
Author Topic: Can Someone Fill Me In On All These Hacks And Stuff?  (Read 125 times)


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Can Someone Fill Me In On All These Hacks And Stuff?
« on: May 22, 2006, 02:08:00 PM »

There's a crapload of info and it's looking pretty damn cool and all, but I don't have the time to read up on everything, plus I don't really know where to begin. In general I know what's going on and stuff I just need to ask a couple of questions.

1. Where is this all going, is playing backups and homebrew in the future going to be as easy and simple as on the first Xbox?

2. Can ALL 360 versions be modified with the firmware hack so they can boot backups?

3. From what you can tell with the way things are now, is playing games straight off of the HDD going to be possible at some point? I think the coolest part of the Xbox scene was that you can copy your games to the HDD without even actually backing them up to DVDs and stuff, that way you get to both save your valuable original games from getting scratched up AND play them without lag/slow downs and stuff if your DVD drive isn't in a very good shape.

4. Is this thing Team Xecutor are working on sorta like a mod chip? Is it going to work on all 360 versions regardless of what dvd drive they have?

5. Can MS just do something about all this and render us unable to play backups, at least for a while?


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Can Someone Fill Me In On All These Hacks And Stuff?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2006, 03:49:00 PM »

1. As easy and simple, cant tell from right now

2. Have to have a samsung drive

3. I dont think any development has been made toward this

4. Im not sure but I dont think so

5. Thats MS's little secret