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Author Topic: Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?  (Read 623 times)


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2008, 07:52:00 PM »

I dont want to be greedy but I would expect a month for free at least! Remember this is not the first time this has happened and they didnt even really appoligize for it the last time, just said it was fixed and now we come to find out that it was not fixed they just put a band aid on it and hoped it would stay fixed. For all the people that recieved a 360 over the holidays this was a real kick in the can (not me). I mean alot of people wanted to play on line and could not that is a breach of contract on MS part. Hey they sure remembered to take the money out of my bank account for the renewal fee but cant give me reliable service WTF? If my cable tv service was unreliable for 2 weeks I am sure they would compensate me for a month I dont think that is to much to ask for somthing that should be much cheaper to begin with. Sorry but that is my opinion.


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2020, 08:34:00 PM »

Get a grip on reality people!  Unless you people live in a place where your power never goes out, cable TV always works, Cell phone conversations never get dropped, etc. then expecting more from Microsoft then what you lost is assinine and completly unrealistic.    

Grow up, be glad they'll giving you any form of compensation, and stop your whining.

This post has been edited by g8crapachino: Today, 04:36 AM


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2020, 09:41:00 PM »

For all of the people w/ Bill Gates balls in their mouth, people can complain about the lack of service all they want. MS sells the Xbox on the merit that it has the best online gaming service. When that isn't accomplished, we can bitch.

For those that say that $2 is a fair amount because thats what it breaks down to on a $50 a year, snap back to reality. Not all of us have time to play on Xbox Live for one reason or another at all of the low usage times of the year. If I pay $50 for 52 weeks of service, and only need it for 1 week, then each of those days is worth $7 to me. We aren't paying $.14 cents a day for Xbox Live, we are paying $50 a year for the assurance that our option to play online is always there.

Think of it like the Super Bowl commercials. Advertisers pay a premium for this ad space because they know this is the best time to reach a large amount of people. Certain times of the year are more valuable to people based on their schedules. Some of these companies spend their whole ad budget on that one day that another company would spend in a year doing local advertising. The people that pay for a year and only use 2 weeks are the ones that pay the most to keep the infrastucture running. This is one of those weeks.

This post has been edited by Tony42077: Today, 05:58 AM


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2020, 10:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(Marrvia @ Jan 1 2008, 08:23 PM) *

Yeah, but does Microsoft have to give us something worth $10-$20 because we couldn't play online for $2 worth of time?  I would love it if Microsoft decided to give me a free game, but is that really fair to Microsoft?  If this case went to court I'm sure the judge would award everyone $2 which would be fair, but anything more is generous on Microsoft's part, so nobody should expect more than that.

It's like someone buying a xbox 360 for $400, they take it home and it doesn't work and suing Microsoft for $10,000.  Is that fair?  No, they should just get their $400 back, not extra.

It's funny you use the lawsuit and court analogy... you do realize that often companies are made to pay out far in excess of actual damages as punative or to cover pain and suffering right?  

As for suing MS for $10,000 for a $400 system have you ever heard of people suing for millions over a $10 bottle of pills that didn't work right?   Suing for $500k becuase their blender malfunctioned?  You do realize that you are completely ruining your own stand point with what you chose to use for analogies?

Now certainly no one lost a limb or suffered long lasting health problems due to the lack of live, but it's the same principle that covers pain and suffering that makes it reasonable to ask for more than just your money back.

In this case it is entirely their generosity that will lead to anything coming out as no court would find they owed as they have it right in their TOS that they are not responsible for system failures.  Just like casinos are not responsible if the slot machine breaks while your money is in it.

But as far as what to expect from MS to make up for this issue?  I expect something that makes the many hours of dealing with crappy live service and the missed opportunity to relax and play something I spent hundreds of dollars to have ready for me to play.  How much is hours of relaxation and enjoyment that I only have time to schedule a few times a year worth?  I dunno... I am going to say more than $2.

I don't expect compensation because of any legal bindings or rules, I expect it because it's good business and the right thing to do.  I do business with companies that continually make me happy with their service, and for this I continually pay them more than it costs them to provide me that service.  In order to keep that relationship, when they dissapoint me they need to go above and beyond to get back in my good graces.

I am pretty sure none of us would cancel our live subscriptions over a few days of failed service, but the bad press it will bring MS could be very costly... they don't need to make it just right, they need to make their customers remain happy and save face for themselves.

This post has been edited by Devedander: Today, 06:18 AM


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #34 on: February 04, 2020, 02:10:00 AM »

QUOTE(Devedander @ Jan 2 2008, 06:14 AM) *

I don't expect compensation because of any legal bindings or rules, I expect it because it's good business and the right thing to do.  I do business with companies that continually make me happy with their service, and for this I continually pay them more than it costs them to provide me that service.  In order to keep that relationship, when they disappoint me they need to go above and beyond to get back in my good graces.

I am pretty sure none of us would cancel our live subscriptions over a few days of failed service, but the bad press it will bring MS could be very costly... they don't need to make it just right, they need to make their customers remain happy and save face for themselves.

Finally, somebody else with some business sense.

I had my cable go out for 4 hours last month. My cable company not only credited me the entire months service(Internet/Voip/Television), but they replaced by digital cable terminal with a newer model free of charge (I own my cable box).

This situation is no different. Microsoft points cost Microsoft pennies on the dollar. Throwing the customers $10 in MS points would be a simple measure to appease most consumers that doesn't scratch the bottom line.

I'm not renting this service by the day. I'm paying for a service that will be there when i have family or friends over to enjoy it. A few hours of downtime is acceptable, but when you have the technological resources that Microsoft has, there is absolutely ZERO reason for any sort of server issues exceeding a day, let alone a week.

Those of you claiming $2 is the value of what we've lost show your absolute lack of business sense and your complete naivety as consumers.


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2008, 10:23:00 AM »

To all the MS fanboys it isn't the money that we are complaining about it is the time.


People have jobs, families and other commitments that prevent them from playing on

live as much as they would like to.


Holidays such as Christmas, Easter and in some cases the odd week off here and

there as part of annual leave are times which these players look forward to spending

an indecent amount of time having a blast on live.


Some people have online friends which they count as a friend just as much of any

of their offline friends and looked forward to having a good laugh on live over Christmas.


It is not just the 10p per day that is causing upset, it is the lack of information, the waste

of time and the 2 or 3 games given to us as christmas presents that we don't get to enjoy

because live is down.


Just play single player you say ??


I very rarely play any single player anymore as I like playing games with friends and

making it a more sociable affair.  I hate playing alone, it's just not the same.


Unless a game is truly exceptional like bioshock, and even then myself and a friend

started our bioshock games at exactly the same time and were on private chat almost

all the way through it, chatting about how good it was , having a laugh at the enemies,

screaming at the big daddies etc.......


Live is now a major part of the gaming experience, and when it's not working properly

you feel like you are playing a sub-standard game.


Thats my two pence worth anyway.







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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2020, 10:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(g8crapachino @ Jan 1 2008, 08:34 PM) *

Get a grip on reality people!  Unless you people live in a place where your power never goes out, cable TV always works, Cell phone conversations never get dropped, etc. then expecting more from Microsoft then what you lost is assinine and completly unrealistic.    

Grow up, be glad they'll giving you any form of compensation, and stop your whining.

This about describes my choices in service, my calls are never dropped, i picked a reliable carrier and have a reliable handset and as for the other services they are just as reliable. And as others have stated, even if cable tv goes down for a short amount of time they credit you more than it was down simply as an apology to let you know they care. Some people might not care about this but when your console runs like garbage simply because live is down thats just sad. If your console is connected to the internet it shouldnt be all slow and run like garbage just because the service is down. My box lagged like crap just trying to load things off the hdd or play music or do any basic functions and my own brother reported the same problems with his box and we're not even in the same house. So I believe fair compensation is due if their online service goes down and drags your box with it!


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2008, 12:36:00 PM »

You guys are complaining like this happens all the time.  Quit whining and moaning over the service being bad.  Its like you lost electricity for 2 weeks.  I had minor problems with live the past few weeks and it didnt bother me.  I found a way to solve it for myself, it would have trouble signing in at the dashboard, I would move over to another part of the dash, run my game, then it would sign into live while the game loaded or I would do it manually.  I did have a few problems getting into some COD4 games, but Im not really upset.

I'm sure MS will do something like give MS points or something.  Just be happy you have a roof over your head, food, and have electricity.   Other people in the world are less fortunate and have nothing.  Life goes on..


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2008, 02:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(BoNg420 @ Jan 2 2008, 01:36 PM) *

You guys are complaining like this happens all the time.  Quit whining and moaning over the service being bad.  Its like you lost electricity for 2 weeks.  I had minor problems with live the past few weeks and it didnt bother me.  I found a way to solve it for myself, it would have trouble signing in at the dashboard, I would move over to another part of the dash, run my game, then it would sign into live while the game loaded or I would do it manually.  I did have a few problems getting into some COD4 games, but Im not really upset.

I'm sure MS will do something like give MS points or something.  Just be happy you have a roof over your head, food, and have electricity.   Other people in the world are less fortunate and have nothing.  Life goes on..

If XBL was a free service, then I wouldn't complain about the occasional outage. But the fact remains that we PAY for this. I pay them to give me online gaming anytime, anywhere. And if for some reason, on their part, they can't provide the service, which I have ALREADY PAID for, then I have every right to bitch about it.

With Microsoft being one of the wealthiest companies in the world, thanks to us, you'd expect them to have the best servers money could buy. I guess that assumption is wrong  rolleyes.gif



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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2008, 04:26:00 PM »

QUOTE(tha754boy @ Jan 2 2008, 03:57 PM) View Post

If XBL was a free service, then I wouldn't complain about the occasional outage. But the fact remains that we PAY for this. I pay them to give me online gaming anytime, anywhere. And if for some reason, on their part, they can't provide the service, which I have ALREADY PAID for, then I have every right to bitch about it.

With Microsoft being one of the wealthiest companies in the world, thanks to us, you'd expect them to have the best servers money could buy. I guess that assumption is wrong  rolleyes.gif

i completely agree. i just yesterday was finally able to play with my buddy. what a joke.


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2008, 04:46:00 PM »

QUOTE(tha754boy @ Jan 2 2008, 01:57 PM) View Post

If XBL was a free service, then I wouldn't complain about the occasional outage. But the fact remains that we PAY for this. I pay them to give me online gaming anytime, anywhere. And if for some reason, on their part, they can't provide the service, which I have ALREADY PAID for, then I have every right to bitch about it.

With Microsoft being one of the wealthiest companies in the world, thanks to us, you'd expect them to have the best servers money could buy. I guess that assumption is wrong  rolleyes.gif

I agree, Microsoft should give us the equalivant of 2 weeks free service.  Seriously, this nation full of pussies who love to bitch and ask for more than they deserve.  It's annoying.  Yes, Microsoft has a shit load of money.  What, that means they have to give it all to you?  Seriously, get over it.  IT'S ONLY VIDEO GAMES.  If you can't play online, just play some offline games for a while.  Go watch tv, listen to the radio, take a walk, or whatever.  Yes, it is a little inconvenient if you had your mind set on online gaming, but it is not the end of world.  6 years ago there was no damn Xbox live, do whatever you did back then, and stop complaining.

Like I said, we should be compensated, but not overly compensated.  Just give me back the money I lost, that's all I need.  If Microsoft wants be give me extra, I'll happily take it, but I would call Microsoft generous at that point.  I just don't EXPECT Microsoft to be generous, it's not a charity, it's a business.


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2008, 05:00:00 PM »

QUOTE(Devedander @ Jan 1 2008, 09:14 PM) View Post

It's funny you use the lawsuit and court analogy... you do realize that often companies are made to pay out far in excess of actual damages as punative or to cover pain and suffering right?  

As for suing MS for $10,000 for a $400 system have you ever heard of people suing for millions over a $10 bottle of pills that didn't work right?   Suing for $500k becuase their blender malfunctioned?  You do realize that you are completely ruining your own stand point with what you chose to use for analogies?

Now certainly no one lost a limb or suffered long lasting health problems due to the lack of live, but it's the same principle that covers pain and suffering that makes it reasonable to ask for more than just your money back.

I know that people sue for outrageous amounts, which I why I use that analogy.  It does not ruin my standpoint, I am making a point.  It's seems like the same type of situation to me.  You think it is right for someone to sue for $10,000 for a $400 system?  Or is it right for some fat fuck who buys Mcdonald's burgers every day to turn around and sue Mcdonald's for millions for making them unhealthy?  It's completely frivolous, that's my point.

Microsoft can give extra compensation to make everyone happy.  I just feel they shouldn't HAVE to.


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2008, 06:10:00 PM »

got banned a month ago, got an unbanned console here in for repair i fixed super quick cos wanted 2 get back online + havent been able ugh  grr.gif  damn it guess guna have 2 wait longer til get back online now lol


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #43 on: January 02, 2008, 06:49:00 PM »

a month would be fair. I dont care if it was down for like a week..its really annoying and driving many people away from live. I just tried playing street fighter and kept getting kicked out after 2 matchs. WHAT THE FUCK !!  grr.gif

almost wanna break the game and throw away my xbox...


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Rumor: MS to Compensate Gold Members for LIVE Downtime?
« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2008, 08:02:00 PM »

What makes anyone think a month is enough?  As far as I'm concerned there are still ongoing intermittent issues.  We can get by in most cases, but nothing is operating at the levels it should and far from the optimum where it once was.

From slow loading blades, to reduced matchmaking, to even system freezes in some cases.

Live is under some kind of attack and it seems M$ is unable to stop it.  This peice of shit experience as it stands now may continue for the forseeable future.

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