
Author Topic: Iraq The Current Situation  (Read 89 times)


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Iraq The Current Situation
« on: June 22, 2004, 02:18:00 AM »

I have mentioned in the past one of my best friends is from Bagdad. Apart from her parents and sister all of her family is still there. She is in constant contact with her family (when the phones work), and I thought i would let you know what the situation is like over there.

For the record my friends family on her fathers side are muslim and on her mothers christian.

So while we argue over stupid points about if this war is just you will at least know a couple of things trhey have to put up with in the name of liberation.

Firstly they still do not have constant drinkable water, electricity or phones.

Baghdad is ran by armed gangs who are enjoying freedom to run amok unchecked by US forces. It is unsafe to leave your home at night and not much safer in the day.
It is not even safe to stay in your home. There are gangs that are breaking into peoples houses and beating or killing any males and then gang-raping any women or young girls in the house.
People are living in fear.

Most of the people fighting against the US are not even Iraqi but it is Iraqs citizens who are suffering.
My friends family are wishing Saddam is back in power for the stability he provided.
They didnt like Saddam but they are fearful for the future and the prospect of a strict Islamic regime gaining power.



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Iraq The Current Situation
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2004, 05:59:00 AM »

melon, i beleive everything you say, and i feel for the iraqi's, but you do know alot of people are going to respond that they dotn care, because there not americans (nemt, you deserve to be taken out back and beaten)


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Iraq The Current Situation
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2004, 06:11:00 AM »

Give nemt a chance. I have purposely stuck to fact and not made it anti/pro war so people can say how they feel.


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Iraq The Current Situation
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2004, 06:13:00 AM »

QUOTE (67thRaptorBull @ Jun 22 2004, 02:59 PM)
(nemt, you deserve to die)

thats a bit harsh dude  wink.gif

you may [understatement] disagree [/understatement] with nemts views, but theres no reason to get personal about it- he has a right to his own views, whatever they may be. even if he gets personal about it, if you dont, then you instantly show him to be the fool- without doing anything

i do feel for the iraqis, but unfortunately i cant see any way out of this conflict. it really depresses me when i think about its inevitable (sp) conclusion. we all know that all hell will eventually break loose in the middle east- theres no way to avoid it

being very general:
USA seeks to control as much of the most important substance on the planet (oil)
Theres a hellofalot of oil in the arabian continent
The arabian people resent the arrogance of the USA
The USA believes its "doing the right thing"

it'll all just spiral out of control
resulting in ZERO security worldwide,
terrorists all fighting for scraps of control
and eventually, some terrorist organisation is gonna get their hands on the holy grail of weapons, then the end will surely begin

at this point in time can you honestly see either side back down or compromise?
can you see either side thinking about the most probable long term outcomes?

tis a very depressing and futile time


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Iraq The Current Situation
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2004, 08:11:00 AM »

"at this point in time can you honestly see either side back down or compromise?"

No and the main problem is we need to enter into some sort of dialog with the terrorists.  Look at NI for example, if the British had no dialog with the "terrorists" then it's safe to say the mainland would be bombed left right and centre and the terrorist's would be running amuck in NI.