
Author Topic: Small Thing  (Read 66 times)


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Small Thing
« on: November 16, 2006, 05:17:00 PM »

This isn't a problem at all, but I noticed the startup sequence of the 360 doesn't sync up with the ROFL LEDs anymore.  It used to be that, when you hit the power button, the 360 would immediately start playing the startup video, and then the ROFL LEDs would "flash" to the video, and fade.  You know, two times in the startup video, a "ring" comes out of the silver 360 ball, and the ROFL would flash to this in sync with the sound.  Now it takes a couple of seconds for the 360 to start up, and the LED flash sequence finishes before the video even starts...

I've checked this with both my and my friend's 360, and they're both the same.  And for you tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists, mine was modded (I flashed new firmware to DVD, then reverted because it has no purpose), and his is stock.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this.

Alex Atkin UK

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Small Thing
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 03:29:00 PM »

I have noticed that too.

I was getting a little worried as about the time I noticed it my 360 booted up and when I tried to sign in to Xbox live it wouldnt let me select a profile.  The only button that seemed to work as the guide so I was able to bring up the shutdown menu, select cancel and then it started working again.  I did it a few times though on different days although it seems to have sorted itself out now.

I also would swear that sometimes the 360 takes longer before doing the intro than usual.


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Small Thing
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2006, 09:57:00 AM »

Mine and my friend's unmodded consoles both do this.  I think it's because of the fall update.  But I can't say for sure.