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« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2006, 02:01:00 PM »

I think anything that gives someone an unfair advantage could be considered a "cheat" device. So the real question will be if this actually give people that advantage. If it responds well to the mouse/KB then maybe there will be a problem. But, it seems like there are a few faults in this device. Plus, most Xbox live players do not even know this thing exists, and the ones that do, don't seem to think too highly of it. I don't play in any clan matches on Xbox live and don't play too many PC games, so maybe I am not as worried as others. But, I can see why there could be a problem in the future for competetive gaming and clans. I think that the final amount of people using this will be so small that the negative effect on gaming won;t be too bad. But, once Halo 3 comes out and everyone wants to play it and find the "edge" over others, then maybe word will spread about this and more people will be using it.....seems like only time will tell.


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« Reply #46 on: December 20, 2006, 02:05:00 PM »

neat idea, it took me a while to get used to a controller when I use to play pc games all the time


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« Reply #47 on: December 20, 2006, 02:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(Zero 360 @ Dec 20 2006, 10:16 PM) View Post

1)Microsoft would never do that, in case you forgot (apparently!) they having a little gaming platform called Windows that uses a KB+M.  

2)  Then why do people that use them in the slow, floaty shooter that is halo  2?  Definitely not to get 23 headshots/24 kills, while only camping the sniper...  get real, you are in denial dude, If you were that good with a controller you'd be making $250,000/year for MLG, but with a KB+M on a console, you're nothing.

There is no validity to anything you're saying, all I hear is excuses and justifications.
Hey Zero, are you 12 years old?  I mean the guy is only asking a question and you claim he's in denial and that there is no validity to anything he's saying when in fact there is no validity to anything your saying.  You are trying to argue your opinion against another opinion.  Your opinion is no more fact than the next person's opinion.  But getting back to the topic and answering his question:

1.  I could care less if M$ released a keyboard and mouse.  Eventually M$ stated that we will be able to play people sitting at the PC, so I guess when that happens will it still be considered cheating?  I have been a console gamer all my life and would rather use a controller, even when i play PC games and I do.  It's what I am used to.  If someone wants to use a KB+M because that's what they are used to them let them.  I know the mouse is much more accurate but I'm sure there are people that are real good with a controller that can rival someone on a KB+M any day.  Also, do you gamers win money or something cause it seems some of you take online gaming TOO seriously.  I thought people liked to be challenged?  I guess I'm just old school  wink.gif


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« Reply #48 on: December 20, 2006, 02:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(Zero 360 @ Dec 20 2006, 03:16 PM) View Post

1)Microsoft would never do that, in case you forgot (apparently!) they having a little gaming platform called Windows that uses a KB+M.  

2)  Then why do people that use them in the slow, floaty shooter that is halo  2?  Definitely not to get 23 headshots/24 kills, while only camping the sniper...  get real, you are in denial dude, If you were that good with a controller you'd be making $250,000/year for MLG, but with a KB+M on a console, you're nothing.

There is no validity to anything you're saying, all I hear is excuses and justifications.

#1) you seem to think there is some huge difference between games on a console and games on a computer, when in fact many today are being relesed on both, AND in fact Microsoft wants to make games for 360 AND Vista, that play together in on-line worlds. So would that mean the PC users are cheating them becuse they are using a mouse and you would "demand" they get a joystick for their PC??

#2) (ignores part about Halo 2, i think Zero just had a traumatic experience), I am in denial? i am not getting the XFPS 360 *rolls eyes* i was simple asking questions for what people thought about it, you are not reading anything i am saying and just replying back with whine and cries, that saddly have LITTLE justification and no bearing on what i was asking.

I am sorry you aparently had a traumatic experience in Halo 2 against a sniper, my suggestion is well considering the other person that replied to you, i am starting to agree with their assumption. GROW UP, or at least think out a logical reply not a "you SUCK you CHEAT IF YOU XXXX" you must be one of those people on Xbox live that screams "Cheat" every time you get killed, becuse NO one could be better than you...



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« Reply #49 on: December 20, 2006, 03:18:00 PM »

exactly. cross-platform gaming is in the near future.



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« Reply #50 on: December 20, 2006, 03:21:00 PM »

BTW to add a little more fuel for discussion (and to try and get even further off topic i guess)

what would/do yall think of the idea of a Track ball Controller? it has been rumored for awhile, and even hinted at that microsoft is batting around the idea of a "advanced" 360 controller and lots of people are anticipating a trackball type device for FPS and to more simulate a "mouse" movment type system in certain games.

that seems (personally) more likely for microsoft to do, i can understand them wanting to keep the "couch/chair" appeal of a console..



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« Reply #51 on: December 20, 2006, 03:51:00 PM »

Just one thing I thought I would throw in after reading the posts about this device being used for 'cheating' and unfair advantage etc 'cos u aint using a standard controller... Would people who go out and buy a steering wheel to play PGR3 be just as much a 'cheater' its not the standard controller after all! And over here in the UK they are $180 ish so not exactly available to the masses


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« Reply #52 on: December 20, 2006, 04:05:00 PM »

QUOTE(StaTiKMaT @ Dec 20 2006, 06:37 AM) View Post

There is no way this thing is oficially licensed by Microsoft, so I can only assume that they've broken the peripheral security?!  Or is the steep price because they rip apart liscensed controllers to make use of some of their circuitry in this product?  Either way what I really want to see is an adapter for my X-Arcade stick!!   sad.gif

It's funny you mention this..  in a game of senior Xs staff the other night while playing Gears of War on LIVE, someone had said this same thing.. that a possible explanation for the adapter working was the use of cannibalized controllers. smile.gif I thought it was funny.. but seeing you say it kinda make me think about the possibilities..

QUOTE(mike96sc2 @ Dec 20 2006, 11:37 AM) View Post

Does Team Xtender even understand their market anymore? or do masses of Xbox-owners have sucker written across their foreheads?

In a conversation I had a few minutes ago with their North American rep.. I stated that Team Xtender/Farmer/Camy proved with this product they do not understand their target market.. which is why so many of their products aren't well received by them.

Providing an Xbox peripheral.. providing un-needed PS@ controller support and NOT providing original XBOX controller support is not just fucking retarded, it's a smack in the face to the North American market that loves their XBOX toys. Clearly.. the the retards making the decisions at the top of the food chain in that organization are Playstation Fanboys, and are making add-ons for the 360 for their own silly agenda.


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« Reply #53 on: December 20, 2006, 04:25:00 PM »

QUOTE(gom_fedj @ Dec 20 2006, 01:50 PM) View Post

I am curious, I see some people (you included) bashing a mouse in a FPS on a Console, I would ask why, but you answer that pretty much (if indirectly) you feel it is an unfair advantage becuse it is more accurate. Would you still feel that way if Microsoft put one out for the 360? or Sony for the PS2/3??

I don't feel this device will give an unfair advantage on the 360. It stuck with so many problems and isssues that for most FPS on the 360 this devices will hinder.. not help.. a game player. This device won't make a good player better imo. what is will do is syphon 80$ plus 24$ in shipping money out of their pockets.. and it will aggravate the purchaser when they realize this device does not give them the PC gaming interface they desire.

QUOTE(gom_fedj @ Dec 20 2006, 01:50 PM) View Post

MOST people here (won't say everyone) would agree is a mouse is more accurate in a FPS than a analog joystick. Why wouldn't you want one for ANY FPS then, be it computer or console or what ever, i understand SOME people's reasoning (want to play on the couch, don't want to have to sit at a desk, etc etc..) But honestly if it is a choice, of mouse or no mouse, why not let people have a choice???

I'm not a fan of the KB/M combo myself. however, with that aside.. I'll detail my feelings on the issue. Buying a video game console and going online with it, is all about having the same common platform, and having the same common tools. Going online, and getting the same fair shake.

In the PC gaming world, every single player in an online game has a vastly different controll system and interface. I myself have a state of the art gaming keyboard. Others would drool to have. In some case, it definitely can be considered an unfair advantage.

Others.. have crazy and radical mouse devices. Most vastly superior to my own mouse of choice. clearly.. they get the upper hand in the mouse department.

Let's not even discuss all the possible game hacks that can and often are enabled in the PC game expereince.

That's not to say some don't enable certain advantages in a console game while online. It happens. but.. the perception.. for better or worse is that when we go on LIVe and play a game.. it's the PLAYER that makes the experience interesting and unique. It's the player that will ultimately be good or bad. The controls and interface that join us all was supposed to be the same to give us all that common and fair playing ground.

I don't view KB/M as a cheat option. That doesn't mean that I think it should be available in games that weren't designed for them. i'm all for that control system in upcoming titles. When and if that happens. I'd prefer it in a fashion though that still offers a level playing field.. as in a restrict MS Xbox Keyboard/mouse offering.

QUOTE(gom_fedj @ Dec 20 2006, 01:50 PM) View Post

I honestly just don't understand why some people have such a problem when it comes to a mouse for a FPS on a console. It just seems like a "fear" more than any "logical" reason, and honestly i think we have NOTHING to fear with the XPS360 (though at 80 dang bucks it should play the freaking game FOR ME!).

the price will kill it for them more than anything I or other senior sceners say.


I think I gotta go read that manual page of theirs..

oh dear god.. I'm reading the manual now.. comments to follow..


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« Reply #54 on: December 20, 2006, 05:01:00 PM »


Connect the Xbox 360 Control pad to the XPFS 360's USB port 1 or 2; then connect the keyboard and mouse to their appropriate ports.  Next, plug the XFPS 360 into your Xbox 360 console. Wait until the *console Connection Display* lights up. that indicates that your keyboard and mouse connection is complete and is running normal.

So.. that single paragraph answer one of the most important questions.. how did they get by the security. They didn't. They did realize they can either act as a pass through (most likely) or can temporarily capture the security key/handshake. Regardless.. if that works.. it's something that we can use in other projects.

What is plainly apparent now though.. is that EVERY TIME we boot our 360 with one of these things we will need to at least initially have a 360 WIRED controller plugged in. I sure hope their website and their packaging for this device will include a notice warning buyers they will also need to own a WIRED controller.. or be prepared to shel out another 40-60 US for a proper WIRED controller.

Way to go.

Sure.. we can remove it.. bloody hell though.. this device was supposed to give us the PC gaming experience. Not leave us with a bitter taste in our mouth as we either go out and buy a WIRED controller.. (assuming you don't own one) and then have to make sure it's at least plugged in momentarily during EACH ANY EVERY TIME WE TURN THE 360 ON!

Moving on.. more on page 3...


If your Keyboard and mouse are both USB, then do the following: connect the Xbox 360 control pad to your XFPS 360 and your XFPS 360 to the xbox 360. Once the *Console Connection display* lights up, you can disconnect the Xbox 360 control pad from the USB port and connect the USB keyboard and mouse to the USB ports. If connection is unsuccessful, please repeat the above steps.

Wow. I guess they found out during their testing and quality control phase before production that this device is not perfect.. and that people will have problems getting to boot and do the necessary handshake to get the device working properly. So much so, that at least they were wise enough to warn the buyer (after they bought it mind you.. not before) that they will have issues at times getting this device to boot.. and that they can rest assured that they will psend at least some time plugging and unplugging controllers and devices until this all works. Joy Joy.. and you'll get to do it all again the next time you boot.

Moving on.. Page 5...


-Permanent settings that cannot be programmed are as follows:
Left Analogue Stick on the Xbox 360 control pad ( Left, right, up, down ) is mapped to W, A, S, D on the keyboard.

As a left handed person.. I don't think I've played any PC game using the WASD combo in the last 5 years as my gaming direction keys. Even in games that might not directly supporting key remapping.. I've used any number of tools to remap those to the arrow keys.. or other specialized keys on special keyboards.

Come to think of it.. most Right Handed people I play with remap those as well.

The idea that with a programmable device.. we can't program such an important part of it..  really adds to the ongoing frustration and angst I feel towards this lackluster product.

Why can't we program this simple key combo???

So.. after reading the manual.. I'm left with more issues and reasons for people to NOT BUY this product.

-BUYERS AREN"T WARNED AHEAD OF TIME THAT THEY WILL NEED TO OWN A WIRED COTROLLER TO MAKE ANY USE OF THIS DEVICE. (so people with a premium xbox and wireless controllers.. this device is useless to you unless you shell out even MORE money for a WIRED controller0

I don't think I missed anything.

I do look forward to reviewing the unit though once it's available, and comparing it to the original versions.


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« Reply #55 on: December 20, 2006, 05:22:00 PM »

To all those saying that the picture is photoshopped.. I'm pretty sure it's not.. Cables being strategically hidden by the console, and an XCM chrome DVD bezel on the front (IE, no Xbox 360 text).

As for the product... shame for the high price and dismal feature set... I haven't been to impressed with Xtender's offering of late.

The Zep Man

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« Reply #56 on: December 21, 2006, 02:40:00 AM »

About people complaining that certain peripherals being used for a console might be considered 'cheating'...

Someone with a 720p widescreen also has a clear advantage against someone with a 480i SDTV. So people who use 720p widescreens are also 'cheating'?

Grow up, get a life and learn to game well instead of bitching. dry.gif

About Microsoft 'banning any USB device they want'... If I would design a 3rd party controller for the Xbox 360 I would program an USB controller chip to emulate the USB parameters of a retail controller.


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« Reply #57 on: December 21, 2006, 07:51:00 PM »

so u can play any pc games on here or something?


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« Reply #58 on: December 23, 2006, 12:55:00 AM »

QUOTE(stilts07 @ Dec 22 2006, 03:58 AM) View Post

so u can play any pc games on here or something?

Has nothing to do with playing PC games on the 360.  It's all about helping FPS's on the 360 to play more like how they play on the PC.  Will it work.  Who knows until people test it but I will wait for M$ to release an official keyboard and mouse.



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« Reply #59 on: December 30, 2006, 03:12:00 PM »

i just spent the last 3 hours playing gears of war and lost planet using my XFPS 360 and it's great. A few comments though:

The mouse tracking, while the same speed as a controller, feels insanely slow.

Buying a wired controller sucked.

Other than that, I found myself being a better player. I don't think I had an edge, but I did feel more comfortable gaming, and that's what it's all about.
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