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Author Topic: Palestine  (Read 358 times)


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« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2004, 12:51:00 PM »

Hej gronne du knulla Nazi, Jag ska knullla dig, suga min kuk.

It's quite easy to understand why he doesn't want a Jewish state. Since he is Anti-Semitic, he can easily overlook pain and destruction brought on by the radical Muslim fascists, who wish to eradicate the Jews, and focus only on the pain and destruction brought on by Israel. The main reason why one could classify gronne as a Nazi is simply because he refers to the Jews as a race, which was instrumental in the success of the Nazis campaign against the Jews in Europe. As you all know you can't change your race, there is no way to convert, so once Jew always a Jew. Can I get a heil Hitler?

And yes I am better than any fascist muslim cunt.


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« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2004, 02:23:00 AM »

They have Oklahoma City Bombing sized things every day EVERY DAY!!!!

Muslims pray with their backs toward

16. The U.N. Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security
resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel.

15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the
denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim
Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people
of all faiths.

Actually jews and muslims looked after each other. whenever holy sites were in the hands of muslims they would be freely opened up to any jew. Same with the jews towards muslims. They were both united against the christians who when in charge of holy sites would block access to both dominations.

noone can take you seriously. I cant even be arsed disproving anything else you have said.

And just a few history things because again you look like an idiot.
York is in England. It was a great city in past times. And Vikings are Canadian???????
Your making it too easy for me.
(yes the bush quote is real)

Quick note to Ben Jeremy, you talk out of your arse quite often. Whenever i say anything about iraq i know its true.
quick quote of yours.
There are a lot more Christians and Jews in Iraq now
This is the complete oppostie to what i have been saying and here is a link to prove i am correct in what i am saying
look near the bottom of this link

sgcgirl here is the top story on the guardian (most respected british newspaper),,00.html
let me guess they are racist too?
here is a nice link which shows there are some seriously sick fucks in t the israeli army

johnnbots you are ignorant to the situation with the BBC. The government hand-picked Lord Hutton to lead the enquiery. The BBC lost on a techinality and the entire country for or against the war knew it was bullshit, there were members of MI6 who agreed with the BBC but were not allowed to give evidence. The whole thing was farcial
And how can you compare low budget PBS to the BBC which is a worldwide news organisiation which owns the largest archive of news/video material on the planet.

EverythingButAnAnswer i dont even know what to say, your post is paradoxical.

edit: should add there are sick fucks in every country's army.


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« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2004, 05:09:00 AM »

cool.gif because one of the fundamental ideas behind Zionism is that the Jews are a superior race who have a right to live in modern day Israel, that is also a reason why Hitler justified his actions.
Also, anti-semitism is a term that is thrown around too much in an attempt to scare people.  I've got nothing against Jews, but I strongly disagree with "Israel's"
policies - you could say therefore that I'm anti-semitic in the same way that a lot of people are anti-Bush.

Also, Temma, please do not delve into the history of the British isles when you're out of your depth.  The Anglo-Saxons were a people who were part Briton, part Germanic and who were around long before the Viking invasions.  Also, if you knew anything about the subject (which you plainly don't), you'd know that York is a city in nothern England which was the main Viking outpost during their time here, from which New York got its name - in the same way that there is a Hampshire, Jersey, etc.


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« Reply #33 on: October 18, 2004, 04:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (EverythingButAnAnswer @ Oct 17 2004, 08:54 PM)
Hej gronne du knulla Nazi, Jag ska knullla dig, suga min kuk.

Direct translation: Hey Gronne you fuck nazi, I will fuck you and suck my dick..

Go ahead, as I've heard, most people trying to suck their own dicks will break their spines.

Use a better translator next time  wink.gif  However, why did you write three l's in knulla? I doubt the translator made that.

First he accused me of being anti-semitic

Since he is Anti-Semitic

And then he wrote

And yes I am better than any fascist muslim cunt.

Talk about being anti-islam. He's impossible to take seriously.


I don't know about gronne, but I refer to the "Israelis" as Jews because despite the fact that the Palestinians should be treated as equals in the country they are not

Yeah, I usually say jews, but to some people that's like cursing. And it didn't matter since I'm apparently hating all jews there is.

It's really strange, if we say how much we dislike what the jews are doing to the palestinians, we are all scumbag jew-haters. But they can claim Jews are so nice but muslims are utter shit. Are you so blind you can't see the paradox of what you're writing? I don't hate jews, but I "hate" every person that agree with Sharon & Co's actions in Israel, which happens to be a lot of jews. If you're a jew that's saying "stop occupying Palestine", and dislike Sharon's actions, then you're a good jew.

There was an incident about an art-installment in Stockholm in late January this year. It was an installment about a suicide bomber, but it was pro-Palestine. And Zvi Mazel, a jewish ambassador saw the installment and went literally crazy. It became world-news, and Israel accused Sweden for anti-semitism, but they didn't know how to react when they found out it was a jew that had made the installment. Anyway, besides him being a good jew, he made Sharon and Co look stupid.


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« Reply #34 on: October 18, 2004, 11:50:00 PM »



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« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2004, 06:38:00 AM »

QUOTE (johnnobts @ Oct 19 2004, 01:08 PM)
and again, we will continue to support israel.  our primary reason for doing this is b/c israel is a democracy and a worthy military ally.  the reason the palestinians can't get their act together is b/c of failed leadership, primarily on the part of arafat.  its horrible that the PLO still has on their charter to see that the nation of israel ceases to exist.  the palestinian leadership won't negotiate a peace towards a two-state solution b/c they don't want 2 states!

israel has worked out a peace with all of its reasonable muslim neighbors.  but again, the plo is not a reasonable organization, just ask your average suicide bomber victim.  in my estimation, arafat blew his best opportunity during the clinton admin. during the camp david accords.  Israel was willing to give them over 90% of all their requests, and arafat walked away.  its called compromise, something reasonable people are willing to do....

It's not strange Palestine don't want two states. Israel came out of the blue, so they obviously have stolen their land. So in a way I think Israel SHOULD be dissolved, it stands for everything that's wrong with our society. But I agree Israel CAN'T be dissolved, there'd be even more violence then. Israel has been there for 56 years now. Eventhough USA have destroyed UN, I think UN should take it's responsibility and force Israel to stop occupying Palestine, and then control the border. None of the two sides will accept the counterpart controling the border. The problem is USA supporting the jews in their illegal actions. As long as USA support them UN can't use its power to make peace in the area.

Democracies don't occupy nor oppress people. Israel is not a democracy.


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« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2004, 03:56:00 PM »

Considering Temma used biased information, I will too. Here is, biased but true, information about Israel:

957,000 Palestinians were driven out of Palestine by Jewish militants in 1948, who had by year's end occupied 80.5 percent of the country's land. Today, nearly 2.5 million Palestinians are living in "security zones" under martial law policed by Israel, while another 4 million are scattered throughout the world, unable to return to the lands from which they and their families were forcibly evicted. Since 1967, over 300,000 Palestinians have been imprisoned by Israel. During the Palestinian intifada (uprising) from 1987 to 1992, the number of Palestinians killed by Israelis reached 1,119 and the number hospitalized 120,446; another 483 were expelled and 15,320 detained without charge, while 87,726 acres of land was confiscated and 2,065 Palestinian houses were demolished or sealed.

Taken from


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« Reply #37 on: October 31, 2004, 03:49:00 PM »

Okay, Y’all I'm back much to your chagrin I'm sure.
Okay let's start off first by saying this.  New York was first called New Amsterdam which if I'm not mistaken is in....let’s see now.  the Netherlands, which is Dutch. The English took the city twice.  Both rather peacefully. Maybe y'all should check the facts before you show your stupidity.  
And second of all the Anglo-Saxons were the end result of William the Conquer's conquer (for lack of a better word) of the Britons (yes that has an 'o' in it).  They were the first people of Britain.
Oh and by the way to my knowledge, the Viking’s didn't have an outpost in New York.  They only hit the mid-northern coast of Canada and there is evidence that there was a settlement there.  It was lost and from bones/fossils found there is evidence that the Vikings mixed (so to speak) with local Native American tribe.  The bones show Viking statue as well as the N.A build but molded together.  Over time the bulk and size of the Vikings were lost in genetics according to the bones.  
Oh and you want to talk about Muslims allowing Jews into holy sites and protecting them and what not.  Did you know that the most holy sight for a Jewish person is the Dome of the Rock?  (Ya know the big gold domed building in old Jerusalem).  But did you also know that there are signs in something like over 20 different langs. telling Jews to stay out and if a Jew is found there they will be shot out right? Did you know that now? I'm guessing you didn't.  But that is one hundred percent true.  So please don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about when I do.

Oh and one last thing that just makes me want to laugh... Maximumbeing is definitely not Muslim. (I know him outside the forum).  And I just don't appreciate the term Jew used as if its bile on your lips.  Your tone came through and Jew can be used as a derogatory term for Jewish people like Kike.  Oh and EverythingButAnAnswer the 'C' is just disgusting and nasty and won’t help ya get any lady friends if you say it around them.  And most women find the word revolting and derogatory which is why many refer to it as the 'C' word.  And on this (being....I believe the only female on this thread) I think you should take my word on.

And as a side note.  While I hate to wish death on anyone.  I hope that when Arafat dies, a moderate steps in for him and some kind of peace can be found



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« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2004, 05:17:00 PM »

QUOTE (sgcgirl52 @ Nov 1 2004, 12:52 AM)
Okay, Y’all I'm back much to your chagrin I'm sure.
Okay let's start off first by saying this.  New York was first called New Amsterdam which if I'm not mistaken is in....let’s see now.  the Netherlands, which is Dutch. The English took the city twice.  Both rather peacefully. Maybe y'all should check the facts before you show your stupidity.  
And second of all the Anglo-Saxons were the end result of William the Conquer's conquer (for lack of a better word) of the Britons (yes that has an 'o' in it).  They were the first people of Britain.
Oh and by the way to my knowledge, the Viking’s didn't have an outpost in New York.  They only hit the mid-northern coast of Canada and there is evidence that there was a settlement there.  It was lost and from bones/fossils found there is evidence that the Vikings mixed (so to speak) with local Native American tribe.  The bones show Viking statue as well as the N.A build but molded together.  Over time the bulk and size of the Vikings were lost in genetics according to the bones.  
Oh and you want to talk about Muslims allowing Jews into holy sites and protecting them and what not.  Did you know that the most holy sight for a Jewish person is the Dome of the Rock?  (Ya know the big gold domed building in old Jerusalem).  But did you also know that there are signs in something like over 20 different langs. telling Jews to stay out and if a Jew is found there they will be shot out right? Did you know that now? I'm guessing you didn't.  But that is one hundred percent true.  So please don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about when I do.

Oh and one last thing that just makes me want to laugh... Maximumbeing is definitely not Muslim. (I know him outside the forum).  And I just don't appreciate the term Jew used as if its bile on your lips.  Your tone came through and Jew can be used as a derogatory term for Jewish people like Kike.  Oh and EverythingButAnAnswer the 'C' is just disgusting and nasty and won’t help ya get any lady friends if you say it around them.  And most women find the word revolting and derogatory which is why many refer to it as the 'C' word.  And on this (being....I believe the only female on this thread) I think you should take my word on.

And as a side note.  While I hate to wish death on anyone.  I hope that when Arafat dies, a moderate steps in for him and some kind of peace can be found

What the hell are you talking about? You were the one that didn't understand we were speaking about the Vikings and York in England. The conversation had nothing to do with what New York once was called. He said the name New York comes from the english town York, doesn't it??? And he didn't say the vikings had an outpost in New York, he said in York, the town in UK, get it? You must learn how to read so you can understand your stupidity.



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« Reply #39 on: November 01, 2004, 05:12:00 AM »

QUOTE (sgcgirl52 @ Nov 1 2004, 12:52 AM)

And second of all the Anglo-Saxons were the end result of William the Conquer's conquer (for lack of a better word) of the Britons (yes that has an 'o' in it).  They were the first people of Britain.

First of all, it's William the Conquer[er].  Second, please stop going on about British history when you have no idea what you're talking about.  William the Conquerer was from Normandy and only brought a few thousand people over with him, I very much doubt the Anglo-Saxons sprung up from them as Saxony is a region of modern-day Germany.  William the Conquerer defeated King Harold in 1066 - so I very much doubt whoever he reigned over were the first people of Britain (unless of course you hold the Celts + Britons, Romans, Anglo-Saxons [who incidentally were around from about 400 A.D. - when the Romans departed - and were a mix of Britons and people who had come over from Saxony] and Vikings in the same high regard as you do the Palestinians).  If you mean he was the first king of a united Britain then again you're wrong - Athelstan was crowned king of England (Wessex and the Danelaw) in 925 and Britain didn't exist until 1603 (when James VI of Scotland also became James I of England) or 1707 when the two countries (England and Wales [Wales of course having been conquered long ago by Edward I - who you may possibly remember from "Braveheart", as judging by what you've written that's about as far as your knowledge of English history goes] and Scotland) were officially united under the Act of Union under Queen Anne.

Now if you feel like contradicting any of that, feel free - but I'll only come back and make you look like more of an idiot.


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« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2004, 06:00:00 AM »

Oh and you want to talk about Muslims allowing Jews into holy sites and protecting them and what not. Did you know that the most holy sight for a Jewish person is the Dome of the Rock? (Ya know the big gold domed building in old Jerusalem). But did you also know that there are signs in something like over 20 different langs. telling Jews to stay out and if a Jew is found there they will be shot out right? Did you know that now? I'm guessing you didn't. But that is one hundred percent true. So please don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about when I do.

You blatantly dont know what your talking about because I made it clear it was in the past that Jews and Muslims got on. It had nothing to do with what you said above.

The rest of your post has been proven wrong, and you lie so much that you are a typical women (sarcasm)

I cant belive you think you can tell British people our own history when you cant even get the history of Israel correct!!

I still dont think you understand me either. I am not against Israel because it is a Jewish state. I fully belive that after the attrocities of WWII they deserved a place to live without fear. Unfortunetly Israel has forgotten how its people suffered under Hitler, how they were seen as inferior, because that is the way the Palastinians are treated now. I am against Israel because of its policies towards Palastine. If this makes me a Jew hater then so be it.

I think ALL religion is bullshit so why you think I would care enough to hate one in paticular I dont know?? If i was to hate a religion it would be Protestants. They have a branch called the orange lodge who hate all Irish and catholics. Technically im catholic and my mum is Irish...
But i dont hate them, i dont care enough to.

It seems to me Jewish people get there metaphoric back against the wall at the mention of Israel purely because they know they are in the wrong.

And when Arafat does die, which it looks like it wont be so soon, you can guarentee someone more extreme and violent will take over.



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« Reply #41 on: November 01, 2004, 06:45:00 AM »

QUOTE (melon @ Nov 1 2004, 03:03 PM)
I think ALL religion is bullshit so why you think I would care enough to hate one in paticular I dont know??

I agree with most of what you said melon, but although I am far from being a believer, religion can be of some value to some people.  Yes, it is BS when people try to justify their position because of their religion, as with the Jews in Israel, and as the only true definition of a "Jew" is someone who believes in Judaism (or that's how Temma wants it to be portrayed) then ultimately all their decisions are baised because of their religion and the underlying belief that Israel belongs to them.

Going back to British history, I believe one of the greatest accomplishments of the country has been to subdue religious beliefs as a reason for both censure and conflict (something that the Irish didn't really grasp wink.gif ).


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« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2004, 11:04:00 AM »

rolleyes.gif This is an age old conflict that will not end until either Judaism or Islam has been eradicated from this planet.


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« Reply #43 on: November 01, 2004, 12:38:00 PM »

QUOTE (SmallBusinessGuy @ Nov 1 2004, 08:07 PM)
Neutron bombs were invented for a reason. rolleyes.gif This is an age old conflict that will not end until either Judaism or Islam has been eradicated from this planet.

A "democratic" view from a capitalist. Very intelligent dry.gif

Why don't we instead try to wipe out christianity? Then we don't need Bush's war on "terrorists"... or really, war with Islam.

Republican christians lack moral and any kind of respect. Just like there are very bad muslims, there are equally bad christians.


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« Reply #44 on: November 01, 2004, 03:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (gronne @ Nov 1 2004, 09:41 PM)

Republican christians lack moral and any kind of respect. Just like there are very bad muslims, there are equally bad christians.

i have been arguing that very point for a long time.  the US's christian extremests are no different the the muslim extremests blowing themselves up all the time.
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