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Author Topic: Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan  (Read 1290 times)


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2006, 11:54:00 PM »

Then by all means explain what exactly is next-gen? Cause if its solely graphics then any game that is in HD is next gen. If its by gameplay then NO game to date is next gen besides anything on DS and WII, which truely introduce next generation concepts in their design. GoW is built off the same general concept as Killswitch was which was duck and cover. So please keep your ignorant mouths shut when trying to put down another country and its people when you have nothing but your humble opinion to go on. Cause the same can be said by them about us. Fact is all that matters and your opinion is worthless to everyone.

So what they don't like the games we do? I agree CoD3, Gow, and FNR3 are good games. I haven't even played Cod3 and i know i don't want too either. Why? Not my cup of tea thats all. World war 2 is soo yesterday. Boxing isn't very popular in their country either...cause they have MMA(Mixed Martial Arts [think UFC]). Thats like going back to a bike after you've been on a motorcycle. Refusing to buy games? I don't think anyone could refuse to buy a good game simply because it was made in another country or by a company you don't like (ie. Madden). Games are here for us to enjoy and if i won't enjoy why should i buy it? I know someone who is in love with Juice (yes that horrible crap copy of NFSU) and swears its like the best thing ever....i know its crap but hey he's happy. Personally i love Lineage 2 for the PC and i absolutely hate WoW. I think its way too complicated and time consuming but hey millions of people throw their lives, gf/bfs away for that game everyday, so who am i to judge? Which is exactly my point.

As far as Blue Dragon goes i look forward to this game. Its one of the reasons i will in the future purchase a X360. Hope it does well over there but X360 will have to do far more then produce 2 truly jap-made games if they hope to put out the fire on that sinking burning ship they call X360 in Japan.


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2006, 12:35:00 AM »

QUOTE(mirsad @ Dec 7 2006, 09:57 PM) View Post

To the jerk that posted above saying that people need to pull thier heads out thier ass and learn about the world around you.

This isn't about culture issues you moron.

I'm saying that recently the influx of japanese games into both US and europe have been piss poor in comparaison to what has come out over the past few years in other countries like america and europe
(after all halo isn't an american made game)
Was it not Halo which was one of the biggest selling and popular games ever to shift not only the xbox into world wide fame but the online gaming market for consoles. (and your all looking forward to halo 3 right?)

Don't get me wrong japan can make some fuking good games when they want (RE4) and in the SNES, GEN era they were kings, but recently there has been alot of trash coming from thier side, then they think all xbox 360 stuff is not worthy like eg oblivion, gears of war, call of duty 3, fight night round 3 the list goes on.(honestly are these above games mentioned not good?)

Its not us saying that they make shit, its more like the other way around where they refuse to buy games that are truly next gen and amazing gaming experiances just because the games aren't japanese.

Okay a lesson in Japan and Japanese culture for the unenlightened.

1 - Japan is a culture that is very anti-aggression, anti-violence (martial arts = not violence so don't use Tekken or Dead or Alive as examples), anti-gun, etc. Ever notice Japan's incredibly low crime rate, their low rate of violence, and the fact they shy away from pretty much any combat except for martial arts (and even then that is only in the name of sport?

2 - The Japanese culture demands conformity. Conformity means nobody is the best and nobody is the worst, everyone is equal.

Taking these two into account why would Japan enjoy Halo? why would Japan enjoy Gears of War? It's violent, aggressive, and playing deathmatch style gaming when the multiplayer element is introduced. Does a Japanese gamer have any interest in killing his buddy then tea-bagging them Halo-style the way Americans or Europeans do? No, because in their society and culture they are perfectly content being part of a whole, not fighting attacking and being p0wn3d by their buddies.

Often in America we choose social darwinism "survival of the fittest" where in Japan the goal is to have the aggregate succeed over the individual. This is where shame and suicide are such a large part of Japanese life, they don't just let themselves down, they let down the aggregate. If you let someone down in America all too often the response is "fuck-it" and move on. Our cultures are different. Some of this might be Japan snubbing the US idea of a console, but I bet a lot more has to do with games.

Let's look at the games you mentioned. Gears of War, Halo, Call of Duty 3, all FPS games. They have their deathmatch elements and are heavily violent. Not up Japan's alley.

Oblivion to Japan is probably pretty decent, but it's also a PC game, they can snatch it up on their PC. On that note is Japan is so anti-non-Japanese products I bet all those Japanese PC's still run Windows. A Microsoft and USA product.

Fight Night Round 3 I'll even give it to you as a Japanese potential game, because it's more about sport than fighting. Similar to the way martial arts or Sumo isn't about the violence as much as the technique and skill. However you could get Fight Night Round 3 on your PS2 I believe. So why pay the money for the X360 version.

Finally, most NES, SNES, and Genesis games were universal. How many were platformers based of the Super Mario Bros. theme. You can name the open-ended games that you really got to explore on one hand per console and of those open-ended games they all came out of Japan. To my knowledge only 2 FPS games came out for these consoles. Wolfenstein 3D and DOOM. Neither of these sold well in Japan for the same reasons I mention Halo or Gears of War doesn't.

Japan plays anime, dating-sims, RPGs, and train-simulations. Those are the games we like. You can name what you call great games and they may very well be great games, but in Japan they don't interest people. Densha De Go is a HUGE game in Japan, I mean they make special controllers for it even, but would it sell outside of Japan? No, and the reason is because it's not what we're into.

If you really think Japan is choosing not to buy a console because they don't like it being an American / European influence or originator then why do Japanese have a Tokyo Disney, why do they drink Coca-Cola, why the hell do so many more Japanese choose to visit the United States than Americans visiting Japan?

It's culture. You make games Japanese would like then Japanese will buy the console. Blue Dragon is a great example of that. Microsoft has gotten a game the Japanese want to play, now they need to keep that kind of thing coming.

In the first generation Microsoft took the approach of what sells here will sell in Japan too. They found out they can't just put a system out with games Japanese don't like. Microsoft could put $100 bills in each console sold but if Japanese don't like the games they aren't going to buy the system. Japanese publishers do so well in Japan because they know what the Japanese like. If an American publisher made a Final Fantasy clone the Japanese would snatch it up, but they don't because no non-Japanese publishers are doing RPGs.

I said it before and I'll say it again, some people need to pull their heads out of their back-ends and learn about the world around them. There's more to the world than just what is the United States or Europe


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2006, 07:17:00 AM »

I sometimes wonder if the xbox has spawned an entire "Halo Generation" of kids.   Do you people remember the SNES or was that before your time?  Ever played a long epic RPG?  Anyone who's every played games like Chrono Trigger and SoM has been eagerly awaiting for a developer like Mistwalker to come over to the 360.   The original xbox didn't have jack shit for RPG's and it suffered because of it.  It's this little concept called diversity.  Another concept that some of you need to read up on is personal preference.  Some of us prefer the graphics of Blue Dragon, it's almost nostalgic.

And to the person who was bitching about FMV earlier laugh.gif Hey moron, those are real time cut-scenes.  In all actuality, Blue Dragon is one of the most graphically intensive games out there.  Just because the art direction isn't going for ultra-realism doesn't mean that it's easy to pull off.  PS2 graphics?!  blink.gif Did your parents drop you on your head when you were young or something?


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2006, 10:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(mirsad @ Dec 8 2006, 08:49 AM) View Post

So your saying that japan is anti violent yeah?
Believe me that is bullshit. Games like Gears of War or halo are like going to kindergarden compared to the violence in japanese games like Dead Rising/ Resident Evil or Silent hill series , or maybe shooting someones head off with a shot gun in Resident Evil is not violent enough for japanese gamers right? Have you actually seen the violence in Dead Rising?

Honestly during the 1980's and 1990's how many fighting games from japan came out in arcades and for consoles? you would lose count there is so many.

Japanese have made games in the past with some real disturbing material of violence or pain and torture. Games like resident evil/Silent Hill are very popular in japan. The Metal gear Solid series has lots of weapons and people getting killed no?, how the hell can a game like COD3 be more violent?

So please don't change the subject from games to sociology when there is so many violent games come from both japan and elsewhere, this isn't about violent cultures trust me or you will be heading into WW2 territory so back off with the "The Japanese culture demands conformity", this is about making great games that don't always appeal to gamers still in their pubity.
I like alot of stuff japan has made, yes they don't always make violent games but nor do we, so don't say that shooting someones head off with a machine gun dosen't appeal to japan gamers because you are wrong trust me.
I just find the recent attitude towards the xbox360 from japan to be slightly arrogant.

You think MGS sells well in Japan? Nope, Resident Evil does okay, not as good as the US, same with Silent Hill. Furthermore, did you notice all these examples are single-player games and not multiplayer material?

Japanese fighting games have almost always centered around martial arts. No blood, no fatalities, etc. They are more showmanship than violence.

Gears of War and Halo are FPS games. Not the kinds of games Japanese get into. I know that must be hard for you to comprehend. You also make the lovely point of saying "so don't say that shooting someone's head off with a machine gun doesn't appeal to japan gamers because you are wrong trust me". Well that's not what I said. I said that Japanese gamers have no interest in FPS games like Halo or Gears of War (which you insist they shy away from because they are non-Japanese games) because they see no fun in shooting the heads off of their friends with a machine gun or whatever else. Give them a good single player game and they'll play it, give them a FPS and they have no desire to play it.

You compare Gears of War and Halo to Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Metal Gear Solid. You're comparing a FPS to a 3rd person action game. Huge difference.

If you really believe Gears of War would sell if a Japanese company made it then I ask this. Name the last Japanese FPS to come to market. You can't because Japanese developers don't make them because Japanese gamers don't play them. Did PS2 FPS games sell in Japan? Nope.

I hit the point dead on and I could not be more correct. You are making sweeping generalizations about a culture you clearly know nothing about outside of anime or a handfull of Capcom / Konami game franchises.


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2006, 03:05:00 PM »

QUOTE(mike96sc2 @ Dec 7 2006, 05:22 PM) View Post

Well since you don't make games for Japanese gamers I doubt Microsoft cares about your opinion.

All the Gears of War comments are piss-poor lame as well. Japanese culture isn't into making someone their bitch of PWN3D of the L33T friends as seems to be the dominant gaming idea here. It's an issue of culture. Their culture doesn't value being one above someone else, it's conformity, it's equity, etc.

Pull your heads out of your back-end and learn about the world around you.

Well said


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2006, 04:45:00 PM »

lol you've totally changed the subject from talking about violence in japanese culture and video games, and now your talking about FPS where the hell did that come from?

I wasn't debating about FPS and don't care if japanese don't play them, you never answered the question about which types of games are more violent and avoided the 3rd person types of games like Dead Rising  which are 10 times more violent than FPS (btw Gears of War is 3rd person).
Also you seem to pick up on some examples of games that I happen to list and try to throw them into some sort of defence, you have no proof of anything so you should stop making sweeping statements yourself.

Then you start waffling on about japanese culture and american cultural issues and totally avoid the whole debate which you've actually shot yourself in the foot about because you know your wrong then you changed the subject, and you probably know little or next to nothing about the culture you seem to be defending.


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2006, 05:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(mirsad @ Dec 8 2006, 05:52 PM) View Post

lol you've totally changed the subject from talking about violence in japanese culture and video games, and now your talking about FPS where the hell did that come from?

I wasn't debating about FPS and don't care if japanese don't play them, you never answered the question about which types of games are more violent and avoided the 3rd person types of games like Dead Rising  which are 10 times more violent than FPS (btw Gears of War is 3rd person).
Also you seem to pick up on some examples of games that I happen to list and try to throw them into some sort of defence, you have no proof of anything so you should stop making sweeping statements yourself.

Then you start waffling on about japanese culture and american cultural issues and totally avoid the whole debate which you've actually shot yourself in the foot about because you know your wrong then you changed the subject, and you probably know little or next to nothing about the culture you seem to be defending.

WTF  uhh.gif

You said Japanese don't buy Gears of War because it's an American game. I explained where you're wrong. I explained it clearly multiple times using multiple examples of how American and European culture is very different than Japanese culture. Funny how many posts agree 100% with me zero agree with you. Tell you what, come back, think your argument through, and we can have an intelligent discussion. The argument is bigger than "Gears of War r0xorz Japan hates Americans who make good games" as you suggested. Again, re-read what I wrote, read what you wrote. See where you're wrong. We can discuss this like adults.


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2006, 04:35:00 PM »

QUOTE(unclepauly @ Dec 8 2006, 03:34 AM) View Post

They all want a ps3 though...  grr.gif  makes no sense to me. I think them not wanting 360 is borderline bigotry.

How idiotic can you be.  Yeah, i'm not going to buy a 360 because it's not Japanese, like the IPod, or McDonalds or Coca-Cola.

No wonder most of the world believes the majority of Americans are stupid.


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Blue Dragon's 200,000 unit goal in Japan
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2006, 07:48:00 PM »

Jesus, when did so many racist american xbox kiddies come to Xbox-scene.  Oh wait, I know- back when there was a forum dedicated to modding for Halo2.  If that had never existed, half these retards wouldn't be here,  and the average level of intelligence on these forums would be much higher.

I'll make sure not to bother reading this thread any more, since clearly it's filled mostly with bored morons looking to rip on Japan

If gear is so great, go back to playing it.  No one needs your opinions

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