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Author Topic: Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit  (Read 605 times)


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2006, 07:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(karnak @ Oct 28 2006, 11:23 PM) View Post

The X360 can do ALOT! More.  The PR Manager at my work says that his brother is the Producer for COD3 (Hes a good honest bloke) and apparently COD3 is using no more than around 30% of the X360's capabilities..

but cod3 loooks 70% less good than cow wink.gif


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2006, 09:39:00 PM »

wonder how many xbox360 this game its going to kill . .lol


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2006, 12:41:00 AM »

QUOTE(GLiTcH @ Oct 28 2006, 11:46 PM) View Post

wonder how many xbox360 this game its going to kill . .lol
Lol I bet the first day GoW comes out 4MYXBOX is going to be slammed with calls. I agree, I think it's all hype, but it COULD actually be using 100% power... though we all know it might not be the most effective use of the power. I fhta'ts the case I see a lot of 360s gasping for their last breath.


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2006, 03:26:00 AM »

QUOTE(XanTium @ Oct 28 2006, 03:54 PM) View Post

TBH I'd be surprised if the Xbox360 couldn't do better ...
I'm pretty sure Halo3 will push more about of the 360.

not by the looks of the recent screenshots........... (yeah yeah early build, no excuse.)

QUOTE(Sanitarium @ Oct 28 2006, 07:31 PM) View Post

I wonder if Gears of War is the first game to use multiple cores?

no, im fairly sure all games use multiple cores; 360 games described as using "1 core" are mythical.

QUOTE(LRa @ Oct 28 2006, 09:25 PM) View Post

If a first generation game pushes the 360 to it's limit, that's pretty lame.

first gen? think its second, but your right.
its marketing shite, just like the guy below you said.

edit: oh and by the way; a shitting demo with wank graphics can tax the system just as much as a great looking game that 'pushes the console to the limit'.  like someone said, its all about efficient coding - not just about how good the game looks. BC is an example of this ---- that taxes the system.


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2006, 03:42:00 AM »

QUOTE(WarriorNine @ Oct 29 2006, 04:33 AM) View Post

Keep in mind the source of this comment - "Gears of War QA manager Preston Thorne". Not to say he doesn't know what he's talking about, but after working several years in QA (testing department), I can pretty safely say that most QA managers don't know a whole lot about programming, console capabilities/limitations, and the like.

Thats funny because both me and my Boss QA Manager know quite a bit about limitations in hardware and capabilities of consoles e.t.c.  Just because they are game testers (like me) does not mean we dont know anything about hardware..  I myself know an awfull lot..  biggrin.gif  


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2006, 08:27:00 AM »

QUOTE(cerberus414 @ Oct 29 2006, 06:41 AM) View Post

Just because the game looks good and is smooth, doesn't mean it will always put a lot of stress on the console. It's all about code efficiency. I'm not a programmer but I think of code efficiency is how well it is organized. Think of a computer as a person trying to read his notes. If they are neat, bulleted and categorized, then the person should have no problem recalling anything written down quite quickly. Where as if the notes were sloppy and written on different pages, sideways then the person would find it quite frustrating to go through all the mess. Both have same information but one is more effective than the other.

Next topic: Insomniac is claiming that Resistance is currently taking up at least 20 GB of space. This is what I think:
1. They are lying to pretend they worked hard and nonstop to get a quality game out to the PS3 users. Just think about it - 20GB!!! Now realize how much bandwidth that would require to run a game like this. Big bulky games aren't always good because of all huge pre-rendered textures which could clog the system's arteries.
2. It's in Sony's nature to advertise BluRay and if they were to say that the game is 5 GB, then people would go "Ugh.....Why should I get an expensive Ps3 with a meaningless BluRay drive in it" or "Doesn't it defeat the purpose of BluRay". It just wouldn't make sense would it. I'll say it again: It is marketing and they want people to think that BluRay is mandatory. Blah Blah
3. Something relevant to this topic: Inefficient coding. Don't judge games by their size. What exactly do I mean by inefficient coding. Have you guys ever heard of .kkrieger? It's basically a game that has moderate graphics. You might say " are you going with this?". Well the catch is that the whole game is just one file taking up just 96KB of space. Procedural Synthesis is what its called. If people can code right, a lot more can be done with less space and resources. In Resistance's case, I'm guessing programmers were kinda sloppy and decided to keep files uncompressed to "take advantage of BluRay." I just hope that all this junk on BluRay won't backfire back at them.

Here is the link to .kkrieger

QUOTE(nickthegreat @ Oct 29 2006, 11:33 AM) View Post

not by the looks of the recent screenshots........... (yeah yeah early build, no excuse.)
no, im fairly sure all games use multiple cores; 360 games described as using "1 core" are mythical.
first gen? think its second, but your right.
its marketing shite, just like the guy below you said.

edit: oh and by the way; a shitting demo with wank graphics can tax the system just as much as a great looking game that 'pushes the console to the limit'.  like someone said, its all about efficient coding - not just about how good the game looks. BC is an example of this ---- that taxes the system.

While I can agree that good coding can help alot of the problems in most of these games, you also have to take into account the difference between non-optimized code and just a poorly made system.  The perfect game to support both of your points is Quake 4.  That game played like shit for the 360 simply because they just ported the code and did not optimized it (Slowdown up the butt).  But on times where the games just straight up freeze.  I don't think that has anything to do with the game's programming but rather the 360's design.  Since this is pretty much still a first-gen game, only time will tell if things will get better programming wise but I doubt it.  The 360 is not a full year old yet but games like EA's Live 07 or Madden 07 are reasons I do not buy games without testing them first.  Most of EA's game play poorly when you compared them to the xbox or ps2 version.  The 360 versions of these games play kinda choppy and suffer slowdown at certain parts.  I thought slowdown was something we would never see on a NEXT-GEN system sad.gif


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2006, 10:44:00 AM »

Hmm i hope it looks bloody stunning graphics wise, since all the games so far look poo( yes i am using HD ), So if gears of war looks poo, then we are doomed sad.gif if thats "pushing the 360 to the limit" then there is no hope for new games in the futre


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2006, 12:12:00 PM »

Well since this was made for the 360, I think it should be ok but I have my fingers crossed.  GRAW ran nice and I played the PC version and it didn't run as smooth so maybe it's only the ports that run like crap since like the guy above posted, the code was not optimized to take advantage of the 360. huh.gif


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2006, 09:15:00 PM »

Same happened to Prey (X360) and F.E.A.R (X360). I think games that are made for PCs and Consoles are always going to be choppier on the consoles, because the PC is often used as the primary developing platform and then the code is usually ported to the consoles.  Same will happen to PS3. It's not the X360's design. It's simply the code not being optimized. But then again look at the bright side: PC versions are going to be a lot choppier if you take into account the upgrades needed for the hardware because this generation, games won't run on Pentium 3 Processors...

I'm just praying that Alan Wake will run smoothly for Xbox 360. They said that 360 is their primary developing platform so I'll have to wait and see.


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #39 on: October 30, 2006, 02:32:00 AM »

strang every BIG release that comes out now and days say our game will push the game console to the limit yeah thats the limit of the game engien use a different engien that can do more and there ya go a game that can do more graphically give them 3 years form now and youl have sevral games that have that lable

and besides why would they phase out a system not even a year old yet?

now i have my collecters edition reserved im just wondering if i can use my 360 while playing GOW and make me some scrambeled eggs on the graphics heat sink (J/K that was fucking stupid)

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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #40 on: October 30, 2006, 03:48:00 PM »

I doubt this game pushes the 360 to its limits.

And even if it does, that doesn't mean that games for the 360 will never be/look better than this. New methods of developing will come up and will be able to make games more efficient when running the 360s hardware. Games WILL look better than GoW.


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #41 on: November 01, 2006, 05:46:00 PM »

Most games that freeze are either poor ventalation or badly coded or ported game.

This game may be pushing the unreal engine to its limits but cliffyB has stated many times that Gears of War is not even using half of the 360 capabilities.

Oh and most of the games for the 360 or only using 1 core of the 360. I dont know if GoW is using all 3 but most of those ported games are only using 1 core. We'll see 3 core games soon, GoW may be one of them. But most of those game are not designed or optimized for 3 core.

This is the beginning of a good story line, physics and graphics. Just wait till more game studios start using the physics engine that will be in the new upcoming star wars game being developed.


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #42 on: November 03, 2006, 06:14:00 PM »

Halo 2 isn't the best example.

Better ones would be Doom III and Chaos Theory, even Unreal Champs 2. Those games really pushed the Xbox compared to Halo 2.


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #43 on: November 03, 2006, 07:13:00 PM »

i didnt read this whole thread but i think its stupid for anyone to believe that the 360 is truly maxed out.  

listen to the mark rein interview on Major Nelson's podcast.  he states something similar but further explains that this is all they were able to get out of the machine RIGHT NOW.  they will continue to get much more power out of the system as time goes on, its commen sense to anyone that has been gaming for years on end.  

you guys shoudnt need M_heal to tell you its not maxed out to figure it out.  a developer can use all the cores, all the memory, and all the ALUs in the GPU but that doesnt mean its maxed out.  thats just as bad as saying "oh no geometry wars uses all 3 cores!!  its maxing out the 360!!"  rolleyes.gif

i cant believe there is still confusion as to how many games or what games uses how many cores.  EVERY game uses all 3 cores, even small little arcade games like geometry wars.  early in development games may only run on one or two cores (GoW and FEAR come to mind in dev comments) but when you put ANY game in your 360, its using all 3 cores.

also i do agree i believe that games like Halo 3 will push the 360 harder because it never started its development on a PC.  not saying it will look better (art direction way too different to accurately judge that) but i do believe it will push the system harder, or at least better.

i worry about you people some times.   blink.gif


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Epic says Gears of War pushes Xbox 360 to the limit
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2006, 07:03:00 AM »

as the current gen games get phased out, the next gen games will be a lot better because developers will be concentrating only on the next gen hardware.
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