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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« on: December 06, 2004, 05:22:00 AM »


Before anyone goes - "oh this is obvious read this thread (link)", Ive read as many of the threads as I can and I get the jist of all of them. BUT people keep popping in and insulting everyone with stories about how they did it differently, quoting theories etc etc.

Im sure many people are finding it hard to figure out how to get unbanned.

I have a new EEPROM and want to use that to get unbanned. But I dont want to waste it by making a mistake to be told when I ask later what I did wrong "oh you should have changed this or that"


My situation (and I know I was a dumb ass) - I installed a new chip (spider) - flashed the bios with M8_Plus_16  and it rebooted.

Rebooted straight on to live with the chip on. (Bugger)

(I know I should have turned auto sign in off or disconnected the network cable but I thought it would just turn off).

Ive subsequently reflashed the bios with Metoo's M8Plus bios so I believe (correct me if im wrong) - I will never be able to sign on to live, even by accident, when the chip is on.

I want to use my stock HDD, which I have cleaned off with Slayers 2.6 (Ive only ever had Evox on it anyway)

Interestingly, now I dont get the "Modded Xbox" error, but instead the "Xbox Live not found" error.

In my situation I just want to be able to play originals and live with the chip off, and imports and backups when its on.

So I think all I need to do is use ConfigMagic Final to replace the EEPROM with the new one Ive got.  (please can someone confirm this)

- Can I do this without installing evox on my Xbox - I have an evox boot disk (which is how I reflashed the chip)

I want to keep my HDD empty apart from savegames etc in the future so what ever I put on, I will want to be able to take off.

(Note Im guessing to put my save games back on I just put the contents of my Backed up "E:" partition onto the final "fixed" HDD?)

Please only post if you have been in the above situation or know for definate something should work. I dont want someone to say "buy a new xbox" or "get a new hdd" nor do I want to waste EEPROMs through bad or incomplete information.  And unless I need to mess about with MAC addresses, Disk.bin files etc etc, please dont mention them as this is what Ive been getting so confused about.

I would be very greatful if someone could spend a little time to just clarify this for me as it is stressing me out beyond no end and Ive been reading about this for 2 and a half days with so many conflicting and varied bits of information.

Thanks guys and keep up the good work.

Alex (SlyT)



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« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2004, 06:29:00 AM »

ok first of .. ya done everything good so far ! well done !!  and from what ya posted it definatly looks like ya HAVE been reading the forums ..
and i can see how/why people are getting confused !!

so yep first thing first (so it dont happern again)
yes metoo bios (live blocking) IS the right choice !!
(more proof that ya been searching and reading yaself)

next .. as u have ALREADY been on live with that HDD and with that eeprom
that HDD is locked to THAT eeprom.. (marriage theory)
yes (as i can see that u read) its because of the cookies writen into the partition table ..  (linox cookie theory)
ok so to get rid of these (so that you can use that HDD again, with a diferent eeprom) u need to either wipe them (re-do the partition table(ask if ya want this bit explained more!!) or to get ANOTHER STOCK hdd ...
must be a stock HDD if ya want to use the same GT,
or any HDD(and size) if ya gonna use a diferent GT

ok now the eeprom .. when updating the eepeom u gonna have to use configmagic, the beta relase so that it supports your 1.6 motherboard
and then get a 1.6 clean (virginlive) eeprom (MUST BE FROM a 1.6 !!!)
if ya get connection errors after doing this (like u mentioned ?? bit confussed what u said here)
then its the wrong info been put in !

ok now .. once ya done that your'll be fine to go smile.gif
and remeber if ya using the SAME GT.. then be carefull as they will scan ya xbox much more
so prefurable get a new GT !!! will be MUCH less risk !

hopefully we can get constuctive critasisum(especially on my spelling)
on this post ... or better still getting it backed up !!
Mick ..

PS .. your post is EXACTLY how people should use this forum.. u are definatly a good example of how things 'should' be done !!


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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2004, 07:15:00 AM »

Hello Gadget,

Since I'm almost in the same position as slyt is in (I clould hear myself confirming to every statement/point he made  laugh.gif ), I have two more question for you (or anyone who likes to jump in with THE answer).

I have an account which is still good for 6 months, so I can get my hands on a new EEPROM+HD.

If I want to use the flagged GT (guess that's the only way I can continue my 6 months right?) I think there is no difference in the changes of getting banned again using a:
- Clean old HD (partitions formatted) + new EEPROM + Account Recovery
- New HD (never on Live be4) + EEPROM never used + Account Recovery (is this possible?)

Now both HD are 8GB (stock) and I'll remove every trace of Evox (using retail option in Slayer 2.6).
I guess the only way I can get banned again (besides going LIVE with chip on DUH), is if they DO actually scan the LPC?
Do you think/have proof that M$ are doing this? (I don't think they have the legal rights)

Thanx in Advance


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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2004, 07:46:00 AM »

Thanks -Gadget- I try my best !!

Agreed on the GT, I will probably set up a new one and even go for a new CC registered against it. That way Im covering my back (I was still on my 2month trial anyway!)

I will get another 2month trial from somewhere I hope (if anyone has one they could donate I would be most grateful !)

Ive got a full subscription pack, but am reluctant to use that straight away "just incase"

- If you could explain how to clear the partitions on my current HDD that would help. - I have slayers and did do a format to retail, but I dont know if that is sufficient.

I may need to know at somepoint "what each drive partition should look like" as I noticed in my hard disk illustration on M$ dash there are 2 lots of xbox files (never seen them before but could be normal ! - (plus I want to get my backed up games (Whole of E: I believe) back on. - essentially if I can end up with a stock HDD (well back as close as possible) - Ill be happy and back to the situation I was in on Friday just before the chip logged me on to live. D'oh - Still it is all learning experiance !

I have bought an EEPROM on the understanding it is a)virgin, b)1.6 and c)PAL (I am a UK user) - so hopefully it will be in the exact format I need. (Ive got it now but wont try using it till im sure what I need to do)

Ive had a look about on the connection issues and I think resetting my modem and router may work. Also I may have to try something other than slayers as the live it put on there could be wrong. I think one of my games (Wolfenstein I think) had something that updated the Live setup (not sure though?).

Im happy to "get the ball rolling" to get me unbanned so long as I dont end up not solving that issue which may cause me to get banned again. I dont know if that is likley as the "Live Not Found" error seems to be a) fairly common and b) not really meanacing.

I hope the above all makes sense and I want to thank you for jumping into this thread to help. I know a lot of people look at these type of threads and decide not to post.

Slyt (Alex)

This post has been edited by slyt: Dec 6 2004, 03:48 PM


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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2004, 10:52:00 AM »

If you still need a 2 month trial, and cant find one from a friend or something, try going to your local blockbuster. I went to mine and there were 7 copies of halo2, 4 of which still had the unscratched 2 month trials which expire in march.  I gave them away to friends...  They usually just take out the user manual and leave the rest of the crap in there.

If you try this and still cant find one, you can usually find em on ebay for 5 bucks... this is how i got my first one.

PS, some people still disagree with me on this, but I believe the xbox live not found error is another way of stating your banned.  This is when you do the connect 'wizard' and the first 3 options connect fine, but you still cannot connect to live (even tho your setup hasnt changed and you have gotten on before).  This is what I had and used slayer/new GT/HD/EEPROM and havent had a problem since.

This post has been edited by solid7x2: Dec 6 2004, 06:55 PM


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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2004, 10:59:00 AM »

Blockbuster it is then !

Thanks -

Do you know of a way to make your Stock HDD - "like new"

- Ive been reading about using ftp commands to format each partition individually.

Doesnt Slayers format "deep" enough or something ?

Thanks again



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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2004, 11:22:00 AM »

QUOTE (ThaG @ Dec 6 2004, 04:11 PM)
Hello Gadget,
If I want to use the flagged GT (guess that's the only way I can continue my 6 months right?) I think there is no difference in the changes of getting banned again using a:
- Clean old HD (partitions formatted) + new EEPROM + Account Recovery
- New HD (never on Live be4) + EEPROM never used + Account Recovery (is this possible?)

Now both HD are 8GB (stock) and I'll remove every trace of Evox (using retail option in Slayer 2.6).

this one would be the preferred ...
New HD (never on Live be4) + EEPROM never used + Account Recovery (is this possible?)
as IF they are doing MUCH more scanns etc .. this would never of been seen/logged, and is a stock hdd .. so in every way this is better ...

but remeber be carefull ! .. as its much more of  risk using flagged GT !
and we not even sure how/why they are kepping of bigger HDD .
so there checks are NOT really known !

and slyt...
just a quick post will be back laters properly ..
i know what ya need to do in evox to get rid of the cookies etc ..  
just hard to explain ! ..
and i have never used slayers (i presume its evox, just all set up for n00bs ???)

will get slayers and see how its set up and then i can advise ya from there  ..

but.. in evox ya gotta .. 'prepare a new hdd'
which uses the command 'configsector "disk.bin"

this is all based on linox theory ..
which will work 100% on a non flagged GT
(not to sure on a flagged?)

Mick ..


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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2004, 11:47:00 AM »

Yeah slayers is basically a noobs evox with a load of bundled utillities.

Ive got an evox boot disk. (I made it myself with my Bois files I wanted)

- I cant see a line in Evox.ini saying "prepare New HDD" or anything similar.

Do you have an example of what I need to add to the ini to use the "prepare hdd" ?

Also, I believe the disk.bin file is writen to by the EEPROM, so do I need to do the EEPROM first, then format ? or visa versa ?

Also Ive had a read about HDD Keys and serials. Are these all reset when you put over your new EEPROM ? - also some people have been saying you need to unlock then relock with a diferent code or something ? - Any truth in this ? - or does config magic do that for you ?

I may well use a new GT just incase its flagged. I was gonna get a 2month trial in a bit and when Im done, set up a new GT and take it from there (for the sake of a trip to block buster and at the worst, buying a new live game  smile.gif )

Ive got configmagic now, and, im sure Im being a dumb ass but, I cant see any .exe or the like files to run or install it ?!?!

Ive got "ConfigMagic-Xbox_v1.6-FINAL.rar" from the usual place and Im stumped ! everywhere tells you "how to use it" but I think I must have an Iso Image to slap on disk and run from a drive - but as this is not how the tuts describe usage, Im reluctant to just "give it a go" untill Ive had some confirmation from an experianced user of the tool.

Im off to hunt for a pdf guide for now, then get my trial and fingers crossed, Ill be good to get cracking later this evening when -Gadget- and others have "filled in the gaps". - Im not up for making the kind of mistakes again that cause this level of work or stress !

- Remember kids when flashing your Bios, wether you have live or nor UNPLUG YOUR NETWORK CABLE - and use a live blocking bios like metoo !

- This way no one need follow my error !


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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2004, 05:50:00 PM »

QUOTE (slyt @ Dec 6 2004, 02:43 PM)
Ive got "ConfigMagic-Xbox_v1.6-FINAL.rar" from the usual place and Im stumped ! everywhere tells you "how to use it" but I think I must have an Iso Image to slap on disk and run from a drive - but as this is not how the tuts describe usage, Im reluctant to just "give it a go" untill Ive had some confirmation from an experianced user of the tool.

Hey man, Config magic is quite simple to use. its just like any other app. Drag and drop into your apps folder and it should show up on your dash. Then follow the instructions to proced with an EEPROM change.



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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2004, 06:43:00 PM »

I just wanted to thank you the people in this thread for helping out.  I've haven't visited this site in ages (too busy gaming).  It's nice to see that people are still helping out.  Keeping the community together.  My I modded my bro's xbox and he finally got banned.  He was online for a whole two months.  Anyways, I see that I have a lot of new things to learn before I can help him (what are big bros for?).  Thanks again guys. wink.gif


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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2004, 01:25:00 AM »

A Massive "thank you" goes out to Gadget for all his help last night !

I sat and worked and learnt as much as I could and finally logged into live at about 3am this morning after much effort. (- getting up at 6am for work was a struggle !)

Ive got a fully formatted HDD (No gamer info in disk.bin) a new EEPROM, a rebuilt HDD content and a new Gamer Tag on 2 month trial to see if all works before using my full subscription code.

- on an even more paranoid state, I used different phone number, address and credit card details to sign up.

I had a quick play this morning (purley for testing purposes wink.gif) and was able to connect on a couple of games.


Only time will tell if this has all worked and I dont get a straight ban again.

- Interestingly Ive noticed;

on the E:, there is an "Unlock.log file" which I cannot delete sad.gif

in my "memory" option for the hard disk there is a file called "Bios loader" taking up 67 blocks. Is this normal/safe and am I ok to delete it from the Memory options ?

There is also a blank XBox "Unrecognised save" or something, again is this ok to delete too.

My initial thoughts are to just leave the "Xbox Live" item and delete any others that have the "X" Logo

Once I have been up and running for a bit, I will try and fully document what I have done as a "how to get back on live" info and process, even though it is perhaps slightly more paranoid than other peoples views, if it works, it works.

I believe this method I went through with gadget illustrates "the best" of all of the "theories" out there and keeps most people happy.

Thanks again guys

PS- anyone tried to connect to live when their chip is on with a metoo bios ? - just curios if it works 100%, ie no signal sent to M$. Thanks


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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2004, 06:01:00 AM »

Ok, I think IVe got the Live blocking bit sorted. Ive tested it and it doesnt seem to ever let me connect to XBL which is cool.

Anyone know about the other files on the XB ? - are these likley to be spotted by XBL ever and either way, are they safe to delete ?




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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2004, 09:43:00 AM »

Hey guys just to add on to what Gadget has told you (All Correct).

My expeirence with slayer was hit or miss.

So if you have a Shitty Tompsons drive like me you may need to hear this.

When installing the ms system files on a clean HD my drive would not be able to read some files off the disk. Slayers then would just skip them without telling me.

What I eventually did was just extract the slayers disk to my pc the ftp the appriate files to there directories on the xbox.

Also I rebuilt slayers and put my virgin eeprom.bin file into the configmagic data folder so I could run the bootdisk and flash my eeprom from it without installing the apps then going back a deleting them.

Last after you have flashed and locked your drive go back in with the boot disk and ftp to your box and delete all the lock/ulock logs and buckup files and .txt files and homebrew game saves that are made by configmagic.  Basically get rid of anything that is not ms.


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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2005, 11:34:00 PM »

What exactlly were the steps to make a HDD "like new"? How do you clean the partion tables, and where do I get a clean disk.bin? I think I can use one from an older Xbox, not sure though.

Lord Magnus

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Help On Unbanning (chip Detected)
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2005, 07:11:00 PM »

Sorry guys... I might be wrong but according to bios table the M8+ Bios will not block Live.

Is the "metoo M8 Bios" a different version that the one posted in that bios table? Thanks on the clarifycation.

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