
Author Topic: You Banned? Just A Quick Question.  (Read 840 times)


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You Banned? Just A Quick Question.
« on: May 21, 2007, 05:34:00 AM »

So after months of speculation the swines of the big corporate monster that is Microsoft finally pulled the plug on the modified xbox communities online fun. Ive heard alot of people say Microsoft are shooting themselves in the foot by banning so many users from xbox live as they'll lose a fortune in online revenue which at first I believed in until I have been reading these forums.

It would seem Microsoft are going to make even more money by doing this. We all know that xbox live has evolved 10 fold since xbox 1 and has now become a integral part of the system. Many people cannot live without their xbox360 not reaching its full on line potential. And the main concensus appears to be to buy a core sytem for online play and keep the modified one for offline. So actually Microsoft are making your folk out another 170 quid (in the UK) on top of the xbox live subscription to play online. Bills laughing all the way to the bank!

So I was just wandering out of all the people who got banned whos going to buy a core system to go online?