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Author Topic: 3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE  (Read 424 times)

Lord Serebi

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3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2006, 10:47:00 AM »

4. use stealth firmware


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3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2006, 11:11:00 AM »

I think M$ released the camera to make money off of morons.  People who do something stupid loose their account then have to buy a new live subscription.  

If M$ was truely concerned, they would ban the console as they did for hacked consoles.

j3y q

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3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2006, 11:37:00 AM »

yes i agree voice is great but the new dimension of seeing all the ugly gamers laugh.gif  or friends is cool

R-Dawggy Dawg

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3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2006, 10:03:00 AM »

So many ways to get banned... but still not by having your firmware hacked. Heck yes!

BTW.. M$ has had plenty of time to deal with this... so duz this mean everyone is in the clear?


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3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2006, 04:08:00 PM »

Hahaha I bet they say "everyone with firmware hacked consoles, contact us and we will pick up your console and take the firmware off for you, completely free!" then some suspicious looking guy will come and "pick it up" but just smash it against your wall lol


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3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2006, 08:14:00 PM »

i will be curious to see how this camera is integrated into other games besides the ones out now...or if it ever will be...


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3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2006, 09:09:00 AM »

QUOTE(picopir8 @ Oct 1 2006, 01:18 PM) View Post

I think M$ released the camera to make money off of morons.  People who do something stupid loose their account then have to buy a new live subscription.  

If M$ was truely concerned, they would ban the console as they did for hacked consoles.

bad idea.. what if you share your console?

I've seen universities that have a game room with 10 or so TVs and consoles at each one for recreation... do you want some moron at your school getting the whole unit banned for everyone that uses it?

What if you've got a roommate who uses your console on occasion and while your out he decided to drop his pants for the camera or starts swearing up a storm and flipping people off and gets YOUR console banned... what if a sibling did something like that? what if your child did something like that? What if someone did something like that and sold the console and YOU bought it and now you can't connect to XBL because of what someone else did?

The console can have numerous profiles, it's purpose built to be used by more then one person, just because someone used the console and did something bad doesn't mean the console should be banished from connecting to XBL... From what I've heard if MS bans you they block your CC#, passport account, and name/address (IRL), It's not impossible to create a new account with those measures but it makes it difficult. and it can get very costly if you go back to breaking the rules with your new account.

Entering a report when you see someone like that is the fastest way to get them off of XBL... after just 1 full lobbies worth of complaints they'll review and ban the guy then he has to pay another $50 and do some information fudging to get back in... plus looses all of their Gamerscore, gamertag, rep (probably not good anyway) friends list, etc.. If you see him do it again and report him, he has to do it all over again.

You slap someone with a $50 "Fee" and an account reset every few weeks and they'll either learn to stop or run out of money and go somewhere else.


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3 Ways to Protect Yourself on Xbox LIVE
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2006, 03:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(gsharpshooter @ Sep 30 2006, 10:45 PM) View Post

Hey not bad ideas here good to protect lil jimmy biggrin.gif

thanks, im glad you had me in mind. smile.gif
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