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Author Topic: Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"  (Read 453 times)


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2004, 03:25:00 PM »

this will backfire on bin laden, b/c unlike the euroweenies in spain, we don't respond well to threats.

exactly, maybe next time well invade argentina or somewhere, thatll really show him...  rolleyes.gif


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2004, 03:51:00 PM »

QUOTE (johnnobts @ Oct 29 2004, 11:17 PM)
no, if you watch the tape you'll see he is very critical of bush, calling him as corrupt as other mid-east countries.  bin laden wants to influence our election just as he influenced the elections in spain. only problem is b/c of our homeland defense, he can't send a bomb, only crappy threats on VHS.  this will backfire on bin laden, b/c unlike the euroweenies in spain, we don't respond well to threats.

I didn't hear everything from the video yet because we didn't hear all the details.  But Bin Laden didn't give any hints to attack anytime soon.

But it sounds like it is more ammo for Kerry, basically it sounds like a message to Bush 'You can't catch me, nah, nah, nah, nah...' biggrin.gif Now Kerry in his stump speeches can focus back on Bin Laden and why didn't Bush focus more effort to get him.

Edit: here's a broad translation of Bin Laden speech from this site:  Theres no hints about another attack but it does explain what an idiot Bush is.


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2004, 10:44:00 PM »

You're a moron, no offense. It's blatantly obvious that Bin Laden is trying to influence the election in Kerry's favor. Do you really think Bin Laden would go on tape saying "wow, Bush sure is kicking our asses, we're going to give up soon"? You do also know that when we "outsourced" (Kerry's favorite word) the job to Afghan warlords (along with US special forces), Kerry agreed that it was the right thing to do, right? He's done this kind of thing before, I think there's a word for it.


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2004, 11:07:00 PM »

Do you really think Bin Laden would go on tape saying "wow, Bush sure is kicking our asses, we're going to give up soon"?

no because its completely untrue and wouldnt help him in anyway...


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2004, 11:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (brandogg @ Oct 30 2004, 06:47 AM)
You're a moron, no offense. It's blatantly obvious that Bin Laden is trying to influence the election in Kerry's favor. Do you really think Bin Laden would go on tape saying "wow, Bush sure is kicking our asses, we're going to give up soon"? You do also know that when we "outsourced" (Kerry's favorite word) the job to Afghan warlords (along with US special forces), Kerry agreed that it was the right thing to do, right? He's done this kind of thing before, I think there's a word for it.

Oh right, Kerry agreed to it and a president who once says that Bin Laden 'is not a priority.'  

The fact is that the President could've sent our troops to afghanstan years ago to look for Bin Laden, he would be a distant memory by now.  And Al-Qaeda organization would be severly disrupted.

The fact now that he is still here and claiming that he prevailed against the US, Bin Laden gets a lot of attention and he is getting financial help from sympatizers and followers who willing to join their cause.


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2004, 12:17:00 PM »

You just don't get it. To me at least, when Bush said that, it seemed he was trying to belittle Bin Laden. We were (and are still) on the offensive taking out Al Qaeda. I don't think Bin Laden needs any financial help. He has millions upon millions of dollars in several countries. What he has been trying to do, is get sympathy from the US citizens, and trying to make us feel like it's our fault that he attacked us. Evertyhing he said in the tape he just released (that even the liberal media agrees with), was complete bull shit.


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2004, 04:04:00 PM »

QUOTE (brandogg @ Oct 30 2004, 08:20 PM)
You just don't get it. To me at least, when Bush said that, it seemed he was trying to belittle Bin Laden. We were (and are still) on the offensive taking out Al Qaeda. I don't think Bin Laden needs any financial help. He has millions upon millions of dollars in several countries. What he has been trying to do, is get sympathy from the US citizens, and trying to make us feel like it's our fault that he attacked us. Evertyhing he said in the tape he just released (that even the liberal media agrees with), was complete bull shit.

Why wouldn't liberals(and others) believe in it? He says what we've been saying all the time. I mean, Bin Laden is a very dangerous man(at least for americans, he saved Sweden laugh.gif ). Republicans (and too many dems) think he got the idea to attack USA, out of the blue. I mean, I'm anti-violence and think his attacks were sick and all that, but I can sure see why he did it. You can't say he was lying in his speech(of course you can if you're a republican).

He wanted vengeance, if someone should know vengeance, it's americans, only you can't understand others also want it when they've been badly treated. Now that he got the vengeance the american government thought "we started it, so we might just continue". However, americans didn't even know they had been assholes to the mid-easterns, so they also sought vengeance. So now we'll never see peace, since americans think USA is the greatest nation in the world. I think EU will eventually make USA see what a shitty nation it is. I hope EU and AU will put up a blockade on USA. Would be fun to see how long you'll last, and how much you thought we needed you.

You can claim this was BS, I don't care, I'm not blinded by anybody. I'm fortunate enough to see what's really happening in the world. Eventually you can't be blind no longer, and how america will cry that day. I'm looking forward to it.


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2004, 07:08:00 PM »

I'm anti-violence and think his attacks were sick and all that, but I can sure see why he did it.

Eventually you can't be blind no longer, and how america will cry that day. I'm looking forward to it.

sad.gif ?



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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2004, 11:22:00 PM »

tongue.gif So we wouldn't get any BMWs or Mercedes for awhile, big fucking whoop. Besides, ever think of what a blockade on us would do to the rest of the world? Ever think what would happen to the rest of the world without Intel and AMD? What about all those jobs lost due to our not being able to outsource anymore  biggrin.gif


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2004, 11:47:00 PM »

Here is the truth..

Terrorists in my ass claim massive dump in about 5 minutes.

Stay tuned for details


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2004, 01:03:00 AM »

Dont mess with the best, because your jealous.

exactly what is wrong with most americans...

LOVE Fosters beer

blech... worse than american lager... though not quite as bad as Harp... yeesh that stuff is awful...


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2004, 01:32:00 AM »

QUOTE (gcskate27 @ Oct 31 2004, 07:06 PM)
exactly what is wrong with most americans...

a hell of a lot. but SOME r good


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2004, 07:16:00 AM »


Its wierd how fast people forget

It's interesting you say this because that sentence is USA in it's essence. Sure USA haven't been bad in every situation, but you think we should always be in debt to you. Everything's not black and white you know. We also remember every bad thing you've done, but you forget that. And don't tell me USA's goal during the cold war was to save Europe. And my country wasn't built up by any of your dirty money.

Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of americans, several on this board. But I genuinely dislike every american that are pro the war and pro Bush in general.


It's funny also since the US imports more things than it exports so your little idea is shit.

Hence the blockade, stupid.


Dont mess with the best, because your jealous.

Sweden is considered to be the 2:nd best country to live in, USA is nr. 8 according to UN. My jealousy must be incredible biggrin.gif

Orkanman: Are my statements contradictionary? I'm still anti-violence, and I didn't mean USA will go down by terrorist attacks if that's what you thought.

Boba Fett: I didn't mean Australia when I said AU. I meant the African Union. And btw, I personally don't like EU, but it's known in Europe that USA fear EU's power. Suppose they don't talk much about that on Fox rolleyes.gif

USA have got a LOT of potential, unfortunately you choose to throw it away.

Off topic: I have to say one thing I'm REALLY ashamed of about my country. Yesterday Sweden said no to Mr. Mordechai Vanunu's political asylum here. It was a long time ago I was really pissed of at Sweden. But here one of the 20:th centuries most important democratic man once again had to be let down. If it only was another country that said no. I'm really ashamed of that decision.



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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2004, 07:25:00 AM »

QUOTE (brandogg @ Oct 30 2004, 08:20 PM)
You just don't get it. To me at least, when Bush said that, it seemed he was trying to belittle Bin Laden. We were (and are still) on the offensive taking out Al Qaeda. I don't think Bin Laden needs any financial help. He has millions upon millions of dollars in several countries. What he has been trying to do, is get sympathy from the US citizens, and trying to make us feel like it's our fault that he attacked us. Evertyhing he said in the tape he just released (that even the liberal media agrees with), was complete bull shit.

I don't think the message was just for Americans.  It is for people in the Arab countries as well.  For the past 4 years Bush's policies seem to be very negative to them.  People in Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE were once our friends are now they think they US is their enemies.  The fact that Bin Laden is alive and said in his latest video tape wants people in those arab nations to join his cause against the US.  Whomever is the next president, has to fix the image of the US and I don't think Bush will do it.


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Terrorist Claim "event Bigger Than 9/11"
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2004, 09:14:00 AM »

QUOTE (johnnobts @ Oct 31 2004, 04:55 PM)
never in the history of mankind has there been a country as powerful as the united states that has done so much good and so little evil.

How about what US did in response to Pearl Harbor attack?

the euroweenies will always dislike america b/c we are the most powerful country in the pecking order.  but really, who would you rather have at the top?  the U.S. or China?  I'd rather be hated but still have a democracy as the dominant power.

The only country that China is 'occupying' is Burma.  The only thing that China is on top of the crap that is made in China.  Bush is helping them by shipping our jobs overseas.
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