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Author Topic: The Fall Of George Bush  (Read 570 times)


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2005, 07:25:00 PM »

rotfl.gif  No brainer


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2005, 09:46:00 PM »

QUOTE(Tony42077 @ Nov 8 2005, 03:32 AM)
xmedia needs to get his nose out of the NY Times long enough to realize that he's an idiot. Just because you want something bad enough, doesn't mean it will happen.


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2005, 10:41:00 PM »

I love how xmedia doesnt apologize for being wrong, he just shifts into insulting people.

Hey xmedia, come on, you can say it, you were talking out of your ass earlier about international law and about impeachment.  You probably tried to google the facts really quickly, and when you realized you were wrong, you decided to shut up.

You, however, want the last word, so you rebutt with some drivel about the mentality of the people your are arguing with, how typical.

Grow up, admit when your wrong, and keep the cheap insults to FOX news


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2005, 06:10:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Nov 9 2005, 06:48 AM)
I love how xmedia doesnt apologize for being wrong, he just shifts into insulting people.


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2005, 10:28:00 AM »

If you believe international law endorses countries invading other countries that is another story. I am sure Desert Storm and Kosovo had nothing to do with the UN or international law

pucks response had nothign to do with invading a country being a violation of international law, it was about violating inernational law being grounds for impeachment, which it isnt

BTW, international law means precisely nothing, whos going to enforce it? naturally you would expect the most powerful nation to do that, well guess who that is? so whos going to punish us for violation of international "law?" no one can, like ive said before, we are living in a glorified system of might makes right


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2005, 10:51:00 AM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Nov 9 2005, 06:35 PM)
pucks response had nothign to do with invading a country being a violation of international law, it was about violating inernational law being grounds for impeachment, which it isnt


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2005, 11:05:00 AM »

And he said I was knee jerk, my point lying to the American people is grounds for impeachment hence slick willy.
1) Iraq War

so what were the lies about iraq? besides underestimations of how long it would take....and dont even start with some wmd crap, just because we didnt find anything doesnt mean anything, sadam has used sarin nerve gas to put down revolts and he used nerve agents against US troops in the first gulf war, those 2 things alone are vioaltions of your precious "international law"

2) CIA agent

i think we already established that none of that can be traced back to bush, doesnt necessarily mean he wasnt involved but no evidence = no impeachment

Americans are only 250 or so million, there are 6 billion people on earth. God forbid China decides to invade Tawain. Then all of you young girly men will be staring at a draft card.

You severly overestimate our hand.

so china is going to move into iraq to push us out? or invade us to bring bush to trial at the hague? no, china realizes it might makes right too, if we are strong enough to smack iraq around we're welcome to it, just like they feel if they can smack taiwan around they are welcome to it (not that we wont think we can stop them, but thats another war for another presidency)


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2005, 11:19:00 AM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Nov 9 2005, 07:12 PM)
so what were the lies about iraq? besides underestimations of how long it would take....and dont even start with some wmd crap, just because we didnt find anything doesnt mean anything, sadam has used sarin nerve gas to put down revolts and he used nerve agents against US troops in the first gulf war, those 2 things alone are vioaltions of your precious "international law"


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2005, 11:42:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Nov 9 2005, 07:16 PM)
Bush claimed the war was a pre-emptive strike, he also argued that the war was legal because of multiple UN sanction violations.  This at least satisfies the letter of the law, countries are allowed to go to war if they can demonstrate that it is for their own self-preservation.


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2005, 11:50:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Nov 9 2005, 07:50 PM)
Hey Foghorn Leghorn


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2005, 11:57:00 AM »

If you believe anything that comes from the White House regarding IRAQ you are a fool.

who said anythign about the white house? iraqs own records show sarin gas was used to put down kurdish rebellions in the north, not to mention the countless video-documented crimes against humanity that sadam committed during his regime, if you dont think this invasion was not only legal, but also justified you are a fool (since this whole argument comes back to international law, right?)

as for use on american soldiers, im going by what my uncle and a dozen or so other verterans i have personally spoken to have told me about gas canisters being fired at them, sure they could have been smoke grenades but when they skull and crossbones painted on them it doesnt seem likely that they are harmless

What did we establish there is an ongoing investigation, maybe soemone will flip maybe not. Point is that they are liars. I really wish someone would put a peep hole in his forehead that would end the war.

It is like the torture thing, you dont torture individuals because you can, you do it
because they can torture your sons and duaghters. I'm sure that point will be lost on the Chicken Hawks that read this.

I dont see purpose of UN anyway, but I guess there was some reason it was established back after World War to prevent countries from just invading their neighbors. That doesnt make sense huh.

i dont even know what your point is with all of that, you just spewing words to take up space

Then, I am sure you would not object to a foreign power kidnapping american nationals on US soil, either.

this has to do with my might makes right comments, doesnt it? i never said people wont or shouldnt object, i was saying if they arent pwerful enough militaily to do anything about it they are pretty much SOL,  justified or not the stronger nations can walk all over the weaker ones and theres nothing the weaker ones can do except stand there an object

im also not saying thats how things should be, im just saying thats how they are, but people still believe in illusions like international law and the UN, the UN didnt authorize our invasion of iraq, france and germany objected to our invasion, but did anyone try to mobilize a peacekeeping force to push us back out? no, because they couldnt, we're strong, theyre not, thats how the world operates

case in point: isreal, a tiny little country that would probably be one of the weakest in the world. but we arm them with our weapons. why? so they can dictate policy to their neighbors. and it works

i think we have more to fear from n. korea than china, the cold war showed us its not the big guy with nukes you gotta worry about, he wont use them because hes got too much too lose. its the little guy with the little country. assuming nukes are the last resort for everyone youd have to fight through a billion-man chinese standing army before they hit the bottom of their barrel. for korea, its a much smaller fight before their finger is on the button.

if n. korea loses its powerful ally in china then kim jong-il will have nothing to lose by lobbing a few nukes at people, and he just might do it if china invades or china wont help defend them against a US invasion


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #41 on: November 09, 2005, 12:15:00 PM »

If you are gonna harp on about war crimes L.V what about genocide/rape/mutilation in parts of Africa, shouldn't the world police be over there saving the day?


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #42 on: November 09, 2005, 12:28:00 PM »

If you are gonna harp on about war crimes L.V what about genocide/rape/mutilation in parts of Africa, shouldn't the world police be over there saving the day?

i never claimed the US is some angelic protector of the weak, dont get me wrong we are just in it for ourselves, since none of the stuff in africa directly effects us we dont care, ive been saying this whole time that people like to pretend the world or at least the united states is more civilized than it really is
Israel has broken God knows how many UN resolutions, you don't see the US or anybody else throwing there toys out of pram(well apart from Iran).

and neither the UN or the arab league take any military action (justified or not) to stop them because they know we'll kick their ass if they do (whether we are justified or not) once again, might = right
All the UN asked for was a little more time to clarify the data they had. If Sadam was indeed in possession of WMD's or creating a vast arsenals the US would have got full support from other nations rather than good will gestures.

he had wmds and probably still does, they are buried in the desert where no one will find them in a hundred years (ever wonder why when the mob kills someone they toss the body in the desert, lol)
I've said this before and I'll say it again. The US invaded Iraq because it wanted a) a regime change and  big business contracts. If the US had waited she would have had to share the contracts between the various member states, meaning less $.

my point is that the US is outwardly justified in the invasion of iraq, so no one (xmedia) can call it a violation of international law, im sure everyone involved has their own reasons probably for personal gain, like i said at the beginning of this post, everyones in it for themselves, we just pretend we are better than that


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #43 on: November 09, 2005, 12:50:00 PM »

he had wmds and probably still does, they are buried in the desert where no one will find them in a hundred years (ever wonder why when the mob kills someone they toss the body in the desert, lol)

Last i read, and i may be wrong
Saddam didnt have any WMD's, Saddam either thought he did, or wanted people to think he did.

Israel has broken God knows how many UN resolutions, you don't see the US or anybody else throwing there toys out of pram(well apart from Iran).

Hey your right, but your missing the point.  Is Israel safe because of international law or is it safe because no one wants to attack Israel?

BTW the US could not attack Israel, that would be a violation of international law, since we do have a treaty with them.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. The US invaded Iraq because it wanted a) a regime change and  big business contracts. If the US had waited she would have had to share the contracts between the various member states, meaning less $.

Once again, your missing the point.  You are allowed ulterior motives.  
Let me give you an example.  The police haul in a suspect rapist.  They dont have enough evidence to collar him, but they do find an old speeding ticket that he never payed.  They hold him on the speeding ticket for a short time to gather more information on him.
This is a clearly ulterior motive.  They are technically holding him in jail on a speeding ticket, but they are doing it so that they can arrest him before he is arrested.

Bush could have invaded Iraq because he didnt like Saddam's beret.  He did have to justify his invasion.  As long as your justification is legal, you can have whatever personal motive you would like.

ChickenHawks dont care, they didnt serve, and they discourage their children from serving, so why even consider torture issue.

They send the naive sheepish moros to the killing fields like yourself to die for them.

Anyone that has ever been stationed at a military command would buy thoses 3 idiots at Abu Graib were runnig the whole show in a vacuum from the command,
thats BS. Just like Oliver North, gullable, naive BS.

Xmedia, what the fuck are you talking about?

I was referring to the US policy of torture, and Sen. McCain's recent attempt to make it wholly illegal.  You are off on some wild tangent because you dont know what the hell is going on.


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The Fall Of George Bush
« Reply #44 on: November 09, 2005, 04:18:00 PM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Nov 9 2005, 08:04 PM)
who said anythign about the white house? iraqs own records show sarin gas was used to put down kurdish rebellions in the north, not to mention the countless video-documented crimes against humanity that sadam committed during his regime, if you dont think this invasion was not only legal, but also justified you are a fool (since this whole argument comes back to international law, right?)
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