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Author Topic: The 2004 Presidential Election  (Read 620 times)


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2004, 08:31:00 AM »

How the bloody fuck is bush winning. He plunged us into an (almost mind you) economic depression, cut taxes for the rich (and judging by the fact your all here, your not rich) and minorly cut the taxes for the poor. And while I don't want more taxes, he really should be raising them to pay for THE MASSIVE BUDGET DEFICIT. He makes a fool of all of America in his speeches. We are losing lives but he outlaws it for us to see it. He's ready to hand over an entire country we just basically destroyed to noone...god what the hell. (Speaking of which, I am Jewish and feeling a large return of the Church+State kind of thing)


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2004, 09:44:00 AM »

iwinulose, shut up. Taxes have every thing to do with the Presidential election. And there is no way you can tell me my gass prices went up .50ยข in the past month b/c of taxes. My gas was around $1.25 /g before this BS war started than they jumped to around $1.55, and stayed there every since. Until all this BS on Iraq started up again, and now we are paying $2+.

Any why is gas so high right now? B/c the DUMB ASS we have in office took us to war. And that pal is debating the "presidential election"


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2004, 10:11:00 AM »

Bush is winning because Kerry is a moron.  He can not make up his mind what he stands for.  On one of the liberal news shows, they were polling people about why they were supporting Kerry.  The main answer was because they did not like Bush.  No one actually said anything about how his beliefs match theirs or that they like his policy ideas.  He flip flops on everything he says.  He voted for the war and now he is against it.  He is Catholic but he supports abortion.  He said that the press could view his military records and whey they went to his campaign headquarters, they were denied the right to view them.  He puts up his military record on his official website, and it turns out that they are somebody else's records.  He blames it on the Navy.  He says that he has innovative ways to balance the budget and pay off our defecit, but that he is not going to raise taxes.   How anybody could feel good about voting for him is beyond me.  Go Bush!


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2004, 10:59:00 PM »

I really have nothing to say to any of you.  Ive seen so many of these threads in forums all over the place.  And the only place it ever goes is south.  Im not gonna bash anyway, and because of that, no one should dare bash me.  Because whatever you say, I dont give a shit.  None of its gonna change my opinion and it will only raise your blood pressure.  

That being said.  I voted for bush.  He is a great american.


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2004, 11:19:00 PM »

QUOTE (andrusk @ Apr 25 2004, 01:59 AM)
I really have nothing to say to any of you.  Ive seen so many of these threads in forums all over the place.  And the only place it ever goes is south.  Im not gonna bash anyway, and because of that, no one should dare bash me.  Because whatever you say, I dont give a shit.  None of its gonna change my opinion and it will only raise your blood pressure.  

That being said.  I voted for bush.  He is a great american.

This forum/General Chat is for merely about expressing multiple views, arguing, debating, or just chatting it up. That being said would you trust Bush a person who was supposed to serve as a national guard, but NEVER did because his Daddy was there, because he grew up rich because of his Daddy. Honestly I believe he is just hanging off of his fathers right nut, I think its time for him to be cut off for once. I am not a very polictical person, and don't or see any way as why I should get into the way of the Kerry Vs Bush war here. I just believe Bush is just a plain idiot and moron who thinks hes some kind of public person, when all he is, is a selfish bastard with the oil situation's in the middle east. He grew up rich, and didn't have to do anything in life. He couldn't even serve as a national guard. Why should he be serving as a United States President?

So who would you trust with your life (not talking about views)!

Kerry who was a war hero think he got the purple heart.\

Or the jackass who couldn't serve as a freaking national guard, whos daddy paid his way threw everything. Who put us at a massive budget defeicit, and has preety much put half the people who are in the united states there. He doesn't care about anything. Just listen to his speech's, he sounds like a complete moron. Sounds like he hasn't even passed high school yet with his pro-war speeches about the deaths of heros in Iraq. That war should have never happend. I don't care if they caught saddam or not. He can rot in hell for all I care. He put this country at a horrible state, and just intended to do that for the next comer to try and solve everything else. Only reasons why he went to war was because

1. His dad couldn't finish the job in Iraq.
2.Wanted oil.. And he preety much raised gas prices on top of that from what ive seen. Id like to see 1 positive thing bush has done for this country. No saddam doesn't count. Bush had nothing to do with that, only thing he did there was send troops there..


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2004, 05:43:00 AM »

Only reasons why he went to war was because

1. His dad couldn't finish the job in Iraq.

LOL sounds like I said the same thing. He really is a moron. and I can't think of one good thing he has done my self.

Drunken Uncle

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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2004, 06:33:00 AM »

QUOTE (iwinulose @ Apr 19 2004, 05:07 PM)
i think u mean country retard
Bush isnt stupid
even if we didnt find weapons of mass destruction we still freed the people of Iraq
and if your so smart T-1200 what would u have done instead of going to war, would u just sit on ur lazy ass and let us get attacked and threatened by terorists?
no i dont think Bush is that dumb, its all of the wacko jacko extremests that are dumb and maybe some librals

edit:spelling (not good at it)

hahah funniest post ever.

Thats a very good point though, if it wasnt for Bush we'd all have terrorists flying planes into our houses! But I guess it is good we captured the man who had nothing to do with 9-11.

Im not sure whats worse, the people who blindly support everything Bush says and does or the ones who think Kerry will make a real difference if hes elected.


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2004, 01:41:00 PM »

What are you talking about? No one said that except idiots with their "omg war 4 oil" protests.

Gas is expensive because of taxation proposed by democrats.

thank u
i couldnt have said it better
but would u ppl pleaz make a new topic to debate this is about the 2004 presidential election
Thank u

so stfu


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2004, 05:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (AnThRaX @ Apr 25 2004, 08:19 AM)
This forum/General Chat is for merely about expressing multiple views, arguing, debating, or just chatting it up. That being said would you trust Bush a person who was supposed to serve as a national guard, but NEVER did because his Daddy was there, because he grew up rich because of his Daddy. Honestly I believe he is just hanging off of his fathers right nut, I think its time for him to be cut off for once. I am not a very polictical person, and don't or see any way as why I should get into the way of the Kerry Vs Bush war here. I just believe Bush is just a plain idiot and moron who thinks hes some kind of public person, when all he is, is a selfish bastard with the oil situation's in the middle east. He grew up rich, and didn't have to do anything in life. He couldn't even serve as a national guard. Why should he be serving as a United States President?

So who would you trust with your life (not talking about views)!

Kerry who was a war hero think he got the purple heart.\

Or the jackass who couldn't serve as a freaking national guard, whos daddy paid his way threw everything. Who put us at a massive budget defeicit, and has preety much put half the people who are in the united states there. He doesn't care about anything. Just listen to his speech's, he sounds like a complete moron. Sounds like he hasn't even passed high school yet with his pro-war speeches about the deaths of heros in Iraq. That war should have never happend. I don't care if they caught saddam or not. He can rot in hell for all I care. He put this country at a horrible state, and just intended to do that for the next comer to try and solve everything else. Only reasons why he went to war was because

1. His dad couldn't finish the job in Iraq.
2.Wanted oil.. And he preety much raised gas prices on top of that from what ive seen. Id like to see 1 positive thing bush has done for this country. No saddam doesn't count. Bush had nothing to do with that, only thing he did there was send troops there..

Sounds like a fit of jealousy to me, and the exact same argument Ive heard from every liberal in the world.  Nobody has any proof he wasnt in the national guard, and john kerrys purple hearts are a joke.  He pushed to get them because he was "injured".  A little scratch, then when he gets home he protests the war and leads fellow vets to throw their purple hearts into the ocean in protest.  Yeah, that sounds like the kind of president I wan in office.  Oh and by the way, just to show how much of a hypocrite he is, while he led everyone to throw their hearts in the ocean, he just happened to keep his.  What a joke.  Bush is not a moron, he has a masters from yale.  Do you have one?  Sure he's a daddys boy, but you never hear anyone complain about all the kennedys following in jfk's footsteps.  Boohoo, hes rich, get over it.  

This is stupid.  I cant believe im ranting in here.  Ranting on line is pointless and all that happens is a stupid back and forth.  arg, this is boring, im done.

and that being said.  Yes I would trust bush ANY day with my life.  Especially if the chioice is him or john kerry.


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2004, 02:30:00 PM »

and that being said. Yes I would trust bush ANY day with my life. Especially if the chioice is him or john kerry.

Which really shows the the power of of rhetoric and smear campaigns.

I ask you this since you seem to think Kerry is not a 'war hero'.... the only person who is disputing Kerry's Purple Hearts is his commanding officer. Who gives out the medals?

The Commanding officer did

Seriously, Andrusk - everything in your post was standard attack rhetoric being pumped out by non partisan media right now and your buying it.

This whole election seems to have a tone of Clinton against Bush. The way I see  it they are both crooks. On the other hand Clinton has raised an ivy league intellectual and Bush has raised a couple of crack whores.

For a president who supposedly promotes "family values" Bush sure seemed to drop the ball at home so if Karl Rove is going to smear Kerry's outstanding military record then I don't see why the Bush daughters are off limits.

Again guy, If Bush is so great then why do some many longtime government officials keep quiting under him and calling him clueless?

They are both crooks and by blindly supporting one over the other your just blind in my opinion wink.gif


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2004, 12:35:00 AM »



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« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2004, 04:45:00 AM »

ohmy.gif  REALLY!? wow so every  politician before him were honest!?

Bush Sr, and Jr did/doing some major flip flopping too so find something else on Kerry.  I wish we had someone better than Kerry but its hard for me to give my vote to Bush. He just seems like he is being influence by the corporations that helped him get in the office. From what im seeing and understanding its not Bush following in his daddys footsteps but Chaney the one pulling all the strings. Bush seems way over his head to me. But who cares, i ll vote my way at least i can


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2004, 11:59:00 AM »

We already have 3 parties.  Only problem is.  If anyone votes for the third party theyll just be taking away from the democratic vote and not the republican vote.  With that being said.  Vote for Nader '04.

No hard feelings, colonel, its hard to know whos talking to who when your online and names arent mentioned specifically.


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2004, 12:05:00 PM »

QUOTE (andrusk @ Apr 30 2004, 03:59 PM)
We already have 3 parties.

We have hundreds of parties, there's plenty of minor parties even larger than the Green part, though.  I expect more people to be voting Libertarian this election.


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The 2004 Presidential Election
« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2004, 12:23:00 AM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Apr 30 2004, 09:05 PM)
We have hundreds of parties

let me rephrase that.  3 parties that actually matter.
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