
Author Topic: Xbox-linux Crew Doesn't Agree With Auto Dash Upgra  (Read 41 times)


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Xbox-linux Crew Doesn't Agree With Auto Dash Upgra
« on: September 16, 2003, 10:00:00 PM »

Well Im sorry to say this, but after reading your whining on your website, about how MS accessed your Xbox and upgraded the dash, I didnt feel AT ALL sorry for you.  

It is a computer you say, yes it is, but the purpose of this computer in MSs eyes is to play games, not store you files and whatnot.  So if you "accidentally" hit the XBOXLIVE button(I dont know how you can actually hit it accidentally, I guess poor reflexes, or drunkeness, since I have never "accidentally" just hit it) the too friggin bad.  You shouldnt have used your "data storage" xbox while being linked to the net.

MS upgrades your dash automatically with new games...well thats their right.  Its their machine, its their' if they want to do anything with it, without your knowledge, then that is their privilage!  They spent enough money on it and they want to protect it regardless of what law you try to pull out of your magic hat.  

Just so Im not a hypocrit, I would like to say it is cool that we can mod our xboxes and do all kinds of funky things to them.  But I will never connect my xbox to the net.  So if you want to connect and do all types of LIVE'n get another one, they are dirt cheap now, especially with the XMAS sales coming up!

Hey if it was a ligit Xbox that you used only to play games then I doubt you would have posted such a letter, and used the words like "accidentally", come on...Its just like the "my little brother accidentally hit the XBOX LIVE and now I cant pay it anymore because MS upgraded it".