afghanistan(Media), and Iran(Persia)

Grecia = Western (Gentile) Powers

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Do You believe in COINCIDENCE??

As it I understand it now. Wetp,
The sequence of events goes like this.
1 Colapse of Economy, Attempt at peace with Israel and it neighbors agreements reached,
2 Russia China start WW3 with US supposedly by 2010,
3 WW3 ends possible U.S. victory,
4 Real 7 year peace treaty signed after ww3 by anti christ for world peace starting the tribulation.

If you look at Daniel Chapter 11
You will see that Before the league and covenant (which is the 7 year peace treaty starting the tribulation) there is a war in verses 13-19 notice in verse 14 it talks about an attempt to establish what is called "the vision" but it fails then the war happens.

After that war 1 leader rules very briefly then the anti christ comes to power and then he makes peace /  league in verses 23 starting the tribulation and the Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem.  

This conicides with as we know Daniel chapter 9 verse 27, the 7 years the last "week" left of the original israel prophecy 70 left. First 69 "weeks" passed some before and during Jesus's life leaving the last "week" which is 7 years.

Thomas Gibson  who I linked to in first post talks about the 2010 start date for ww3 he also says there will be an attempt at peace and a collapse of the economy before ww3.
This seems to have some truth since after ww1, The league of nations was supposed to get all nations to disarm but then ww2 happened.
Also before ww2 we had the great depression.
History has a way of repeating itself.
Regardless or not if this happens things will continue to deteriorate in this country we have lost our blessing. People should get near to God while there is time to. They should examine their relationship with Him.


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Its A Logical Question.
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2008, 06:08:00 AM »

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« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2008, 06:26:00 AM »

Before all of this happens, doesn't a Messiah need to be born that is named Emanual and is direct lineage of King David? What happened to fulfilling that part of the prophesy first? Can we just pick and choose what parts of the prophecy we like? Cause I don't like the war part.


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« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2008, 12:08:00 PM »

QUOTE(signal-to-noise-ratio @ Apr 25 2008, 02:12 AM) View Post

This seems to have some truth since after ww1, The league of nations was supposed to get all nations to disarm but then ww2 happened.
Also before ww2 we had the great depression.
History has a way of repeating itself.

so maybe that was the fulfillment of the prophecy and nothing will happen in 2010


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« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2008, 11:03:00 PM »

the problem with vague prophesies like this is they can be applied to almost any point in history, by picking and choosing which verses you want to analyze you could apply the prophesy to the first gulf war, the iraq-iran war, the soviet invasion of afghanistan, israels 6-day war, even world war 2

the trouble is your simply interpreting the prophesy specifically to make it fit to modern times, i can even point out an example of this, when the verse mentions persia and medea, you take this to literally mean the lands of persia and medea (iran, afghanistan, etc) but when it mentions greece, thats not literal, that means the US, right?