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Author Topic: Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure  (Read 2045 times)


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2007, 03:30:00 AM »

what about that?
or this

surely thats in the same class (the 2nd link)


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2007, 04:39:00 AM »

QUOTE(itrends @ Mar 9 2007, 03:29 AM) View Post

ok.... few things to say

Firstly, it says that the item was never up for sale.
Why was it on ebay just a few months back?

Secondly, Epic HAVE to send this letter to protect their copyright. If they do not "actively protect" the brand and trademarks / characters etc they risk losing it. It is the conditions of owning their copyright that say that they have to send this letter. This is the same in most cases of stupid cease and desist letters.

I mean, if you would rather they lose all their copyright and then we never see another gears of war then fair enough, otherwise you will have to just accept that this is the way copyright has to be enforced and then you will go about your life smile.gif

In short, there really is no story here.

Trademark has to do with trade sales and distribution. Did he not give the thing to his cousin? That sounds like distribution to me.

j/k lol
This is lame I agree. They should do an ebay search for gears of war. Seriously, bother someone who is actually doing something wrong.



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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #47 on: March 09, 2007, 08:35:00 AM »

QUOTE(valkirie @ Mar 8 2007, 10:40 PM) View Post

muhaha.gif that is just plain wrong. It seems to me that Epic lost a major opportunity to make money out of this. They should have rewarded the guy's creativity by granting him a portion of the proceeding from the licensing of the doll. Money all around and everyone is happy. Now this guy can make Epic's life miserable if they ever try to market something like that. He can then issue a cease and desist order to them. Poetic Justice.

Sorry but that's not the way it works.  He can't sue them for selling something they own the rights to and he copied.  It would be funny if he sued them anyway, knowing he couldn't win.


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #48 on: March 09, 2007, 08:53:00 AM »

QUOTE(Anddos @ Mar 9 2007, 03:29 PM) View Post

if he only gave it to his cousin as a prensent how did epic find out about it , did hes cosuin contact epic or what , or did epic find it on the website ?????????????

I do believe he posted it on Something Awful's forums to show off his good work (Hell if I did something like that I would take a few pictures to show off my handy work.) It had a link to his site and bam! Epic got him.


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #49 on: March 09, 2007, 10:22:00 AM »

I'd buy the whole line if they made these legitly. It sucks that it got so out of hand, but I can see where Epic is coming from.  The game is a hot seller and I am sure people would / already have asked that a figure be made for them. Epic could loose a lot of potential income from figure sales and on top of that, it is blatantly infringing upon their copyright. I think the guy's first mistake was to post the pictures on something awful . . . as well as the internet in general. Yes it is nice to show off your work and rake in the compliments, but I think it was a matter of bad timing on his part. It probably would have ended up being less severe if the buzz for the game had died down a bit and then he posted his work.


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2007, 10:44:00 AM »

That's idiotic.


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #51 on: March 09, 2007, 12:24:00 PM »

For my cousin yeah right lol.The bloke has done a really good job but have any of you actually checked the pics  here?
Theres no shaky cam pic of it,he`s made it look its best by photoshop with graphics and he`s made packaging for it too.Would a home made pressie go to such lengths?,i think he`s trying to shift a few on the fly here,i mean wouldn`t u?.No wonder Epic issued this.He`s also just got a load of advertising for free so he`ll be looking for staff shortly i imagine tongue.gif


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #52 on: March 09, 2007, 12:44:00 PM »

If you would bother to read the letter they sent him in full it clearly states that they will aggressively fight etc etc

He has used the marks on boxes and 'promotional' material and then made it all public etc etc. Regardless of if this falls under fair use or not, Epic MUST send this letter and aggressively enforce their copyright and trademarks. This is because, if he was to go on and produce another one for someone else, then another for someone, then another which he gets a bit of money for, then thousands of people want them etc etc Epic would not have a leg to stand on as they did not aggressively enforce their right to the properties at the very start.

I quote "Trademarks must be aggressively protected by the owner to keep them from falling into the public domain and the owner losing the protection of the mark. This means that if the owner fails to protect its mark and allows it to be used in unauthorized ways or in ways that may cause it to cease being identified in the mind of the public solely with the goods and services of the owner, the protection may be lost. This is because the trademark is based upon identification of the mark with a particular source and if the owner of the mark shows an indication that it does not care much about protecting that source identification, the mark may lose its value to that owner and the court may strip that owner of the protection the mark originally afforded."

"In sum, owners of trademarks are not necessarily "evil" if they rigorously enforce their intellectual property. They must do so if they are to protect their commercial asset. And while, if you are not the owner of such a mark may object to what you deem to be "restrictive" policies, keep in mind that you too benefit from the protection afforded by trademark law. If you want a particular brand of a product or service, you want to be assured that what you are buying is what you are getting. If the owner of that mark does not protect the mark, at some point you too may be a victim of the confusion that may result."

More here: http://www.ivanhoffm.../trademark.html

As I said, no news, just copyright and trademark law at work. He is more than ok to make Dolls that look like Marcus etc but he is NOT allowed to use the copyrighted logos etc as the letter clearly states. Additionally, if you read the terms of the promotion pack that epic sent out for people to help promote gears I am sure there are some terms and conditions associated with the use of the contained materials.

IMHO this is just a very bad bit of press coverage that has no more truth or balanced views than an article in the Sun as otherwise it would clearly explain 'WHY' Epic sent the letter (the reasons I quote above) but it clearly does not say any such thing. Shame on xbox scene for rallying behind this useless story.


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #53 on: March 09, 2007, 03:59:00 PM »

Iv'e just lost all respect for Epic. sad.gif


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #54 on: March 09, 2007, 04:04:00 PM »

My respect for Epic just sliced in half. That is absolutely pathetic. grr.gif


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2007, 04:54:00 PM »

QUOTE(MC2829 @ Mar 9 2007, 06:11 PM) View Post

My respect for Epic just sliced in half. That is absolutely pathetic. grr.gif

You have half more respect than I do.   That lawyer was a cretin and should be sodomized by a chainsaw!

Epic just lost another customer !


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #56 on: March 09, 2007, 06:25:00 PM »

Whats even worse is he was using images on his site obtainable FREELY from Epic themselves, as part of a website fan kit. I seriously can't believe Epic contacted him through their lawyers, thats some shadey shit.

I bet Cliffy B's ego has been boosted beyond recognition now with all the awards and money from Gears. Shame he was a nice a guy before, but watching him at awards shows, hes gotten insanely arrogant and cocky.

This whole thing reminds me of the time Microsofts lawyers contacted me over the creation of the MC360 skin for XBMC. I shat myself when I saw the letter, but luckily microsoft just wanted me to remove a few logos, that I had recreated myself mind, they didnt want thier X logo used. So I got away with it, shame this kid hasnt.


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #57 on: March 09, 2007, 07:54:00 PM »


i believe you took your quotes too literal. this usually applies to other situations. for instance people use to referr to copies as xerox; by doing so xerox would lose rights to their name and it would no longer be valid. take a look at some of the ads they put out back in the day stressing ask for XEROX copies. this is not so in this specific case noone would assume this gentleman IS gears of war or epic for that matter. i personally think epic went a little overboard with this. had he sold one or two of these figures then the letter in my opinion would have some validity. however they were a little silly with this decision and are now being ridiculed by the fanbase for such actions. to make note of how much of an impact the fan base has on businesses take a look at the whole kotaku/ps3 debacle last week.



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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #58 on: March 09, 2007, 11:50:00 PM »

I just send and email to epic games asking them WTF is their problem...
I also told them I'll never buy a game from them... and I'll tell all my friends to do the same...

So guys please don't buy from epic games... play their games at a store or rent them i don't know =P

... I hope they don't sue me for doing that XD!!!


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Epic Threatens over Custom Gears of War Figure
« Reply #59 on: March 10, 2007, 12:08:00 AM »

It is sad to see how many people want to boycott epic over this, which, coincidently, by the time gear 2 comes out all these "I'll never buy one of their products ever again" threats will be long forgotten.

These people have a right to protect what is theirs. Image you spending your life and your lifes savings to make something and get it copyrighted. You spend everything you have building it up and just after it comes out, someone black markets it with your exact logo, exact same product, everything. How would you take it? The first thing you would do is go bitching to your lawyer. Every single last one of you. Granted the situation is a bit different, but the point remains the same.

You are only seeing it from not even half the story. You have a copy of a legal letter and some pictures of a figure some random guy made. No matter how you slice it the kid infinged upon a copyright plain and simple, end of story. He got busted because he was dumb about it. That is his fault and really I guess he deserves what he gets. If he would have just gave the "christmas" present to his cousin like he said and kept it quite, no one would have been the wiser.

It isn't like epic is getting him thrown in jail. They really just asked him nicely, in the legal way, to please stop using their logo without premission. That is all.
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