
Author Topic: Trainer Locations  (Read 111 times)


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Trainer Locations
« on: June 05, 2006, 09:15:00 AM »

Like my other thread, found this on another forum. May it help you guys out.

Trainer Locations Guide

Training is a boost that increase points in a certain skill cost money though.

Low Level Trainers: lvl 1-40
Medium Level Trainers: lvl 40-70
Master Level Trainers: lvl 70-up


Acrobatics Training
Low Level Trainers: Quill-Waeve -- Main Drag in Anvil and Ida Vlinorman – Northeaster quadrant of the imperial Citys Elven Gardens
Medium Level Trainers: Dog-Hater Tsrava – lives at J’baris house in the south Central part of Leyawiin and Ganredhel – Southeast corner of Cheydinhal
Master Level Trainers: Aerin – Camp northeastern of Cheydinhal

Alchemy Training
Low Level Trainers: Felen Relas at the Anvil Mages Guild and S’drassa in the Leyawiin Mages Guild
Medium Level Trainers: Ardaline at the Bravil Mages Guild and Brotch Calus whose in a house just east of Brumas Great Chapel of Talos
Master Level Trainers: Sinderion is in the cellar of Skingard’s West Weald Inn

Alteration Training
Low Level Trainers: Dovyn Aren who lives next to Acrobatic Trainers Ida Vlinoramn in the Imprial City’s Elven Garden District and Deetsan at the Cheydinhal Mages Guild
Medium Level Trainers: Athragar at the Chorrol Mages Guild and Abhuki who runs the Faregyl Inn just of the Green Road South of Imperial City.
Master Level Trainers: Tooth-in-the-Sea on the Niben Bay coast north of Bravil.

Armorer Training
Low Level Trainers: Eitar who is located east of Leyawiin’s great Chapel of Zenithar and Tadrose Helas and the Bravil Fighters Guild
Medium Level Trainers: Rohsaan is located at the A Fighting Chance store in the Imperial City’s Market and Rasheda at the Fire and Steel in Chorrol
Master Level Trainers: Gin-Wulm at The Best Defense in the Imperial City’s Market District but wanders the Market and Elven Garden Districts

Athletics Training
Low Level Trainers: Uuras at the southwest corner of Skingrad and Mahei in Leyawiin
Medium Level Trainers: Hauls-Ropes-Faster at The Fo’c’sle in Anvil and wanders the waterfront at night and Honditar located at the southwest of Chorrol
Master Level Trainers: Rusia Bradus located at Anvils main drag next to the Abandoned House

Blade Training
Low Level Trainers: Naspia Cosma at Castle Cheydinhal and Right Wind at the Bruma Fighters Club
Medium Level Trainers: Sherina and Rhano at the Leyawiin and Anvil Fighter Guild
Master Level Trainers: Alix Lencolia located atFaregyl Inn south of Imperial City

Block Training
Low Level Trainers: Fadus Calidius at the Skingrad Fighters Guild and Huurwen at the Anvil Fighters Guild
Medium Level Trainers: Lum gro-Baroth at the Chorrol Fighters Guild and Ambroise Canne who is at Southwest corner of Skingrad
Master Level Trainers: Andragil who lives above Dro’Shanji in the north part of Bravil

Blunt Training
Low Level Trainers: Bugak gro-Bol at Southern Book in Leyawiin and Vigdis at the Anvile Fighters Guild
Medium Level Trainers: Chrstiphe Marane located Brina cross Inn northeast of Anvil and Azzan at the Anvil Fighters Guild
Master Level Trainers: Irene Metrick located in the southwest quadrant of the Imperial City Elven District

Conjuration Training
Low Level Trainers: Fathis Aren the court mage at Castle Bravil and Suilinus Vassinus at the Skingrad Mages Guild
Medium Level Trainers: Alberic Litte of the Chorrol Mafes Guild and Arentus Falvius at Brumas Great Chapel of Talos
Master Level Trainers: Olyn Seran at Molag Bal’s shrine located in the Great Forest.

Destruction Training
Low Level Trainers: Chanel at the castle mages in Castle Chorrol and J’skar at the Bruma Mages Guild
Medium Level Trainers: Marc Gulitte at the Anvil Mages Guild and Delphine Jend at the Bravil Guild
Master Level Trainers: Will not give location to Bralsa Andaren unless you can coax their Disposition above 80 (im looking into this one)

Hand-to-Hand Training
Low Level Trainers: Nashi at the Bravil Fighter Guild and Rufrius Vinicus at the Anvil guild.
Medium Level Trainers: Davela Hlaren at the Imperial Bridge Inn and Ra’qanar at Castle Cheydinhal
Master Level Trainers: Helvius Cecia lives southeast corner of Bruma

Heavy Armor Training
Low Level Trainers: Brodras at the Leyawiin Fighters Guild and Bumph gra-Gash at the Bruma Guild.
Medium Level Trainers: Valus Odiil in Chorrol and Varnado at The Beast Defense in the Imperial City’s Market District
Master Level Trainers: Pranal at the Roxey Inn on the Red Ring Road at the Northeast corner of Lake Rumare.

Illusion Training
Low Level Trainers: Hil the Tall Cheydinhals Chapel of Arkay and Jantus Brolus at Istrius Brolus’s house in Bruma
Medium Level Trainers: Carahill at the Anvil Mages Guild and Kud-Ei in the Bravil Guild.
Master Level Trainers: Martina Floria at the Arcane University’s Chironasium.

Light Armor Training
Low Level Trainers: Dul gro-Shug located in Northeast Quadrant of Imperial City’s Elven Gardens and Olfand at Nord Winds in Bruma
Medium Level Trainers: Luciana Galena at the southern section of Bravil (right above the house for sale) and Argonian-hating Ahdarji located in Leyawiin just west of the Southern Gate
Master Level Trainers: J’Bari, located in south-central Keyawiin in a house.

Marksman Training
Low Level Trainers: Elda Dark-Heart who is locate at Regner house at the Southside of Bruma and Shameer located west of Skingrads Great Chapel of Julianos
Medium Level Trainers: Reman Broder who lives in the Southwest Corner of Skingrad and Pinarus Inventius in Anvil
Master Level Trainers: Alawen at the Trill Candle Camp east of Anvil

Mercantile Training
Low Level Trainers: Foroch at Gottshaw Inn southwest of Kvatch and Mach Na at Mach-Na Books
Medium Level Trainers: Margarte located East of Leyawiin’s Great Chapel of Zenithar and Seed-Neeus at Northern Goods and Trade at Chorrols South Gate.
Master Level Trainers: Palonirya at Divine Elegance in the Imperial City’s Market District

Mysticism Training
Low Level Trainers: Angalmo in the Chorrol Mages Guild and Druja in the Skingard Guild
Medium Level Trainers: Ita Rienus in the Bravil Mages Guild and Boderi Farano in the Arcane University’s Mystic Archives.
Master Level Trainers: Dagil in the Leyawiin Mages Guild

Restoration Training
Low Level Trainers: Cirroc at Brumas Great Chapel of Talos and Marie Palielle at Skingards Great Chapel of Julianos
Medium Level Trainers: Marz in Bravils Great Chapel of Mara and Ohtesse in Cheydinhal’s Great Chapel of Arkay
Master Level Trainers: Oleta at the Chapel of Akatosh in Kvatch

Security Training
Low Level Trainers: Malintus Ancrus located in the southwest corner of Chorrol and Samuel Bantien located in the Imperial City’s Talos District
Medium Level Trainers: Dro’Shanji located Andragil’s in north-central Bravil and Mandil located at Othrelos house in the Imperial City’s Talos District
Master Level Trainers: J’baana located at the Imperial Prison

Sneak Training
Low Level Trainers: City-Swimmer located above S’krivva’s just southwest of Bravil City Gate and Glistel located in the southwest corner of Chorrol
Medium Level Trainers: Othrelos located in northeast part of Imperial City’s Elven Garden District and Mirabelle Money located at the boarding house at Anvil Waterfront.
Master Level Trainers: Marana Rian northwest part of the Temple District

Speechcraft Training (hard locations)
Low Level Trainers: Alga, located in a house in Bruma (look on the map hard to Describe also lives with Honmund if that helps) , and Uravasa Othelas located at Bravils Great Chapel of Mara
Medium Level Trainers: Varon Vamori located in Bravil (house use map) and Gruiand Garrana located at Cheydinhal’s Great Chapel of Arkay
Master Level Trainers: Tandilwe at the Temple of the One in the Imperial City’s Temple District


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Trainer Locations
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 01:59:00 PM »

Can you go to the trainers once everytime you level up?