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Author Topic: Religion  (Read 594 times)


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« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2003, 08:54:00 AM »

QUOTE (hump @ Apr 24 2003, 03:35 PM)
first to be an Athiesist is not to belive in some thing there fore beliving in nothing is still beliving in something.
and the person who created the theory of evolution was charels darwin.

as for me and god yeah i do belive but i never shaken his hand you just have to belive hes there.

no one belived a young scientist when he said every thing is made up small molecules grouped together called atoms, not un till 50-60 years later they invented the electron microscope and they proved his theory was right. his name was einstien.

just have to have faith  smile.gif
thx hump

no one belived a young scientist when he said every thing is made up small molecules grouped together called atoms, not un till 50-60 years later they invented the electron microscope and they proved his theory was right. his name was einstien.

Einstein didint did that theory, it was Demócrito at first and Plato opposed him, then followed a large list of people giving ideas about the atom: Dalton, Avogadro, Roentgen, Becquerel, the Curie's, Rutherford, Bohr and Planck, just to name some withot forgeting about Einstein


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« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2003, 09:08:00 AM »

I'm glad I'm in a religion as it benefits me so much. I can't stand the thought that when I die, I'm gone, all over. Its a horrible thought and it would scare the shit out of me. But it doesn't, since I'm a christian and that helps me. I never cry at funerals, why, becase I'm a christian and so beleive that I'll see those people again. It helps me so much. And hell even if I am wasting my time and being an idiot and going to church, who cares, I'l be dead anyway. I won't be able to go 'damn,what a waste of my time' as I'm dead anyway.

However, I see what people do go on about. FACT:- The mafia in Italy have put more money and projects into the community than all the relgions in Italy put together. It a sad thing. I don't follow the pope and what he says. Stories in the bible I don't fully beleive. I don't think we need a priest to be a middle man when speaking to God. Most times the most criticing people on religion are those in a religion.

Basically, relgion is you and however you want to interpret it. My nan, is she misses mass on sundays, she thinks she'll go to hell. I had a HUGE argument with her once about how if a man misses church because he was doing charity work, does he go to hell? she said YES  blink.gif
If you don't need religion,then don't be in one. But hey...better to be on the safe side (but if that was true I'd b a musilm, seik, hindu etc etc etc)

P.S. Read a book called 'life of Pi' if your losing religion.


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« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2003, 09:13:00 AM »

Religion is the opiate of the masses.

So long,


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« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2003, 09:30:00 AM »

One of my friends told this to me and it always puzzled me....

You would say you have control over your mind right? Of course you would. Never once in my life when I was thinking all of a sudden did someone else (god) start thinking for me. If god is above everything else, why isn't he above the human mind? Because that's all god is, a piece of people's imagination.

The only purpose I see for religion is if it helps people to cope with the loss of someone and what not. Like so and so is going to a better place now, fine...I respect that. I don't believe it, but I respect that as long as it makes them happy.

However, if you want my take on things...religion was the first attempt to control people...and unfortunately it worked for the most part. Think about it, no laws, rules, etc... murders being committed. Since no one knows how we got here, why not make a story up about a "supreme being" who created us all. One so great that he is everywhere, knows everything we do, say, and even think. Let's add some rules that this supreme being wants enforced and have 10 commandments. Now we say if you break those commandments you will be sent to hell, fire, and brimstone....everlasting pain..etc....yet....this "supreme being" loves you..and no matter what you will be forgiven.

No one here believes in invisible people correct? So why do we believe in a god?

Does anyone else believe people live in the sky? I don't.

Do you believe that you have "soul" that lives inside of you. I've seen hundreds of bodies opened up on tv in my time, I never once saw anyones soul.

Look at other things in religion....Noah's ark for instance. This is the most far fetched bullshit I have ever heard! He creates this ark that holds EVERY animal, male and female...and they sail around 40 days on a big ass flood. Now come on, everyone knows there are billions of different much of a bs story is this??? And then geologists claim that there was once a great flood.....well no shit, you don't think once in a million years it rained like a mother fucker for a month or so?? c'mon...i'm sure it will happen again too sometime.

speaking of far fetched about moses parting the red sea??? If moses people were being supressed, then why in the hell didn't god help the jews in world war II?? Where are all these miracles today that used to happen??

Religion is all in people's minds and it is going to end up causing the end of the world when the muslim and christian nations get into a nuclear war to end all mankind.

I'm going to end this by stealing a quote from George all comes down to:

"My God's dick is bigger than your God's dick!"


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« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2003, 09:32:00 AM »

QUOTE (jackster @ Apr 24 2003, 05:08 PM)
I'm glad I'm in a religion as it benefits me so much. I can't stand the thought that when I die, I'm gone, all over. Its a horrible thought and it would scare the shit out of me. But it doesn't, since I'm a christian and that helps me. I never cry at funerals, why, becase I'm a christian and so beleive that I'll see those people again. It helps me so much. And hell even if I am wasting my time and being an idiot and going to church, who cares, I'l be dead anyway. I won't be able to go 'damn,what a waste of my time' as I'm dead anyway.

However, I see what people do go on about. FACT:- The mafia in Italy have put more money and projects into the community than all the relgions in Italy put together. It a sad thing. I don't follow the pope and what he says. Stories in the bible I don't fully beleive. I don't think we need a priest to be a middle man when speaking to God. Most times the most criticing people on religion are those in a religion.

Basically, relgion is you and however you want to interpret it. My nan, is she misses mass on sundays, she thinks she'll go to hell. I had a HUGE argument with her once about how if a man misses church because he was doing charity work, does he go to hell? she said YES  blink.gif
If you don't need religion,then don't be in one. But hey...better to be on the safe side (but if that was true I'd b a musilm, seik, hindu etc etc etc)

P.S. Read a book called 'life of Pi' if your losing religion.

I don't know. I have faced and come to terms with the fact that I will die and so will everyone I have ever known. Once you do this and realize that that is it, it can be a good thing. You appreciate life and what you have much more. It also makes you understand that people may have their differences but in the end it doesn't matter so you should try to get along in the time you have. I see no evidence either way. I don't care that I don't know how the universe was created. A God is just as reasonable as a Big Bang because then you have to ask who created the God/Bang? I don't know and I am fine with that.

Religion evolved out of a way to explain the world. Humans became able to think and had time on their hands and saw a lot of weird stuff. Things like the sun and the stars could not be understood. Religion settled the ancient people's minds. Then it became a teaching tool. Tell a story backed by an immortal power and your children are more likely to listen. It did more though. It became a social event. It has always been an explanation of what happens after death. People like to be prepared for things before they do them. Death is something everyone has to do but no one can really gain reliable information about because people how experience it cannot communicate the experience. The idea of spirits and big guys in the skies seems a bit far fetched to me but if you have an argument, tell me. I am always open to an explanation. Like I said, I don't have the answers. It is like a multiple choice question with a billion choices. I cross out a few in an attempt to narrow it down but that doesn't mean I am any closer to getting it right. I think if you live a pretty moral life, respecting others and treating them how YOU would like to be treated then thats a good thing.

So long,


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« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2003, 09:55:00 AM »

Why are we repeating topics already covered! The starter of this topic just needs to do a little search and he can see what has been covered in this.....Hell anyone remember my Howard Stern post that turned into the first real religous debate.....from there it all went downhill!!!

None the less this post is obviously here to try and start Sh*t.....



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« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2003, 10:00:00 AM »

You do not need to go to church for there to be life after death or for that reason not even need to be religious, i my self am not religious but i am spiritual. the big question is. is there life after death.
i think like probually many of you do do, religioun is there to keep people i line and make people understand that they cant just go around doing what ever they want.
As for the bible you realy dont know what to believe, my self reading some of the stories i dont believe that they are true, but probually just stories with morels.
basically i believe that if you at least try to do every thing with good intentions u will be fine.
if you look at the past all religion as ever caused is war!!!!


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« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2003, 11:27:00 AM »

QUOTE (mathman @ Apr 23 2003, 09:28 PM)
I't's rediculous. Right? Where's the proof? Might as well be a dragon in the sky. Christian here. Not for longthough. On the verge of conversion. Looking for proof. Anyone out there? Help me. Give me knowledge. God is a hallucination. A result of a thorough brainwash. The ability to reason rules supreme. Higher than any GOD. Convince me. Teach me spirituality. RELIGION = BLINDFAITH. Proof?. Where?. Oh just another Jahova's Witness. In practice and theory, everyone is an ATHEIST. Think. Christians: People make their own Christianity. Bible = Koran = Talmud = RELIGION = Tool(Not the band). "Religion is a means for people to achieve perfection". Why not ACADEMICS? MORALITY does not equal religion, but perception. As does everything else. Red or blue? It's perception. No one is right except for who you choose to percieve as right. Input is welcome. Ignorance is not. FAITH = BLINDFAITH. Sheep or INTELLIGENCE? You choose. Free will. Individuality. RELIGION = CONFLICT = CONTRADICTION = FALSEHOOD, FALSEHOOD, FALSEHOOD, FALSEHOOD, FALSEHOOD, FALSEHOOD, and FALSEHOOD.

Ok I have a true story that showed me ( saw it with my own two eyes) there is a god.

Ok so my mom aunt was at a park having a picnic really unsure of her faith and if there was a god. She was takeing pictures. Ok know remember this is when the cameras had 12 and 13 pictures on a roll but never 14.

So at the park there was a bench she saw.

Ok know she got her pictures devoloped and the manager called her in there were 14 pictures!!! (one over what it should have been anyways). The fourteenth picture was of Jesus sitting on that bench she saw at the park.

I have a photocopy of this (its kina grainy not that great but you can see him) .

This is a true story not a lie.


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« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2003, 11:31:00 AM »

Are his abs ripped?


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« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2003, 11:41:00 AM »

QUOTE (gainpresence @ Apr 24 2003, 07:31 PM)
Are his abs ripped?



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« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2003, 01:34:00 PM »



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« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2003, 01:39:00 PM »

bonk, ok that is just way too much info...


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« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2003, 01:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (nonamer66 @ Apr 24 2003, 09:39 PM)
bonk, ok that is just way too much info...

hell yeah! I fell asleep five times before i finished reading that.


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« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2003, 02:39:00 PM »

I was raised Mennonite Christian (no, not the farmers, those are Amish and Hutterites).

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about higher powers. I dont feel comfortable in my church anymore, and i have shafted my youth group and have stopped going.

I don't feel like i should be athiest, I still believe in some sort of higher power. However, i think most of my opinions have been influenced by science.

For example, I was told as a child that God created the earth and everything on it. As soon as Time magazine released their article on the Big Bang, i started thinking about it. Could a bunch of ancient biblical writers know more than modern scientists?

Then I started watching those TLC shows about faith and miracles, and realized how *dumb* those people who see the Virgin Mary in rocks look.

Lastly, and just recently, I began work part time in a bookstore. In the religion section, there are all these crackpot books for obsessive compulsive religious people, like "Cracking the Bible Code", and "Religion and the Simpsons". Is it just me, or are these not very religious topics? Anyone can take a large chunk of the Bible, arrange it any way they want, and pull hidden messages from it.

(Ironically?) the religion section is right beside the "Metaphysics and Occoult" section. This is where books on reincarnation, the afterlife, witchcraft, tarot reading, astrology, and conspiricy theory are kept. I think looking through this section one day was the last straw in my religion issue.

To sum it up (i feel like i'm writing an essay) I would like to believe in a higher power, but only as long as that power has no control over worldly events, is nameless, faceless, and is not recognized as a worldly being. Is that too much to ask???


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« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2003, 04:03:00 PM »

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