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Author Topic: Why Do Christians Lie So Much?  (Read 711 times)


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« on: July 17, 2005, 01:09:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jul 17 2005, 03:13 AM)
Sorry if the title is a bit offensive, but please hear me out before you crap on this thread.  Christians in general dont lie anymore than anyone of any other religious belief.  Christians however, especially evangelical christians seem to think that its ok to simply manufacture evidence to support their claims.  I have rarely spoken to someone of an evangelical Protestant faith who didnt lie.  They may not be doing this purposefully, they may simply be misinformed, but they lie.  I usually try to research most information that is given to me that may not be first hand, but the seem to have no such desire for the truth.  One of my personal favorites is the topic of Muslims.  If i were to believe what i have heard from people, i would think that the Muslims are a bunch of satan worshipping baby eaters, who pray to satan and ritualistically sacrifice Christians.  This of course is not true, and i know this because every time a claim was made by a christian to me about the Muslim faith, i went and talked to many of my Muslim friends about the validity of said claim.

Wong Hung Lo

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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2005, 08:56:00 AM »

QUOTE(FoeHammer05 @ Jul 17 2005, 04:20 AM)
Oh but you are wrong they are all those things, and i think that if anyone can manufacture evidence then they must be pretty damn good.


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2005, 09:19:00 AM »

My opinon is religion is something that makes you feel better knowing your going to die... amazingly enough there are a crap load of religions - so which one is right?

well if they have different beliefs - someone has to be wrong? .... from a psychological view - people need something to cope with in hard times ect...

i compare religion to santa clause... you grow up thinking he's real, and you believe he's real until you find out the truth...


p.s. who the hell still uses dial up

Wong Hung Lo

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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2005, 09:58:00 AM »

QUOTE(BinaryMod @ Jul 17 2005, 12:30 PM)
p.s. who the hell still uses dial up


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2005, 10:02:00 AM »

This of course is not true, and i know this because every time a claim was made by a christian to me about the Muslim faith, i went and talked to many of my Muslim friends about the validity of said claim.

unless of course, they lie too  tongue.gif . nah islam is a peaceful religion, its just the extremists read the koran differently. they read only what they want to read, which is wrong. same with devout christians.
My opinon is religion is something that makes you feel better knowing your going to die... amazingly enough there are a crap load of religions - so which one is right?

well if they have different beliefs - someone has to be wrong? .... from a psychological view - people need something to cope with in hard times ect...

i compare religion to santa clause... you grow up thinking he's real, and you believe he's real until you find out the truth...

well im glad you know everything, thanks for enlightening me. the 3 biggest religions all tend around the same belief in case you didnt notice. most of the world is made up of muslims, jews, and catholics/christians. there are only small differences to each of these, mainly revolving around Jesus. Chiristians believe he was both fully divine and human while muslims believe he was only a prophet. Jews believe the same i think.  all 3 are the same beliefs, just varied a bit. none of them are wrong.  So what is this truth you speak of? tell me because i want to find it out so i can stop looking like a fool. have you died? can you physically prove to me there is no god? explain life, explain the complexity of everything. have you ever thought about what the chances are that anything like this could happen? just luck? what causes luck? i want to learn this truth that "there is no god" and also, i want sources smile.gif just like everyone else.
p.s. who the hell still uses dial up

my friend so stfu


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2005, 12:55:00 AM »

so which one is right?

Perhaps, none? or perhaps all? We saddly (as mortal humans) will never know.


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2005, 06:57:00 AM »

The main problem is that Science does nothing but try to prove the Bible wrong. Take a step back for a second and look at it as a whole. Everything in Science is not the truth either. Many "Christians" also know nothing of the bible, and neither do most scientists. The bible has distinct verses speaking of dinosaurs. This is highly overlooked as not many know how to read the bible for themselves.  dry.gif Most "Chistians" go to church and just listen to what the "speaker"(title depends on denomination) says. The problem is however, the bible is intended to be interpreted in your own views. Instead most only listen to one persons interpretation, the speaker of their church. The Bible is mainly a guide to life and the way we should live. There will be a helpful story in the bible for any situation you will ever have in life. wink.gif

Evolution is another story. Evolution has taken many forms and has many different views, just like different religions. wink.gif Adaptation and Evolution in general do exist. Many people also don't understand there is a difference between those two.

There is no point in people arguing over their beliefs. We all have different brains. No person is the same. No person will ever know the truth until they are dead. Even death may not tell the truth.

I may be right or I may be wrong. You may be right or you may be wrong. I will follow what I feel is the truth and I feel everyone should follow what they feel is the truth. beerchug.gif


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2005, 09:12:00 AM »

Hey, I am of an evangelical Protestant faith and I rarely lie about things.


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2005, 09:22:00 AM »

I was raised Baptist, in the Pacific Norse West mind you (no typo) but am still a logica thinking, question human.  I don't so much adhere to my Baptist roots, but I know a lot of religous zealots of all faiths.


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2005, 03:43:00 PM »

The "scientifically" research creationism, they want their "theories" taught in schools. They believe that if everyone sees the "light"(which i will assume means enlightenment) that they will convert. This is an idea that jesus himself presented, that christians could convert other by their actions. This is not what they do however. They, like most radical fundamentalists assume a Machiavellian approach to conversion, and in return damage their own reputations.
i agree to that.
like the people who try to get evolution kicked out of schools. lets face it. it happened.
its also fact that the bible is one of the most misquoted books going off what someone else said. like he also said, it is a guide to the way of life. its not meant to be taken literally... that is what the fundamentalists do and extremists and such. i can agree with you on that... but as for religion, i do believe there is a god, and i have faith in an afterlife.


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2005, 05:23:00 PM »

I love the hipocracy that exists in religon. Esspecially the commandment (one of those oh so infamous 10 in Christianity) that says Love Thy Neighbor. What if your neighbors a Muslim? Hell, the christians slaughtered them. What if your neightbor is gay? When it all boils down to it, they mean love thy neighbor assuming your neighbor beleives the same as you do.

Im sure many of the other religons have similar practices, but Christianity seems to have a lot of them.

I beleive the movie "Dogma" stated it best: its not important what you have faith in, so much as that you HAVE faith. It bassically means none of the religons are right or wrong, and its all based on interpretation, simply beleive in what you want and dont hate others for what they beleive in.


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2005, 05:33:00 PM »

the problem with modern day christianity is that the scriptures have been spun through the multi-cultural and diversity bullshit machine for so long that nobody in today's world really has an understanding of the true meanings..

those that do have a desire to know what the original scriptures meant will study with the aid of multiple concordences and lexicons.

`loving thy neighbor' never included those pagans that lived around you... loving they neighbor or fellow christian brother or sister was what that scripture reference meant..

same goes with the reference to turning thy cheek if a brother strikes you.. that is a reference to a fellow christian brother that you may get into an argument had nothing to do with allowing someone who wasn't a believer to beat the ever living shit out of you and you just sit there as a pacifist.

the scriptures have been distorted so much that one has to wonder why christians are so ineffective in getting anything done...

and lastly, the judeo christians that President Bush, and Jerry Falwell belong too are false christians... they do not represent the old time religion of christianity..


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2005, 08:23:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jul 18 2005, 10:26 PM)



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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2005, 08:39:00 PM »

ok i really dont want to get into a debate with you.  But remember that last meal jesus ate, the last supper.  Why was he doing that again?  Oh thats right, he was celebrating the jewish festival of passover.  So he at least practiced judiasm

But you know what, this is interesting.  This may be the root cause of this entire debate.  I will concede that jewish may not have been jewish, he only appeared jewish(i say this because of his constant involvment with the Jewish faith).  I will grant you the possibility that my belief is wrong.  And with an open mind i will research the information you gave me.  In return, i want you to explore from my perspective the possibility of me being correct.

I use the word my perspective because of this, there exist no absolutes in most things.  There do however exist flaws.  If you see two fish in the water, that are both trout, but think that one is much bigger than the other, and then the fish disappear, and i argue that they were the same size, we will never know who was right.  If i however claim that one of the fish was actually an elephant swimming in the 12 in deep water.  I have a flaw in my judgement.  So i ask you to do this, and i will do the same.  Explore my perspective, if only for a moment, and try to find the flaw.  The irrefutable flaw that cannot be argued, not the circumstantial opinion that cannot be disproven.  I will grant you the same

Thank you


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Why Do Christians Lie So Much?
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2005, 08:58:00 PM »

Jesus never practiced judaism..  judaism uses the babylonian talmud for it's reference..

the passover was not just a jewish holiday.. it was first a representation of the final plague that was issued against the Pharaoh during the captivity of the Hebrews..

The word Jew basicly has two major meanings... it represented an inhabitant of the area known as Judea and the other meaning was one who practiced the religion of Judaism.. Judaism again uses the babylonian talmud for it's practices and references. Thus Jesus never practiced Judaism..

When Jesus read from the scriptures.... he read from the Torah.... a very big difference between the talmud..

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