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Author Topic: Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress  (Read 1842 times)


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2010, 12:12:00 AM »

good news. donation or not, sign me up.

thanks team  love.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2010, 12:19:00 AM »

How is this good news? They are basically teasing you with a firmware that you probably will not have any time soon. I just don't like the sound of it. Homebrew / hacking has never been about donations. Now it seems you cant say homebrew / hacking without everyone fighting about donations. Shut up about donations ! Donations are for the willing and not be forced upon anyone.

This post has been edited by tomgreen99200: Jan 13 2010, 08:22 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2010, 12:22:00 AM »

It might be true that LT is real stealth to MS procedures to find out if you have hacked console or not, but we must see it ourselfs of course. The point is... there are so many users out there right now that really need the LT to be able to avoid the bans from MS in the future. If your LT version is working but still nto fully tested, you can publish a RC version (Release Candidate) and anyway that version will be much safer than any IX, according to C4E words. I hope Team Jungle does this soon and we appreciate all their efforts. As I told before, I will donate for the whole team's efforts. It is a team work , well done!


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2010, 12:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(tomgreen99200 @ Jan 13 2010, 02:19 AM) View Post

How is this good news? They are basically teasing you with a firmware that you probably will not have any time soon. I just don't like the sound of it. Homebrew / hacking has never been about donations. Now it seems you cant say homebrew / hacking without everyone fighting about donations. Shut up about donations ! Donations are for the willing and not be forced upon anyone.

I would gladly donated to these guys again.  I don't understand how 3/4 of you guys can be so rude and ignorant.  They have done such hard work for us, hours of work and have made very little money doing so.  They basically took up a second job in order to do this for us, and you guys whine and push them around when they don't release something on time.

Unacceptable behavior is you ask me.  It wouldn't surprise me if they are holding out on purpose because so many people complain...

Glad to see the team is still working for us and didn't disband smile.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2010, 12:38:00 AM »

QUOTE(Mr.RedRing @ Jan 13 2010, 08:33 AM) *

I would gladly donated to these guys again.  I don't understand how 3/4 of you guys can be so rude and ignorant.  They have done such hard work for us, hours of work and have made very little money doing so.  They basically took up a second job in order to do this for us, and you guys whine and push them around when they don't release something on time.

Unacceptable behavior is you ask me.  It wouldn't surprise me if they are holding out on purpose because so many people complain...

Glad to see the team is still working for us and didn't disband (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

i do appreciate their work greatly, i'm just a little annoyed on how they seem to be teasing people for so long.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2010, 12:41:00 AM »

Just release it already... Its good to know it "most likely" will work the way it was promised a long time ago. Why release these statements? Why tease people with this stuff and expect your nutsack to be fondled?

I am fully willing to donate as soon as this trend stops... Make a claim/ tease/tease/tease.. (crickets) FW...Oh yeah the FW is SO AWESOME!

Release the FW

I will donate

Stop playing games.. just use the "send us your key" business model and fuck all the cheapskates!


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2010, 12:47:00 AM »  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

There was already a thread made yesterday and chorizo1 closed it for saying 'shitter' update threads.

How is this one any different to the one we had?? Why was one made right after one was deleted??

Oh wait.....Xbox-Scene made it, That's why.

QUOTE(T3XA5360R3B3L @ Jan 13 2010, 06:30 AM) *


The sky is falling. the sky is falling... Only LT can save you!!!

and LT is fucking nowhere in sight..

I partly agree with this.

This post has been edited by signum: Jan 13 2010, 08:48 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2010, 12:48:00 AM »

Newsflash: Team Jungle has found all new checks!

...except for the checks they haven't found yet.  Seriously, why would anyone trust them to make a completely safe firmware when EVERY fw they have ever made was detectable by checks they didn't anticipate?  

Let's face it, MS has won the war for XBL.  If you have a modified console then it will always be a matter of time before they issue an irreversible update that will detect the mod and flag you for a ban.  Live safe = bulls**t.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2010, 12:52:00 AM »

1, 22, 7, 9, 1002, 2.3    That's Number Wang~!

This post has been edited by Takashi: Jan 13 2010, 08:53 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2010, 12:54:00 AM »

Interesting to see how this will work out...

Forced Donations = LAME.  Requested donations=sure why not.

I've been meaning to donate 5% of my earnings to someone- I guess I just found my fav type of peeps to donate to.  Non-profits like wikipedia and homebrew coders will now be getting 5% of my measly min wage money. =)


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2010, 12:56:00 AM »

QUOTE(Skevus @ Jan 13 2010, 12:03 AM) *

Your only able to play originals on some old non stealth Firmware without being banned. The 4 Newest iXtreme don't matter if you play originals or copies on Live. With the 2 newest kernell it deosn't matter if you play on live or offline, if you play offline your 360 will be flagged and it will be banned as soon you connect to Live. The idea for LT came from the old non stealth Firmwares since people with old firmware playing only originals weren't banned this time.
With the new LT you will have to splitvid all your games manually and correct the kreon error manually also. It was acctually this addones that microsoft were checking for. So you will be 100% safe playing originals on live and about 40-50% safe playing backups with LT. If you know what your doing you can be 90% safe with backups also, however you will have to check every game manually and you can get banned because of just "ONE" Game even if you play offline. So LT isn't for everybody, if your unsure how to make your backups you should stick to originals....

Are you sure about that?  I play offline (backups/originals.. everything offline), but I still connect to live with an empty drive tray to buy DLC.. and I've get to be banned.

I don't think anyones posted any concrete methods to how they're detecting bans, or whether or not there logging offline activity and transmitting to live when you connect.

I didn't hear of alot of people who never had discs in the drive tray while connected to live every getting banned?  Since I never got banned, I still don't think they send those logs when you connect.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2010, 01:08:00 AM »

The only way this firmware or any other one will be safe on live
is if the creator dosent release it so ms can't study it and find a way to detect it

So all you lot moaning write your own firmware and shut up


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2010, 01:10:00 AM »

Why should we need to know all the details of the fw? So m$ knows about how effective they're ban methods still are? Keeping what we know under cover is good. Let's let M$ wait it out and see for awhile.

btw, What happened to Team 'HyperX'?


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2010, 01:16:00 AM »

QUOTE(drkoolbeanz @ Jan 13 2010, 02:10 AM) View Post
Why should we need to know all the details of the fw? So m$ knows about how effective they're ban methods still are? Keeping what we know under cover is good. Let's let M$ wait it out and see for awhile.
Security through obscurity never works.  

Especially against multi-billion dollar corporations with a vast number of security experts, programmers, and engineers under their belt.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2010, 01:19:00 AM »

All the children on this forum need to realise, Microsoft is a multibillion dollar company.. They pay people six figure salaries to thwart shit like this, The only reason the firmware worked in the past was because they let it work, get it through your heads.. You will get caught, Your xbox will get banned, You will be S.O.L. Get over it it was fun while it lasted.

QUOTE(JIME01 @ Jan 13 2010, 02:06 AM) *

Get fucked, they are the ones responsible for you being able to play pirated games, the least you could do would be to give a donation... after all the hard work going into this.

I lol'ed
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