
Author Topic: New Hard Drive Now Not Detected  (Read 49 times)


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New Hard Drive Now Not Detected
« on: December 10, 2008, 02:29:00 PM »

What motherboard/SATA controller do you have?

Anyway, your original 20GB and official 120GB drives will most likely never work in a 360 again, barring an HddHackr-like tool for them, sorry dude. You can get the WD Scorpio working though by re-doing the SS with HddHackr and unplugging it from your PC before you reboot.

Some motherboards do something during POST that messes up the security sector. No idea why. Happened to me, too.

So, do the security sector, unplug without rebooting, format on 360, put back in PC, reboot, manually copy your partition 2 data (don't restore from an image, drag the folders in manually, restoring partition 2 from an image will make the drive appear as a 20GB), restore partition 1 (for Xbox 1 BC), reboot, do security sector, unplug without rebooting. Enjoy your 120GB drive.

Also, a few games like Viva Pinata: TIP and Fable 2 don't allow their saves to be copied and show up as corrupted on the new drive. My wife was pretty upset about that, given we can't use our 20GB anymore. Had to upgrade though, only had 100MB free after deleting all demos. Oh well.