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Author Topic: "60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake  (Read 498 times)


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« on: September 09, 2004, 04:29:00 PM »

I'm not sure how reputable this source is, but I found it interesting. The article questions the validity of the documents that were shown on "60 Minutes" regarding Bush's service in the Air National Guard.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2004, 04:35:00 PM »

Not sure if it is accurate or not either...But if they doctored any papers in regards to a presidential election they should be locked up for a LONG time......

Hate to see any canidate win (or loose) because of garbage like this.



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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2004, 05:51:00 PM »

QUOTE (dss311 @ Sep 10 2004, 12:38 AM)
Not sure if it is accurate or not either...But if they doctored any papers in regards to a presidential election they should be locked up for a LONG time......

Hate to see any canidate win (or loose) because of garbage like this.

I am sure that is very pro-Kerry otherwise why I don't see other websites which have this report?


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2004, 02:01:00 PM »

Actually this story broke yesterday and being covered on a lot of sites including some pretty mainstream sites like and  There are also reports from this officer's family that supposedly wrote this letter that are saying that the circumstances around this issue don't sound like their father/husband.  It looks like to me that the liberal media is trying (yet again) to slander the president because Kerry is slipping in the polls.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2004, 02:12:00 PM »

Of course they're fake...they were obviously created by modern computers...this was discovered almost instantly after CBS disclosed the documents, despite claiming they spent "6 weeks" verifying them.

..and let's just get one thing clear, service in the military, and 270 electoral votes, will make you President.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2004, 05:45:00 PM »

What moron would believe a PO Box of "34567"?

The idiots at CBS are standing by their deception. This is big. It isn't the first time, either...

Also, Barnes' daughter is now going on record saying her Dad is LYING to sell his book.

Follow the money trail, ladies and gentlemen.... It's amazing who you can buy when you are George Soros and mentally deranged.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2004, 07:13:00 PM »

QUOTE (Dasgooch @ Sep 10 2004, 10:04 PM)
Actually this story broke yesterday and being covered on a lot of sites including some pretty mainstream sites like and  There are also reports from this officer's family that supposedly wrote this letter that are saying that the circumstances around this issue don't sound like their father/husband.  It looks like to me that the liberal media is trying (yet again) to slander the president because Kerry is slipping in the polls.

Well, I didn't see that in other websites at that time.  

This kind of scandal is just dirty politics like the Switboat Vets crap.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2004, 07:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Sep 10 2004, 08:48 PM)
Also, Barnes' daughter is now going on record saying her Dad is LYING to sell his book.

For the record, Bush joined the Guard before Barnes was ever Lt. Gov.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2004, 12:45:00 AM »

What I find amusing (if not frustrating - but I think sane, intelligent people see the whole mess for what it is), is that we have on  one hand, Swift Boat Vets (and other Vietnam vets), clearly angry over Kerry's effort to make it look as though they support his candidacy, even though they still seethe over Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony and harbor grave concerns over a Senator with his horrible track record for vets and military spending.

On the other side, we see the shrill chants and tired cliches used to attack Bush, now with verified forgeries and outright lies, on a grand scale.

Which side gets the free pass from the "main stream media" and which is discredited without stating barely a single fact to refute the case?

The media has never been as exposed in it's left-wing bias as it is today. CBS has lost so much credibility, they make Weekly World News look like the paragon of journalism. Anybody that denies this is either fooling themselves, or tremendously dishonest.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2004, 07:45:00 AM »

CBS hasn't lost any credability, they're telling their audience what their audience has been convinced they want to hear.

..and since so few news sources tell the truth anyway, there's little basis of comparison.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2004, 01:03:00 PM »

Hmmm, this was just handed to me:

user posted image

What does this mean?!??!?


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2004, 01:16:00 PM »

i'm still really confused as to why people care about the military records of these 2 people.  Kerry faked it, bush deserted.  Kerry is a hero, so is bush.

who gives a fuck all this happened over 30 years ago.  I mean fuck none of us are at war so the fact that these 2 people actually served some time is better that all of the people here judging them.  an election shouldn't be won on smears


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2004, 01:30:00 PM »

QUOTE (thomes08 @ Sep 12 2004, 04:19 PM)
i'm still really confused as to why people care about the military records of these 2 people.  Kerry faked it, bush deserted.  Kerry is a hero, so is bush.

who gives a fuck all this happened over 30 years ago.  I mean fuck none of us are at war so the fact that these 2 people actually served some time is better that all of the people here judging them.  an election shouldn't be won on smears

Because KERRY made HIS record an issue first, by making it the Democratic Convention centerpiece, and KERRY keeps bringing up Bush's Air National Guard service at every whistlestop.

At this point, you have the anti-Bush side, which relies, not on FACTS, but on the BELIEF that the evil neo-cons are plotting a new world order to stomp out your ability to smoke pot and have abortions by helping, then killing dictators all over the world. I have yet to see any evidence of Bush ever deliberately lying to the public (he acted on information he had at the time); even Kerry admits this, while he hammers the myth home with vague statements.

Kerry, on the other hand, has shown, time and time again, that he will turncoat on any cause, on any promise made. He has people close to his campaign who work directly for the 527s (MoveOn.Org), even while he denounces Bush for the SwiftBoatVets ads (which he has nothing to do with).

Kerry's credibility has run out completely. People are starting to realize that he is not a man to be trusted with anything, not even the causes he purports to believe in. He'll speak to an Arab group, and tell them he'll eliminate support for Israel, then, hours later, talk to a Jewish group and profess undying support for the regions only democracy (as well as the only religious, sex, and lifestyle -tolerant country in the region). Which is true? There's a reason why he's been called out as a flip-flopper.

Why not ask the DNC why they continually choose supreme liberal losers who can't even hold the mainstream Democrats against a candidate the media has villified for the past 4 years.

Kerry made 30 year old history an issue because he can't stand against Bush on the issues that matter.


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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2004, 01:35:00 PM »



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"60 Minutes" Documents On Bush Might Be Fake
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2004, 02:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Sep 12 2004, 09:33 PM)
Because KERRY made HIS record an issue first, by making it the Democratic Convention centerpiece, and KERRY keeps bringing up Bush's Air National Guard service at every whistlestop.

Boy, you seemed to say that the Democrats are the cause of all evil, don't you?

The only thing Kerry questioned was of his validity of Bush's service.  CBSnews brought up this issue with proof in question.

The next thing you will say that CBS has been working with Kerry on this.  If you have proof, please show it.

At this point, you have the anti-Bush side, which relies, not on FACTS, but on the BELIEF that the evil neo-cons are plotting a new world order to stomp out your ability to smoke pot and have abortions by helping, then killing dictators all over the world. I have yet to see any evidence of Bush ever deliberately lying to the public (he acted on information he had at the time); even Kerry admits this, while he hammers the myth home with vague statements.

Bush doesn't have to admit to lying because he have other people to take the fall.  It has been always been true with him and other presidents as long as the paper trail don't lead to the president.  Eg.  George Tenet is the cause with the Intelligence in Iraq.  The solder guards are the cause of the Tortures in Abu Ghraib.  I guess it doesn't sound suspecious to you.  But, don't be surprised that one day that the Truth will come to light because someone decides to break his/her silence about this matter.

Kerry, on the other hand, has shown, time and time again, that he will turncoat on any cause, on any promise made. He has people close to his campaign who work directly for the 527s (MoveOn.Org), even while he denounces Bush for the SwiftBoatVets ads (which he has nothing to do with).

Kerry's credibility has run out completely. People are starting to realize that he is not a man to be trusted with anything, not even the causes he purports to believe in. He'll speak to an Arab group, and tell them he'll eliminate support for Israel, then, hours later, talk to a Jewish group and profess undying support for the regions only democracy (as well as the only religious, sex, and lifestyle -tolerant country in the region). Which is true? There's a reason why he's been called out as a flip-flopper.

As for the Bush what he has to do with the SwiftVets for Lies, Bush didn't have to do anything, but his aides do all the dirty work.

Okay, I think you have been watching too much foxnews.  Kerry didn't say that he himself is a flip-flopper.  The Repugs label him as a flipfloper so that is how you understand him by.  This is basically BS unless you have some proof.

Kerry made 30 year old history an issue because he can't stand against Bush on the issues that matter.

Actually, it is an issue because Bush never has show any proof that he showed up for service while he was in Alabama.  Unless you have some proof that he was there.

Why not ask the DNC why they continually choose supreme liberal losers who can't even hold the mainstream Democrats against a candidate the media has villified for the past 4 years.

And I suppose that the Mainstream conservatives are the saviors of the world, right?  What you said is all baseless without any Truth into it.
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