
Author Topic: System Link Not Working?  (Read 183 times)


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System Link Not Working?
« on: December 12, 2009, 02:25:00 AM »


I have a banned console and a none banned (or modified) console both connected to a home network.

Before the ban the (now banned) console worked fine connecting to Live and using the system link functionality of games to the none banned console. Since the ban, the networking functionality on the banned console does not seem to start when I switch it on.

I can go into the networking section and run the various tests e.g. the network connection tests (which fails at the connect to live section [as it's banned] but nevertheless shows local connection as 'connected') works and the connnection test to a PC also works (I can stream music to the console fine). The machine will respond to a PING whilst I'm at the network settings page (with the network status as 'connected'). However as soon as I navigate away from the network settings pages when I go back, the network status is always 'unknown' and the machine will not respond to PING etc.

It seems like when the console starts the networking functionality just doesn't start.

Any assistance with this problem would be appreciated.


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System Link Not Working?
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 09:31:00 AM »

The Network status won't report anything other than unknown because you're not able to connect to Xbox Live with it.

Go back to the beginning - which game are you trying to system link? have you checked the 'version' of the game when you go into multiplayer? Most games won't connect if the versions are mismatched.