
Author Topic: Jtag Boots To Black Screen After Hdd Upgrade  (Read 839 times)


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Jtag Boots To Black Screen After Hdd Upgrade
« on: July 04, 2013, 11:40:00 AM »

So I decided to upgrade my JTAG with a 1tb 2.5 internal drive. I installed the 1tb drive in an xbox enclosure and formatted it on my non JTAG xbox. I removed the drive from the enclosure and connected it to my pc and opened it with Party Buffalo Xbox 360 Drive Explorer v2.0.1.0. I inject my 0000000000000000 folder with games created using Iso2God v1.3.6 to the data\content folder.  I then disconnected it from my pc, put it back into the enclosure and connected it to my JTAG. I then booted up my JTAG and it froze on the white loading screen. I powered it off and back on and now have a black screen. Here's some things I have tried after lots of googling:

Booted without hard drive
Booted with eject (no Xell showing)
Booted with USB controller
Booted with xbox formatted USB drive
Booted using VGA cables
Booted using component cables

Sorry for the lengthy explanation, just trying to be thorough. Anyone have any ideas what might have happened?