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Author Topic: Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?  (Read 606 times)


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« on: October 20, 2004, 08:08:00 AM »

I just saw a poll on MSNBC. Out of all the democrats polled that were voting for Kerry, 48% were voting "against Bush", and only 37% were voting "for Kerry". I know you can't rely solely on the polls, but to me that seems like out of the 44% of the country that is voting for Kerry, barely over 1/3 of them actually want him in office, and half want to get rid of Bush. Think about it, that basically (according to the polls, this isn't a perfect science) means that only 17% of the US actually wants John Kerry in office because of who he is. You democrats should have picked a better candidate in the primaries.


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2004, 10:56:00 AM »

It's hard for the best guy to win, when the best guy for the job isn't running for presidency.


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2004, 11:16:00 AM »

when hes considered the lesser of two evils, i would think the republicans should have picked someone better...


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2004, 02:20:00 PM »

I used to think they were just 2 evils, but the more I read about John Kerry, the more I believe whole-heartedly that he is the best person for this job right now. Bush is a fuck up to the 10th degree, while John Kerry dropped out of YALE to volunteer, not get drafted, VOLUNTEERED, to go fight in the jungles of Vietnam.
You may think his 3 purple hearts are bullshit (The company Sinclair that started the claims, are now under a charge of discimination for a trailer park they run) but he also won 2 CONGRESSIONALLY awarded medals, which both are investigated by 2 seperate private companies.

Bush can't lead when he's never even been in a war.


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »

I am sure that if you ask most Republicans voting Bush many of them will not vote for him because on his intelligence.

The thing that we hear in this campagain from the most Democrats is how repulsive Bush is.  Anti-Bush and Anti-Kerry people have been painting a negative picture about the other guy.  So much this dis-information, instead of a Candidate saying 'Why you should vote for me' saying 'Why you shouldn't vote for the other guy.'  

As a result, the approval rating for Bush and Kerry is less than 50%  In the past presidential election, the approval rating of both candidates are much higher than that.


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2004, 03:08:00 PM »

It is hilarious to hear all of these people voting for John Kerry commending him for his service. Well i think anyone who serves their country should receive their due respect. But to come back from serving and basically denounce your country and protest the war you fought in is disgraceful. The only reason John Kerry even got the nomination is because he flipped on his pro-war stand and became the anti-war candidate every democrat wanted .. Don't believe me...See for yourself as Kerry in his own words. NOT taken out of context either, explains his position on iraq.....INTERESTING. GO AHEAD I DARE ANY DEMOCRAT TO ARGUE AGAINST THEIR OWN CANDIDATE FLIP-FLOPPING OVER AND OVER!!!!!!!!!KERRY IN HIS OWN WORDS


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2004, 03:14:00 PM »

QUOTE (Maximumbeing @ Oct 20 2004, 10:23 PM)
I used to think they were just 2 evils, but the more I read about John Kerry, the more I believe whole-heartedly that he is the best person for this job right now. Bush is a fuck up to the 10th degree, while John Kerry dropped out of YALE to volunteer, not get drafted, VOLUNTEERED, to go fight in the jungles of Vietnam.
You may think his 3 purple hearts are bullshit (The company Sinclair that started the claims, are now under a charge of discimination for a trailer park they run) but he also won 2 CONGRESSIONALLY awarded medals, which both are investigated by 2 seperate private companies.

Bush can't lead when he's never even been in a war.

Dude don't ever fucking try to promote Kerry as a fucking hero. My friend's dad was a Marine in Nam for 16 months he was on the frontlines in Anhoa and Danang. Their bases where constantly being overrun, I remember him telling us about one of the times they got overrun because the guys who were standing point were smoking pot and getting high, and didn't signal the rest of the base about the incoming attack, they were killed. Also during that same attack the NVA got a hold of one of the 50 cal stations and turned it on the Marines and begin to firing, they finally stopped them after tossing a few grenades in there. Kerry never saw any action like that, Kerry spent is entire 4 MONTHS on a boat, a fucking boat. He is a fucking prick bitch, and doesn't deserve anyone's respect, not only because he was anti-war going in to Nam, but because he went into the war with the sole purpose of using his account, along with various testimonies of anonymous soldiers (which he used in CONGRESS when giving his testimony against the war, HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU USE ANONYMOUS SOURCES TO PROMOTE YOUR ARGUEMENT?!) to promote his anti-war crusade. I hope Kerry rots in hell. If you really want to make your vote count, vote for whatever independent you feel shares your same agenda whether it is Socialist (Nader) Libertarian (Badarnik), Fascist, Communist, etc., but do not be forced into voting for the two bullshit products of a corrupt two party system.


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2004, 03:23:00 PM »

beerchug.gif Go smallbusinessguy. Now i myself own a small business and all of these imaginary numbers that Kerry uses to roll back the deficit and the tax cuts are ridiculous. It is amazing to me that candidates will say basically anything and think that responsible AMERICANS won't look it up for themselves. Believe me Ever y president has said their share of fabricated statements. Kerry takes the cake though. Are you DEMOCRAPS seriously voting for this guy blink.gif  blink.gif . Come on , You guys could have done better with Geraldine Ferraro back for a run.... laugh.gif  laugh.gif


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2004, 04:14:00 PM »

there probably isn't anyone in politics that i would 100% want to represent me and the country i live in, but you have to make compromises.  I like john kerry, i don't love him though.  And you have to consider at least two things here.

What is more important, getting John Kerry into office?  Or getting George W Bush out of office?  And in this day and age the people who are against bush are so against him they'd rather pick anyTHING besides him to represent the USA.  In order for me to like Kerry with the same magnitude that I hate Bush, he would basically have to think EXACTLY like me, only qualified for the job.  And that person doesn't exist.

You can't just use those numbers to say "yoo dems really are stoopid and piqued the rong guy", you have to actually use your brain and think the numbers maymean something completely different.  That maybe the numbers are like that because Bush has done such a piss poor job running this country in many minds in america, it would be impossible to find a canidate that we like as much as we hate Bush.



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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2004, 05:30:00 PM »

Smallbusinessguy, I understand that your dad's friend had a bad experience in 'Nam, but were you in that boat with John Kerry? Was your dad or his friend? No, so for you to say that he is a pussy, when he got 2 CONGRESSIONAL MEDALS, which are INVESTIGATED EXTENSIVELY, is just plain ignorance. You can have any opinion you want, but you can't argue with congressional findings. Unless you're Bush, then you can argue with reports all you want.



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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2004, 05:33:00 PM »

Faynor, Trickle-down economics have never, and will never work. Grab a history book, read it, and then pretend you know something.

Kerry is rolling back the tax breaks that the rich received from their pocket-man Bush.

My friend's parents won the lottery, and the money they got back this year, will pay all their taxes for the next 2 years.



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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2004, 05:45:00 PM »

Wow maximunbeing, YOU almost made sense using your trickle down economics term. Instead of the history book, I think I'll go by the economics classes i took in college. Wow, history book for economics, that was well thought out.  blink.gif Try running Kerry's "numbers" and see how he plans to pay for it. TRY AGAIN.  uhh.gif


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2004, 05:46:00 PM »

For someone who dislikes the government, you sure do have a lot of faith in them, at least on the topic of John Kerry's service in Vietnam.  He doesn't deserve any respect for his service in Vietnam, he didn't endure shit, ask John Kerry what it is like to have your best friend blown in half by mortar fire. You are entitled to your opinion, but I do not respect anyone who feels John Kerry's service in Vietnam was heroic.


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2004, 05:53:00 PM »

Wow, history book for economics,

Wow, you could imagine, that those history books might mention OUR ECONOMY IN THE PAST, or you could take your community college economy classes and say you know something.

and Smallbusinessguy, when did I say I disliked our government? I dislike George W. Bush, that doesn't really affect my feelings on Congress, or their ability to judge who deserves medals. And just because someone didn't see their friend blown in two, doesn't mean they aren't a hero.


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Why Did You Elect John Kerry In The Primaries?
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2004, 06:13:00 PM »

Just like A DEMOCRAP to avoid the real issues.

Was that a retort? It seemed to me that my response was on the issue on if economy could be found in history books, of course the trends and policies can be found. Though, if you'd rather just watch your spin-machine and call me a democrap, go right ahead, it only shows how the republican party is failing.

Kerry's policy in 2004:

No Republican Left Behind,
making sure BOTH parties
are totally literate, he believes
this will make elections more
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