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Author Topic: Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support  (Read 261 times)


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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2008, 08:57:00 PM »

Team Xecuter is a wisdom needed to figure it out. wink.gif


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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2008, 06:06:00 AM »

QUOTE(beasty54 @ Sep 18 2008, 11:54 AM) *

Thats no different to saying all we (XS members) are doing is taking the hard work from the guys responsible for coming up with the hacks and using it to make or save money. I'm sure theres a few guys in here charging for a flashing service because some people aren't confident enough to do it themselves, (although they could if they really wanted) are these guys clowns?? Have you flashed a 360 using the hacks created by others, i'm sure you have so this makes you a clown also ?

Think before you type  rolleyes.gif
LOL what a NOOB reply, if i didnt think before I typed I wouldnt of typed it - doh. What you have typed makes no sense as FORUMS are made for this kind of stuff BUT the clowns at team executer go on as if THEY found the hacks etc and then market them, they NEVER give cred to the site or the original finders of the hacks etc.

Think before you type your reply  rolleyes.gif


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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2008, 06:58:00 AM »

QUOTE(FoneFreak @ Sep 19 2008, 01:06 PM) *

LOL what a NOOB reply, if i didnt think before I typed I wouldnt of typed it - doh. What you have typed makes no sense as FORUMS are made for this kind of stuff BUT the clowns at team executer go on as if THEY found the hacks etc and then market them, they NEVER give cred to the site or the original finders of the hacks etc.

Think before you type your reply  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

The saying refers to the fact you didn't give your post much thought, which is pretty spot on.

Regardless of what you think about T-X, the product works, it's an all-in-one solution and will appeal to those who don't already have a V2 kit and RS232 board.

How many times have you used someone else's knowledge to your advantage and not only gave credit at the time, but then personally thanked them after? Yes, the information is freely submitted by others but you ultimately need the hardware to do it.


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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2008, 10:36:00 AM »

QUOTE(FoneFreak @ Sep 19 2008, 01:06 PM) *

LOL what a NOOB reply, if i didnt think before I typed I wouldnt of typed it - doh. What you have typed makes no sense as FORUMS are made for this kind of stuff BUT the clowns at team executer go on as if THEY found the hacks etc and then market them, they NEVER give cred to the site or the original finders of the hacks etc.

Think before you type your reply  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Kids    (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

QUOTE(Martinchris23 @ Sep 19 2008, 01:58 PM) *

The saying refers to the fact you didn't give your post much thought, which is pretty spot on.

Regardless of what you think about T-X, the product works, it's an all-in-one solution and will appeal to those who don't already have a V2 kit and RS232 board.

How many times have you used someone else's knowledge to your advantage and not only gave credit at the time, but then personally thanked them after? Yes, the information is freely submitted by others but you ultimately need the hardware to do it.

Thankyou, glad someone understands what i meant.

This post has been edited by beasty54: Sep 19 2008, 05:37 PM


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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2008, 11:33:00 AM »

I agree with FoneFreak.

Team-x has done this for years. Come out with a product that uses hacks by others then either claim them as their own, or dont give any credit to the original hacker.

I dont care that they use other peoples hacks... BUT they need to give credit where credit is due. Also my main grip I have with team-x is they rip off the scene. The devices they sell are massed produced in Chinese sweat shops for pennies, then turn around and sell it at a 1,000% profit. All while the noobs at xbox-scene smile while getting raped.

They've been riding the coat-tails of hackers for YEARS. Bunnie's original hack for Xbox 1, pual's 120gb hdd drive limit,  and the current firmware hacks by others. Using someone elses hacks is not he problem I have with them, the problem is they try to take credit for them and THEY SCREW THE SCENE OVER with OUTRAGEOUS prices. Then people here defend them for screwing the scene over. Shame on you. These people made MILLIONS. This is the main reason Bunnie went white hat and has HELPED MS with the 360.



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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2008, 01:06:00 PM »

QUOTE(tester123 @ Sep 19 2008, 06:33 PM) *

I agree with FoneFreak.

Team-x has done this for years. Come out with a product that uses hacks by others then either claim them as their own, or dont give any credit to the original hacker. I dont care that they use other peoples hacks... BUT they need to give credit where credit is due.

Is this a new thing? Hardly.

I'm assuming you're using a PC or Mac to access the Internet, or at least in your daily duties.

Next time you see a new PC, look in the manual for

"Thanks to the hard working hackers at Compaq for this machine."

Next time you see a Mac and read the manual, look for

"Thanks to Xerox for their GIMP environment, without which we wouldn't have an Operating System."

You won't in either case. Yep, the only reason the PC is so popular is some clever guys at Compaq took advantage in IBM's mistake in not patenting the BIOS. They reversed engineered it and passed it off as their own.

The Apple Mac's GIMP (Graphics, Icon, Menus, Pointer) was first realised by Xerox. Apple took the environment and made it their own. If I'm right in thinking, Atari did the same to Apple with the GEM environment on the Atari ST.

I double-dare you to approach Dell, Apple, Compaq/HP, Gateway, Toshiba, Sony etc and demand they publish a word of thanks for the work done all those years ago which made the IBM-Compatible PC what it is today. You'll get a similar response from T-X I believe, which would be "It's our product, we designed it and we make/sell it. If you don't like it, don't buy it".

QUOTE(tester123 @ Sep 19 2008, 06:33 PM) *

Also my main grip I have with team-x is they rip off the scene. The devices they sell are massed produced in Chinese sweat shops for pennies, then turn around and sell it at a 1,000% profit.

Can you please post all factual sources of this information - otherwise refrain from using it in future!

QUOTE(tester123 @ Sep 19 2008, 06:33 PM) *

They've been riding the coat-tails of hackers for YEARS. Bunnie's original hack for Xbox 1, pual's 120gb hdd drive limit,  and the current firmware hacks by others. Using someone elses hacks is not he problem I have with them, the problem is they try to take credit for them and THEY SCREW THE SCENE OVER with OUTRAGEOUS prices. Then people here defend them for screwing the scene over. Shame on you. These people made MILLIONS.

I refer to my first reply in your post - T-X don't hold the monopoly or patents on this stuff. If you want to go ahead and mass produce something with your own funds and personally thank those in the scene with every one you sell, go ahead. Otherwise, quit the complaining!

QUOTE(tester123 @ Sep 19 2008, 06:33 PM) *
This is the main reason Bunnie went white hat and has HELPED MS with the 360.

Again, I'm going to need to see some evidence on this. If it's your opinion then fine. My opinion is that Bunnie got fed up of doing things for free and MS offered him a job and he took it.



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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2008, 01:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(Martinchris23 @ Sep 20 2008, 05:06 AM) *

The Apple Mac's GIMP (Graphics, Icon, Menus, Pointer) was first realised by Xerox. Apple took the environment and made it their own. If I'm right in thinking, Atari did the same to Apple with the GEM environment on the Atari ST.

apple are no way related.


With the hardware design nearing completion, the team started looking at solutions for the operating system. Soon after the buyout, Microsoft approached Tramiel with the suggestion that they port Windows to the platform, but the delivery date was out by about two years, far too long for their needs. Another possibility was Digital Research, who were working on a new GUI-based system then known as Crystal, soon to become GEM. Another option was to write a new operating system in-house, but this was eventually rejected due to the risk.

Digital Research was fully committed to the Intel platform, so a team from Atari was sent to the Digital Research headquarters to work with the "Monterey Team" which comprised a mixture of Atari and Digital Research engineers. Atari's Jim Tittsler was Atari key OS engineer overseeing "Project Jason" (aka - The Operating System) for the Atari ST line of computers. The name came from the original designer and developer, Jason Loveman. Tim Oren has an article describing the history of the project, from his series "Professional GEM."

CP/M-68K was essentially a direct port of CP/M's original, mature operating system. By 1985, it was becoming increasingly outdated in comparison to MS-DOS 2.0; for instance, CP/M did not support sub-directories and did not have a hierarchical file system. Digital Research was also in the process of building a new DOS-like operating system specifically for GEM, GEMDOS, and there was some discussion of whether or not a port of GEMDOS could be completed in time for product delivery in June. The decision was eventually taken to port it, resulting in a GEMDOS file system which became part of TOS (The Operating System). This was beneficial as it gave the ST a fast, hierarchical file system, essential for hard drive storage disks, plus programmers had function calls similar to the IBM PC DOS.


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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2008, 03:32:00 AM »

QUOTE(littlestevie360 @ Sep 20 2008, 08:43 AM) *

apple are no way related.

Yes they are.

Taken from the Wikipedia:

Graphical Environment Manager (GEM)

Digital Research (DRI) created the Graphical Environment Manager as an add-on program for personal computers. GEM was developed to work with existing CP/M and MS-DOS operating systems on business computers such as IBM-compatibles. It was developed from DRI software, known as GSX, designed by a former PARC employee. The similarity to the Macintosh desktop led to a copyright lawsuit from Apple Computer, and a settlement which involved some changes to GEM. This was to be the first of a series of 'look and feel' lawsuits related to GUI design in the 1980s.

GEM received widespread use in the consumer market from 1985, when it was made the default user interface built in to the TOS operating system of the Atari ST line of personal computers. It was also bundled by other computer manufacturers and distributors, such as Amstrad. Later, it was distributed with the best-selled Digital Research version of DOS for IBM PC compatibles, the DR-DOS 6.0. The GEM desktop faded from the market with the withdrawal of the Atari ST line in 1992 and with the popularity of the Microsoft Windows 3.0 in the PC front by the same years.

Ok, so Atari used DR's GEM environment and didn't actually take anything, but the idea was definitely copied.

This post has been edited by Martinchris23: Sep 20 2008, 10:34 AM


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Xecuter Connectivity Kit v3: Details and Picture - Liteon Support
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2020, 08:01:00 PM »

I would rather buy this than spend my time to build my own. Sure it is easy enough to build but my time is more valuable. Thanks to xecuter for providing me and others with this service. When I buy a radio I don't expect to see any thanks for the design anymore than when I buy a tv or a car. If the demand is there then xecuter can fill it and we can thank them with our money.
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