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Author Topic: The World Hates America  (Read 339 times)


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The World Hates America
« on: February 10, 2005, 06:12:00 PM »

Greenburg reports that the note was from Major Scott Stanger, of Benton, Ark., currently in Baghdad as operations officer, 1-153rd Infantry, 39th Infantry Brigade, Arkansas Army National Guard. The e-mail had been forwarded to Greenburg by his proud wife, Ronda. After reading it, we all understand why she's so proud of him.

The Letter Home

Today I got to witness first hand a new democracy take its first steps. My day started early. Actually, my day started about 4 days ago because we have been going non-stop since then, hence no updates lately. I was up at 5am. and my head was pounding and my sinuses were killing me. I was up and out with my team by 5:30am. I had to get at least one cup of coffee in me before I left.

The day started slow and we had some small arms fire, 8 rockets shot at us, and we found one IED. The small arms fire and the rockets missed us. The IED was another matter, but we called our bomb guys and they took care of it with their bomb robot. Which, by the way, is their third robot. The first two died in the line of duty. The polls opened at 7am and that's when things got interesting.

The press showed up in droves. It would have been impossible to swing a dead cat and not hit a reporter in our area of operation today. I met Campbell Brown from NBC. She was likable, but you could tell she did not want to be in Baghdad. She was very jumpy. I guess we were that way when we first got here, too, but you get used to the shooting.

We had very tight security on the polling sites and all around our area of operation. Iraqi police and Iraqi Army soldiers were at every polling site defending them. I have been planning for about 8 days for this mission and it was the largest we have done to date. Infantry, armor, attack helicopters, engineers . . . you name it, we had it.

The Iraqi government shut down all traffic in the country so the streets were deserted. At about 10am the streets were packed with large crowds of people walking to the polls. We were on edge waiting for more attacks that never came. By about 3pm we could start to let our hair down and talk to the people. The sight was amazing.

We dismounted from our vehicles and were instantly mobbed by about 200 kids. The kids were all over the place playing in the streets while their parents voted. The kids walked with us for about 2 miles while we were talking to the adults. I have never seen anything like it.

People everywhere wanted to talk to us and thank us. This is what it must have been like when the Allies liberated Paris. Iraqis of all ages wanted to shake our hands and thank us for allowing them to vote. The kids were proud to tell us that their parents voted. Adult after adult wanted to thank us for making this day happen.

When the Iraqis voted they dipped their fingers in indelible purple ink so that polling officials could tell who had already voted. When we walked the streets, the Iraqis would hold their purple finger up in the air as a mark of pride. They were very proud of their purple finger.

The Iraqis' statements to us were all the same: "Thank you for your sacrifices for the Iraqi people . . . . Thank you for making this day possible . . . The United States is the true democracy in the world and is the country that makes freedom possible . . . God blessed the Iraqi people and the United States this day . . . We have never known a day like this under Saddam . . . This day is like a great feast, a wonderful holiday . . ."

I shook more hands today than I have ever in my life. If you missed a hand they would follow for a mile to get a chance to shake and say thanks. It was nothing like we expected or have ever seen.

The Iraqi people were strong and brave today. The Iraqis, stoic to danger, faced fear, and went out and voted. Then after they voted the Iraqis stayed on the streets to celebrate by singing, dancing and trying to shake the hand of any American that they could find.

Even though today was a great day for Iraq, the Iraqis took their lumps. There were 6 car bombs in Iraq today, 2 of them in Baghdad. One I believe did more for Iraqi morale than any other event that I have ever witnessed here. A suicide car bomber drove up to a polling site, which was not too far from us, and blew up. The bomb did not kill anybody but the bomber himself. After the bomb went off the Iraqi voters calmly walked out of the polling site and spit on the remains of the suicide bomber. The polling site stayed open and the voting continued.

That incident ran all day long on Iraqi TV. It was a beautiful act of defiance for the Iraqi people. The Iraqi people stood up for themselves today and stuck a purple finger in the enemy's eye.

Later in the day I thought about our sacrifices that we have made. I wondered if the three men that my unit has sent home in flag-draped coffins was worth what I saw today. I am still not sure if that is the case, but when a grown Iraqi man thanks me with tears running down his face it made me feel better about what we have accomplished . . .

- Scott

Take it as you will, but last time I checked, I don't cry while following a soilder for miles just to shake his hand in appreciation for what him and his country has done.

I also like how the news organizations failed to dig up any dirt on the elections abroad, not enough death and anti-Americanism to fullfil America's blood lust?


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The World Hates America
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 06:16:00 PM »

I hate America too, the Mexico part.


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The World Hates America
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 06:26:00 PM »

ill take it as a staged letter, as that is what it very much seems...


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The World Hates America
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2005, 10:40:00 AM »

Im sorry....did he say purple finger?


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The World Hates America
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2005, 11:14:00 AM »

putting the letter aside -
The press (and the rest of the world?) were just salivating at the site of this election.  They were ready to air catastrophic attacks, voter disenfranchisement, rigged elections, etc, etc, etc

their is nothing that can change the fact that none of these things happened in numbers large enough to be news worthy.

The press thought they were getting triple wami Paki Hash, they went to work all excited loaded their bowl, only to find that they really got dirty asphalt tar.   Serves them right

The unProfessional

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The World Hates America
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2005, 12:49:00 PM »

The press thought they were getting triple wami Paki Hash, they went to work all excited loaded their bowl, only to find that they really got dirty asphalt tar. Serves them right

Well put.  It really feels good to watch sleezy reports and their dirtbag parent stations take a hit like that.

But they're back to reporting dozens of daily slaughters, so they're happy.


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The World Hates America
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2005, 08:09:00 PM »

I dont hate America so much, it's more Toby Keith that I hate. Especially that song about lighting up Iraq "Red White and Blue," because they "Sucker-punched" us. I guess this sucker punch came after we pre-emptively invaded them?

Yeah, thats right. Eat it, Country Music.


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The World Hates America
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2005, 01:59:00 PM »

QUOTE(Maximumbeing @ Feb 14 2005, 03:15 AM)
I dont hate America so much, it's more Toby Keith that I hate. Especially that song about lighting up Iraq "Red White and Blue," because they "Sucker-punched" us. I guess this sucker punch came after we pre-emptively invaded them?


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The World Hates America
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2005, 02:05:00 PM »

Ah, my bad. My girlfriends mother was showing me an army promotional video about the bombing of iraq, and it had that song playing. So I assumed, and we all know what happens when we assume.

He complied as much as possible, we just refused to except basic conclusions.
We wanted a war with Iraq.

Remind anyone of the Spanish-American war?


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The World Hates America
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2005, 02:15:00 PM »

Yeah and Spain got owned, that was also when true journalism died and was replaced with jingoism. The world only hates us because we kick so much ass. wink.gif.


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The World Hates America
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2005, 02:22:00 PM »

QUOTE(My_Brain_is_on_Fire @ Feb 14 2005, 09:21 PM)
Yeah and Spain got owned, that was also when true journalism died and was replaced with jingoism. The world only hates us because we kick so much ass. wink.gif.


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The World Hates America
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2005, 01:06:00 PM »

Now our countries are in its better they stayed in. and I admit it would be nice to see the US taken down a peg or two, ala Vietnam.

Now Saddam is out of power the Iraqi people have a hopefully brighter future but I just see civil war in 5 years time.

Its not for me to say if the monstrous number of civilian casualties and the destruction of their country was a price worth paying. It doesn’t effect me directly that Iraq will be controlled by the IMF for the next thousand years, ala Turkey.

But the war still was not just!
You have to understand my reasoning.

Zimbabwe is in chaos. Mugabe has turned it into a fascist police state and his lack of judgment has port the entire country at risk.
He kicked off all the affluent white farmers off their land to give to the poverish black communities. I think this is a good thing but he should have offered them the choice to help run the farms for a decent wage. Without the knowledge of the white farmers all the crops have failed and the country has a devastating food shortage.
If Bush and Blair had turned their intentions to Zimbabwe rather than Iraq then it could have saved lives and instilled democracy. It would have been a far easier task than what has faced them in Iraq. The people of Zimbabwe would have genuinely welcomed us to their streets rather than blowing themselves up as a sign of pure hatred and unwanting.

Nepal is in a similar position. King Gyanendra staged a military coup to take charge of the country. Our countries have withdrawn their ambassadors in protest.
His excuse? ..........Terrorism.
The Maoists rebel forces are currently applying a blockade to starve the city of supplies. This has the potential to turn very ugly.

I haven’t even mentioned the Sudan were the Government sponsored militia groups have gone on a rampage killing tens of thousands and with over 2 million made homeless.

All the above situations could both have been solved with fewer resources (both human and financial) Iraq has used. Then why Iraq?
It is obvious their are ulterior motives involved.


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The World Hates America
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2005, 07:20:00 PM »

Its not for me to say if the monstrous number of civilian casualties and the destruction of their country was a price worth paying. It doesn’t effect me directly that Iraq will be controlled by the IMF for the next thousand years, ala Turkey.

But the war still was not just!
You have to understand my reasoning.

What are you talking about????? From what I recall it was British intelligence that convinced the U.S. Iraq had WMD’s and posed a threat to the Western World.
If Bush and Blair had turned their intentions to Zimbabwe rather than Iraq then it could have saved lives and instilled democracy. It would have been a far easier task than what has faced them in Iraq. The people of Zimbabwe would have genuinely welcomed us to their streets rather than blowing themselves up as a sign of pure hatred and unwanting.

You detest U.S. intervention on Iraqi soil, but want the U.S. to extend all it’s resources to dissolve every other Dictatorship world-wide.

When it comes to U.S. policy, its simply summed up as “damned if you do, damned if you don’t”.

Don’t criticize a Nation when it was influenced by your own.



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The World Hates America
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2005, 07:38:00 PM »

QUOTE(Maximumbeing @ Feb 13 2005, 09:15 PM)
I dont hate America so much, it's more Toby Keith that I hate. Especially that song about lighting up Iraq "Red White and Blue," because they "Sucker-punched" us. I guess this sucker punch came after we pre-emptively invaded them?


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The World Hates America
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2005, 01:47:00 PM »

Wow you are a DA, he isn't talking about Iraq, he is talking about terrorist.

As I said, I heard it while watching a movie promoting the bombing of Iraq. Sorry if i don't look far enough into trash to misunderstand it's trashy meaning, when after all is said it's still trash.

Or perhaps AD?
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