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Author Topic: HD DVD Not Dead yet: Lower Prices, New Marketing, Strong Q4 Sales  (Read 1419 times)


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HD DVD Not Dead yet: Lower Prices, New Marketing, Strong Q4 Sales
« Reply #60 on: January 16, 2008, 07:28:00 PM »

QUOTE(ConteZero76 @ Jan 17 2008, 01:07 AM) View Post

My €35 no-brand Mediatek DVD player can be updated (and is upgraded), I fail to see why a €300+ BD player shouldn't be upgradeable to Profile 1.1/2.0 too...

Profile 2.0, also known as BD-Live. The reason it's called BD-Live is that the major difference between profiles 1.1 and 2.0 is that Profile 2.0 requires that the player has an Internet connection. Although some current Blu-ray players have an Ethernet port, these are strictly for firmware updates and can't be used to access downloadable content.

Read here http://www.dvd-copy....ofile_1.1.shtml



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HD DVD Not Dead yet: Lower Prices, New Marketing, Strong Q4 Sales
« Reply #61 on: January 17, 2008, 12:49:00 AM »

I hate to admit it, having purchased the XBox360 HD-DVD drive about a year ago, that HD-DVD is essentially dead, but I don't have any choice now. I should have seen the writing on the wall from the beginning, since Sony would and could never have lost the war. They learned their lesson from the BetaMax days, realizing that whoever owns the movies will win the war. They didn't make the same mistake twice, this time, they stacked the cards in their favor, they went out and BOUGHT THE MOVIE COMPANY.

HD-DVD has no reason to exist other than to play movies! It doesn't even have the redeeming feature of BetaMax, ie. it cannot even record. So without any software support, what reason does it even have to be around? Just to view HD-DVD porn?

The public won't be buying any more HD-DVD machines no matter how cheap they are now. So unless Toshiba & co. go out and buy their own movie company, there's no chance they will be around by the end of this year.



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HD DVD Not Dead yet: Lower Prices, New Marketing, Strong Q4 Sales
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2008, 12:50:00 AM »

QUOTE(mc_365 @ Jan 17 2008, 05:04 AM) View Post

Profile 2.0, also known as BD-Live. The reason it's called BD-Live is that the major difference between profiles 1.1 and 2.0 is that Profile 2.0 requires that the player has an Internet connection. Although some current Blu-ray players have an Ethernet port, these are strictly for firmware updates and can't be used to access downloadable content.

Read here http://www.dvd-copy....ofile_1.1.shtml the present time.


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HD DVD Not Dead yet: Lower Prices, New Marketing, Strong Q4 Sales
« Reply #63 on: January 17, 2008, 03:59:00 AM »

It seems to me. the people who have a preference for HD-DVD are picking up anything they can to justify why HD-DVD should succeed. Those who state Blu-ray has won already also now change tack on many different aspects.
E.G: I have read for the last year how the PS3 has no games. Nothing for anyone to buy it for. The common quote is "All it is is a Blu-Ray player" Now all of a sudden all I see quoted is "The PS3 should not be counted as a standalone Blu-Ray player as nobody bought it for that. It is a games console. Nobody plays movies on it."
You can't have it both ways. If their are no games then is there not the possibility that it was actually bought because it offers a cheap way into Blu-Ray, as well as a lot of other future stuff.

 Profiles. having an upgradeable profile is a good thing. People who bought early players bought them for what they could do at the time of purchase. Play the film. they will stay be able to perform that functionality with newer profile discs. It is being thrown in to posts as if all the early players are finished.
People who bought the first VHS machines didn't have Videoplus or multiple event timers or auto clock setting etc. It is the way equipment is.

Quality:HD-DVD is not better quality. The difference in quality is imperceptible.

Price: Toshiba are dumping stock . The price will drop so they can get rid of it. This is not them bringing out new cheap players. If we saw a new line cheap HD-DVD player then we would also see the market hit with Blu-ray players cheap.
People wil not buy something even if it is dirt cheap, if there are new films for it.

Cheap Players: Cheap players does not mean good quality players. Apex (and the other supermarket special DVD players) are crap. If you watch one and think the quality is good then you have  low standards or a poor TV.

Alleged war: the war as someone rightly said is between any new format and DVD. the public has only just got used to DVD. They see it as a big quality leap from VCRs. those with a HDTV and a decent upscaling DVD have excellent quality now at a cheap price with a huge catalogue of movies. Any new format has to be equally as cheap (Hardware and Software) and have access to the massive number of movie titles, available currently.

Digital Downloads: Yes nice idea. Convenient possibly cheaper etc. Just one problem it will not be available to a large chunk of the world due to internet connection speed issues.

360 Add on: people are now claiming HD-DVD should have been  built in to the 360. This is despite most people claiming that Sony shouldn't have put Blu-Ray in the PS3. A sneaky tactic to get Blu-Ray into homes. If MS had done this everyone would have embraced it and how wonderful it would have been.
It would have been no different to Sony and would also have put the price up.

This is not a debate on Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD. People are taking up positions against companies. If Sony was HD-DVD and MS Blu-Ray, everyone would be shouting the virtues of HD-DVD.
 Refusing to buy something because a certain company is very narrow minded, considering if you start looking inside the stuff in your home, you will find all sorts of components made by the very company you make a stand against. Are you going to throw all that stuff out?
 Purchase decisions should be based on Quality and Reliability at a fair price. Functionality at the time of purchase and support for the product and what it does. If everyone waited to see what was coming next, we would all still be waiting.



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HD DVD Not Dead yet: Lower Prices, New Marketing, Strong Q4 Sales
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2008, 03:48:00 AM »

Digital downloads may replace physical mediums, but not for a long time. The technology is not there yet for it to go MAINSTREAM.

BR and the PS3 was the best thing Sony did, despite the monstrous amount of FUD and anti-Sony propaganda perpetuated by whiny nerds. Get your system online, hit system update, or just use a USB stick, or have it updated automatically when you play new titles.

BR was ALWAYS destined to win, the only ones who thought differently were the crazy HD DVD fans. When you have more studio support and you consistently outsell HD DVD by at least 60:40 ratio for EVERY SINGLE WEEK OF 2007, then you know which format's gonna succeed. HD DVD never had a chance, but it put up a valiant fight.

All you haters should pick up a PS3, it's a real geek's system and if you spend some actual time with it, you may just grow to like it.  smile.gif


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HD DVD Not Dead yet: Lower Prices, New Marketing, Strong Q4 Sales
« Reply #65 on: January 17, 2008, 11:00:00 AM »

Just becuase it worked out that BR is the more popular format (Currently) does not make it smart on behalf of the stupid consumers whom bought into it.

Unless you rather be trapped into Region Locking, Minimal Online Content, DRM, Higher Price, Lack of PIP, Lack of Upgradeability, and vunerable to Sony a company that has not exactly been consumer freindly in recent years.

Yeah I guess this can be chalked up as a big victory for consumers.

I'm not a Hater or a Fanboy, I don't own either and I will continue to wait, though I do have an HDTV and have had one since 1998

I want HD-DVD to be adopted becuase it is beter for the consumer hands down.

You can call me a fanboy but i call anyone whom sais BRD is better, a stupid consumer.

If I owned a PS3 I doubt I would buy any BRD movies, I would probably rent them.
But the fact is I don't own a PS3 cuase it had no games until recently and I didn't want a BRD player.

The movie companies will make money either way, I think they are taking the choice away from consumers and choosing the format they believe will make them the most money, by corp give backs, fair use restrictions, and region coding.

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