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Author Topic: Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq  (Read 1004 times)


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #60 on: May 20, 2004, 04:02:00 PM »

I wouldn't be out hunting if I were in an occupied country where occupation forces are often attacked from hunting areas.

They were either terrorists or idiots, either way, I'm glad they're dead.  There you have it, nice and blunt for you, and there's no way around it.


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #61 on: May 20, 2004, 04:18:00 PM »

QUOTE (nemt @ May 21 2004, 01:02 AM)
I wouldn't be out hunting if I were in an occupied country where occupation forces are often attacked from hunting areas.

They were either terrorists or idiots, either way, I'm glad they're dead.  There you have it, nice and blunt for you, and there's no way around it.

Congratulations, you've lost any tiny shred of respect you may have had.  If there was an ignore list, you'd be on it.

Iraqis should just hide inside until we're out of their country right?  That is, until they get hit by a stray cluster bomb.  What's Americas number 1 reason behind any one of its actions? "Preserving our way of life."  Well that's a hell of a job we're doing preserving Iraqi way of life.  Guess it only works one way.  You're glad those civilians are dead?  Yeah, and they're the terrorists...



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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #62 on: May 20, 2004, 04:20:00 PM »

I wouldn't be out hunting if I were in an occupied country where occupation forces are often attacked from hunting areas.

They were either terrorists or idiots, either way, I'm glad they're dead. There you have it, nice and blunt for you, and there's no way around it.

often attacked from hunting areas? wtf are you talking about, your an idiot, plain and simple

im glad that your glad those iraqi's are dead. im glad timothy mcveigh blew up the oklahoma city building becuase he thought everyone in that building was hurting american rights

jesus christ, you are an idiot nemt



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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #63 on: May 20, 2004, 05:29:00 PM »

Nemt, I won't even bother with you, your almost as bad as the guy who said that everyone in iraq are terrorist and their better off dead.

Man oh man...


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2004, 06:06:00 PM »

once again, nemt proves hes just a little child


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2004, 09:38:00 PM »

Ok... either all the people arguing for the iraqis are either canadian bitches or ignorant.

If you were in an american soldiers shoes what would you do? Hmm... wait and look to make sure the gunfires not a threat... or shoot back.

If youre american and sticking up for them I hope that theres a draft and you're bitch ass has to fight for the freedom you enjoy every day. Hopefully you get mowed down by an iraqis gunfire.


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #66 on: May 21, 2004, 12:35:00 AM »

I can't see the justification in arguing this point. It makes no difference what the circumstances are, 40 people where killed. Is this not a tragedy in itself? All you are really arguing is where to allocate the blame.
The fact that the US troops are there illigally in the first place concerns me more than anything but more than this, all these terrible things that are happening, 40 killed at 'wedding' party, Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg execusions, Iraqi prisoners pissed on and humiliated etc... all these things are done in OUR name. We elected our leaders into power so when they fail to find nonviolent solutions to the worlds problems it is our perogative to change the leaders.
It is everyones responsibility to respect and champion human life. I understand that the right-wings blood is boiling over with the events of the past 4 years and all the attrocities that are carried out against you, however, you need to see the bigger picture. Agression only leads to agression, it is an ever decreasing circle with only one logical conclusion and nobody wants that.
Please, please, everybody just think about what is happening. Forget your alligence. We are all a part of the same species and only our voices can stop what is happening.


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #67 on: May 21, 2004, 01:58:00 AM »

QUOTE (glnwst @ May 21 2004, 06:38 AM)
Ok... either all the people arguing for the iraqis are either canadian bitches or ignorant.

If you were in an american soldiers shoes what would you do? Hmm... wait and look to make sure the gunfires not a threat... or shoot back.

If youre american and sticking up for them I hope that theres a draft and you're bitch ass has to fight for the freedom you enjoy every day. Hopefully you get mowed down by an iraqis gunfire.

love how you say "canadian bitches" and then call everyone ignorant.  We're ignorant for defending iraqis having a wedding?  What the hell makes their life so unvaluable?  Those soldiers shouldn't be over there in the first place, and if they are going to be over there they sure as hell shouldn't be massacring the populace.  How did this protect anyones freedom?  I don't think they intentially shot at a wedding, but manslaughter is a crime here.  Why should it be any different just because iraqi civilians are dying instead of americans?
As for your question, I'd wait and look to make sure the gunfires not a threat.  This is a common Iraqi custom, the soldiers should be aware of it, and if they are (even nemt thinks they were) they should be more careful about what they label a threat.  America failed those soldiers much more than any of those soldiers failed America by putting them over there to begin with, this is just further evidence that this war shouldn't exist.


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #68 on: May 21, 2004, 02:15:00 AM »

you really are wasting your time. I agree with what you say but there are too many narrow minded, unbeliveably patriotic people who value the life of an American a million times more than the lives of a thousand foriegners. It is because of this our arguments are falling on deaf ears. I have pretty much given up on explaining the reality of situations, they come back with emotive bullshit based on no fact whatsoever.
Now I just get amusment from making fun of nemt (the lowest of these people).

I know we have the power to change our leaders but who would you want in power? Tony Blair or Michael Howard?
Blair is the lesser of two evils.


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #69 on: May 21, 2004, 02:25:00 AM »

It's not a choice between two people. No 'democracy' has to settle for the lesser of two evils. They are OUR representatives so we should find someone who actually represents us, or do it ourselves.


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #70 on: May 21, 2004, 02:42:00 AM »

you know as well as i do in reality it is not that simple. I hope Blair stands down and gives Brown a chance. In the Lib Dems ive always liked Menzies Campbell and he was excellent on question time last night.
If you have an idea involving niether Blair (presuming he doesnt stand down), or Howard bieng elected i would like to hear it. I just think democracy died a long time ago, akthough i will never give up hope.


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #71 on: May 21, 2004, 03:30:00 AM »

QUOTE (67thRaptorBull @ May 20 2004, 03:29 PM)
and BloodyMary, an army like china or north korea were there are over a million (in chinas case, 2 million) would never do something like that, or act trigger happy, because if they did, theyd be shot
thats discipline for ya  wink.gif

And you know this, because you've been a member of such said army and been shot for making such a mistake... or did you just pull that out of your ass...  blink.gif

Certainly, until you can bring up some proof of this in recent (like last 10 years) history, this I'm not buying it...


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #72 on: May 21, 2004, 04:51:00 AM »

QUOTE (glnwst @ May 21 2004, 12:38 AM)
Ok... either all the people arguing for the iraqis are either canadian bitches or ignorant.

If you were in an american soldiers shoes what would you do? Hmm... wait and look to make sure the gunfires not a threat... or shoot back.

If youre american and sticking up for them I hope that theres a draft and you're bitch ass has to fight for the freedom you enjoy every day. Hopefully you get mowed down by an iraqis gunfire.

wow, like i said in another thread, stop sniffing glue

and bloodymarry, its self evident when you watch the videos of all of NK's troops marching through the fucking streets, same with china
thats all those countries do is build up, train and discipline thier army, where do you think all of NK's money goes?

like i said, thier more disciplined then us and they have 4X's as many people


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #73 on: May 21, 2004, 06:02:00 AM »

QUOTE (67thRaptorBull @ May 21 2004, 08:51 AM)
and bloodymarry, its self evident when you watch the videos of all of NK's troops marching through the fucking streets, same with china
thats all those countries do is build up, train and discipline thier army, where do you think all of NK's money goes?

like i said, thier more disciplined then us and they have 4X's as many people

Well.. you still have provided no evidence for you statement

an army like china or north korea were there are over a million (in chinas case, 2 million) would never do something like that, or act trigger happy, because if they did, theyd be shot

I'll take it, that it's a false piece a shit statement pulled out of the air... until if and when you provide evidence...

and your statement above...

North Korea has 4X as many people as the US... I'd like you to provide some concrete evidence of that as well.. once again.. I believe you are pulling shit out of your ass....


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Americans Kill 40 At Wedding In Iraq
« Reply #74 on: May 22, 2004, 11:51:00 AM »

This just in.....It was probably not a wedding.  Read the article.  I wish the press would do some investigating before bashing the US.

No evidence of children or wedding activity at location.
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