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Author Topic: And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!  (Read 435 times)


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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2006, 05:45:00 PM »

QUOTE(MaulerX @ Mar 29 2006, 01:17 AM) View Post

If I'm not mistaken even the developers admitted that the KZ2 video was just a concept on what they were aiming for. In other words, not real.

Okay, if that's true, then I am mistaken.  I never heard anything about developers saying if was pre-rendered.  But I remember watching E3 coverage on G4 last year, and they brought in a Sony spokesman, and he said it was completely in real time, and that everything Sony showed was in real time.  And I can honestly believe that, because incase you didn't notice, games are starting the make huge leaps in realism already, and this next generation just started.  I have no doubt that within next couple of years, games are going to look more and more amazing.

Regardless, what I see in that Killzone 2 video looks better than what I have seen for Gears of War.  Sorry, but I am just being honest, I am no Sony or MS Fanboy or anything.  I own all of the systems, and I play them all equally.  If Sony is lieing about it being real time, then they are lieing, and that is not what the game looks like, and I will have to wait and see what Killzone 2 is going to look like.  But it could actually look better than what they showed, or worse, who knows for sure?  I know nobody here knows though, only the developers do.  I think it is foolish to believe that games are not going to be looking like that in the next couple of years, though.  Have you seen Crysis?  That comes out early next year.  And it only gets better from there.

Master X

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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2006, 05:51:00 PM »

QUOTE(Marrvia @ Mar 29 2006, 04:52 PM) View Post

Okay, if that's true, than I am mistaken.  I never heard anything about developers saying if was pre-rendered.  But I remember watching E3 coverage on G4 last year, and they brought in a Sony spokesman, and he said it was completely in real time, and that everything Sony showed was in real time.  And I can honestly believe that, because incase you didn't notice, games are starting the make huge leaps in realism already, and this next generation just started.  I know no doubt that then next couple of years are going to get more and more amazing.

Regardless, what I see in that Killzone 2 video looks better than what I have seen for Gears of War.  Sorry, but I am just being honest, I am no Sony or MS Fanboy or anything.  I own all of the systems, and I play them all equally.  If Sony is lieing about it being real time, then they are lieing, and that is not what the game looks like, and I will have to wait and see what Killzone 2 is going to look like but I could actually look better than what they showed, or worse, who knows for sure?  I know nobody here knows though, only the developers do.  I think it is foolish to believe that games are not going to be looking like that in the next couple of years.  Have you seen Crysis?  That comes out early next year.  It only gets better from there.

CGI BS that is not going to happen rolleyes.gif


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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2006, 05:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(Master X @ Mar 29 2006, 04:58 PM) View Post

CGI BS that is not going to happen rolleyes.gif

Now why do you say that?  Honestly, is it that unbelievable?  If I was living in the early 90's and playing Super Mario World, I wouldn't think that Super Mario 64 could be happen.  But it has happened.  All you have to do is keep an open mind.


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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2006, 07:34:00 PM »

QUOTE(handles25 @ Mar 29 2006, 05:21 PM) View Post

The Sony spokesman lied.  G4 is not a good source for information.  The Killzone demo was video nothing more.  I don't mean to be harsh here but its because of people like you game companies show FMV in commercials and not gameplay.  Its time for all of us to demand better.

Don't believe the hype.

PS3 might one day acheive results like that (I personally doubt it) but if it does so will 360.  Were not trying to shit on your cornflakes were just sick of being misled and flatout lied to.  Before playing devils advocate you might want to do a little research to see if its been proven or debunked.

Okay man, I did a little research.  Here's what I found after looking at several major game sites regarding Killzone.  This is the closest thing I could see to whether or not the developers said it was CG or Realtime.  Quote from a couple months ago(one of the newest articles about Killzone I could find). "The development team hasn't specifically stated the video shown was all real-time".  Aside from that, I read on Gamespot that some dude on a eurogamer forums said that Axis Animation said they made the e3 demo and they it was completely CG.  THAT MUST CONFIRM IT!  Because we all know that everything said on a forum by any random person claiming the company said it MUST be real.  laugh.gif  A lead developer did say that it was a "representation" of what they were making, but never said it was CG, that is the closest thing to what you say, but that doesn't really mean anything.  Please show me your research saying that the developers said specifically that it was CG, not real time, and the article where it says that the Sony spokesman lied.  If you can show it to me, I will know that it is not realtime.  Otherwise, I believe Sony, because I believe it is achievable in the near future.

Regardless of if the Killzone trailer is real or not, that is not the point.  I don't care if it's on Xbox 360 or PS3, it makes no difference.  CG or not, that trailer looks better than anything I've seen from Gears of War(which looks fantastic).  That's the bottom line.  The way you say "PS3 might one day acheive results like that (I personally doubt it) but if it does so will 360", it seems like you think I am almost trying to bash 360 when I say Killzone looks better than Gears of War.  As if I am saying the 360 can't handle game like that but PS3 can.  NO.  I don't give a damn if Killzone 2 is on TurboGraphix 16, it looks better.  Period.  "And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!"  Damn Right.


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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2006, 12:36:00 PM »

I have a question... So if These up coming games are supposed to look so good... why is there so much lag in the ones that are even half the quality? ex. Quake 4. Quake 4 could have been the best looking game on Xbox if they would have used the PC models and environments. I'm not sure but just curious to see if it will get any better then Ghost Recon... The trend with PC games is more and more powerful card to support the new engines... maybe I'm missing something and I do realize that the xbox has the power but just can't understand why I get lag and low frame rates with just average graphics in games like Quake 4.


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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2006, 01:13:00 PM »

QUOTE(waltlove @ Mar 30 2006, 08:43 PM) View Post

I have a question... So if These up coming games are supposed to look so good... why is there so much lag in the ones that are even half the quality? ex. Quake 4. Quake 4 could have been the best looking game on Xbox if they would have used the PC models and environments. I'm not sure but just curious to see if it will get any better then Ghost Recon... The trend with PC games is more and more powerful card to support the new engines... maybe I'm missing something and I do realize that the xbox has the power but just can't understand why I get lag and low frame rates with just average graphics in games like Quake 4.

Cause of bad optimizations.......Quake 4 is actually a 'direct port' instead of a fully optimized re working of the game. Think about it, why does quake 3 (homebrew) run so badly on the xbox while Doom 3 run so well in comparison? Doom 3 is fully optimized for the box. Also how can you expect devs to fully understand hardware on their first game or in just a few months? Experience is the best teacher! Im surprise GRAW looks so good for 1st generation game.


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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2006, 05:33:00 PM »

QUOTE(incognegro @ Mar 30 2006, 03:20 PM) View Post

Cause of bad optimizations.......Quake 4 is actually a 'direct port' instead of a fully optimized re working of the game. Think about it, why does quake 3 (homebrew) run so badly on the xbox while Doom 3 run so well in comparison? Doom 3 is fully optimized for the box. Also how can you expect devs to fully understand hardware on their first game or in just a few months? Experience is the best teacher! Im surprise GRAW looks so good for 1st generation game.

I agree. The Xbox 360 would run Quake 4 MUCH better if the game was "fully optimized" for the console. A poorly done revision of a PC game would require the Xbox 360 to do 1.5 to 2 times more work.

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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2006, 06:41:00 PM »

QUOTE(Marrvia @ Mar 29 2006, 06:41 PM) View Post

Okay man, I did a little research.  Here's what I found after looking at several major game sites regarding Killzone.  This is the closest thing I could see to whether or not the developers said it was CG or Realtime.  Quote from a couple months ago(one of the newest articles about Killzone I could find). "The development team hasn't specifically stated the video shown was all real-time".  Aside from that, I read on Gamespot that some dude on a eurogamer forums said that Axis Animation said they made the e3 demo and they it was completely CG.  THAT MUST CONFIRM IT!  Because we all know that everything said on a forum by any random person claiming the company said it MUST be real.  laugh.gif  A lead developer did say that it was a "representation" of what they were making, but never said it was CG, that is the closest thing to what you say, but that doesn't really mean anything.  Please show me your research saying that the developers said specifically that it was CG, not real time, and the article where it says that the Sony spokesman lied.  If you can show it to me, I will know that it is not realtime.  Otherwise, I believe Sony, because I believe it is achievable in the near future.

Regardless of if the Killzone trailer is real or not, that is not the point.  I don't care if it's on Xbox 360 or PS3, it makes no difference.  CG or not, that trailer looks better than anything I've seen from Gears of War(which looks fantastic).  That's the bottom line.  The way you say "PS3 might one day acheive results like that (I personally doubt it) but if it does so will 360", it seems like you think I am almost trying to bash 360 when I say Killzone looks better than Gears of War.  As if I am saying the 360 can't handle game like that but PS3 can.  NO.  I don't give a damn if Killzone 2 is on TurboGraphix 16, it looks better.  Period.  "And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!"  Damn Right.

You just eat what the damn shepard feeds you....BS. You need to use your head and think for yourself. Why would you believe Sony after all the bullshit they have told us? I don't really care what you think but you can dream on. Yes games can look like that later on in this generation but for that to be in real time at the time that is was made is almost impossible. No game has ever had graphics like that.


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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2006, 06:44:00 PM »

We'll know for sure in a few years.

Master X

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And You Thought Killzone 2 Was Good?!
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2006, 11:11:00 PM »

Here we go.

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