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Author Topic: Fable  (Read 1287 times)


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« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2004, 01:48:00 PM »

QUOTE (Anima @ Sep 23 2004, 02:56 AM)

Also, people have the right to be pissed to if they followed the hype.  Only within a few months of the games release so many things were cut.  In many gamesite previews there were TONS of things that don't even exist now.  Aswell as trailers that have things that the game doesn't have.... Last thing the damn strategy guide has quests in it, yet they aren't even in the game.  OH yeah thats not hype.. thats factual information that people were led to believe was going to be in the game.

So, yes, people did get screwed and they got half of a game.

Is a LIVE Game so Two Words  : Downloadable Content


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« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2004, 06:52:00 PM »

we have a nice little debate here.

if anyone wants to make a counter review of this game, feel free, I'd love read your thoughts on it.

lil killer

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« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2004, 09:42:00 PM »

QUOTE (Infamous_One @ Sep 23 2004, 12:51 PM)
Is a LIVE Game so Two Words  : Downloadable Content

There will be no downloadable content. It is only Live Aware.


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« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2004, 08:27:00 AM »

i agree.
i dont have much time for a long ass game.
and while this game is a bit too short compared to most others it was still fun to play...
to think...the main complaints are difficulty and legnth though...
they have a great oportunity to make a great fable 2.
maybe for xbox 2
i do think that it wasnt lion head studios fault that it was cut short...
its been worked on for a while and i think M$ was feeling the pinch of
loss and had it cut for a release...
either way
it s still a fun gam its just sad that were missing some game play elements...


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« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2004, 04:34:00 PM »

i absolutly loved this game but, as it has been said before, it was way to short but all the little things that were in there help make up for it. such as the dialogue and the way ur guy changes and aquires scars and such.


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« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2004, 07:51:00 PM »

I had my first go at it last night and am pretty disappointed.
It's all a bit 'kiddy' for my liking, I'm 27 and the plot so far seems more suited ot a 7 year old. I didn't seem to be able to do much in the first chapter, I'm going to invest more time in it yet so we'll wait see.

There's a lot of scripted stuff and cut scenes at the moment and it was a struggle to sit through them. Hopefully it gets better.

Maybe I'm getting too old for this.


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« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2004, 09:50:00 AM »

Hi,I'm new here and there are some *spoilers* in my post

Project Ego a fable after all......

Project Ego (fable) was one of the reasons I bought my xbox. I had been following since the beginning of the xbox but after delays I just reserved my copy and expected the best rpg ever. When you wait for a game for four years to come out (yes, I know I have no life) and looking forward to it even after delay after delay etc... you tend to think fable is just an average rpg that even sudeki could compete with.

My friends say my expectations were way to high on this game and that I shouldn't be dissapointed in the game hardly at all and I'm considered an idiot for calling the game an average rpg. My reasons are valid however and here they are as to why I think fable should have been so much better. First off when I left Heroe's guild I noticed this game was very very linear, set paths to walk on in the new areas I went to. My idea was that the world was going to open like Morrowind, where I could go anywhere I pleased. There was an article quoting Peter M. where he said "anywhere you see you can go to" and "in this world we're creating you can see for miles" so after that I just assumed the world was open. The next reason was getting married and having kids. I was supposed to be able to have a kid and if I neglected my child he/she would grow up to hate me. Also, if I scarred a little kid and came back to the village later on I would find out that he/she would hate me and want to kill me. Neither one of those were in the game and yes I got married and I married Lady Gray but it still seemed rather worthless though. Another problem with the game was the way my character seem to age, I spent a total of 16 days in the world of fable and my character went from 21 to 63, very confusing, I was older than my mother when I went to jail.

Probably the last problem I had was with the storyline. It wasn't very original-my dad gets killed and I'm off for revenge-okay, I can deal with that. So I'm off trying to find out who killed my dad while doing all these quests for the hero guild and I don't even have an option to ask any of the npc's who led the raid on my village when I was little and none of the npc's seem to really be of any help at all actually. So anyways my sis and mother finally find me and tell me of the horrors of this guy Jack who led the raid on my village. After that still nothing from any npc's about Jack and none of them seem to care or know who he is. There are no stories, myths, or even rumors about Jack from anyone. So finally, 20 hrs into the game I decide to start the last quest (which I had no clue it was actually the LAST quest in the game), I was thinking after this that the storyline's going to pick up and I'm in for some real surprises. So I start it up and 20 minutes later I beat the game. I was surprised thats for sure, so after I watched all the credits (yes, I wathced them). I got to go back into the world after I saved it from the evil terrors of Jack. I go and talk to everyone I could think of and noone seems to care, no one even knew that the world was full of demons at one point in time. So, I felt very empty after that and deicided that this game at its best was just an average rpg.

The most annoying thing in the game was the fact that my mother was some bad chick that could fight but ended up getting kidnapped four times throught the whole storyine of the game and each time I go to find/save her and at the end Jack slits her throat and all that time going to save my mom was a waste of time. Probably the best part of the storyline didn't even have to deal with my character, it was his sister, I loved how they made her blind and taken in by a bandit, that was really cool-props to that person who thought of that one.

The great things in this game could not even slightly make up for the disspapointments I endured throughout the whole game but this wouldn't make a decent review if I didn't mention them. First off, the battle system was done superbly, I mean I enjoyed getting into fight and using my magic, sword and bow. I never really liked one over the other. It was very easy to use which made it enjoyable to pretty much perfection. I tend to think that the only reason I beat the game was because I enjoyed getting into fights, where for most rpg's its tedious and annoying. Graphics, I have to say my character was done very well and since I don't block much my charatcters face was more beat up than a new kids on the block fan that was a guy. I liked being able to have tattoos and getting ink poisoning (well he should have after all the one's he had haha). Also, being able to get different haircuts was a bonus as well. I didn't, however, like digging up haircuts and tattoos that the barbers or I already had. As far as character graphics went on this game, Morrowind didn't even hold a candle to fable in that department.

I know it was a game that had alot of hard work and time put into it but seeing the ending results, I would think that the makers would be just a little dissapointed at a game that should have been as to the game they put out. I've never made a game before so I don't know how hard it is to actually do it but I do play games pretty religously and this game was a definite dissapointment for me who was waiting patiently and following up on it since the release of the xbox.

As for those of you who might have think I didn't do all the quests, I completed all but one and opened up all the demon doors except the one in the heroe's guild. I also saved up the money (which was annoying as well) to buy a house in each of the villages. The rent doesn't make up for the thousands of dollars I put into each house. Also, I got every single legendary weapon I could and was dissapointed that the sword I bought was better than all of them. I completed in the game in less than 25 hrs.

So as to the end remarks, this was a great fable but where is project ego?


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« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2004, 05:44:00 PM »

A game about morality, what a waste!


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« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2004, 08:08:00 PM »

laugh.gif ) but its still a lot of fun. And, hey, Fable 2 (which they sort of have to make, after all the time put into fable) will be able to have a better story, and be longer, because they already have the system, etc. down. So something to look forward to.


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« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2004, 05:45:00 PM »

I give the game a 9 out of 10 and i liked the storyline for some reason it wasnt that bad like others are saying


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« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2004, 06:48:00 AM »


You can check the story here if you want:


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« Reply #41 on: October 04, 2004, 07:40:00 AM »

laugh.gif  i kno ppl who would say final fantasy X is better than morrowind ocarina and kotor. i played about five minutes of final fantasy 7 and X and i was bored as hell. ocarina of time is the most absorbing game ever. morrowind is difficult and very time consuming (nevermind fun) and kotor i liked since i started... maybe its like a habit playing final fantasy. or maybe they keep making them cuz they kno ppl will buy them just because they are fanboys i dunno but im going to judge fable after i beat it and do everything i can. and if it sucks it will join the ranks of final fantasy and all those other gay ass jap-aneese nes rgps. laugh.gif


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« Reply #42 on: October 08, 2004, 07:24:00 AM »


Good game but i dont think it deserves the 9.7 that OXBM (australia) gave it.

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« Reply #43 on: October 08, 2004, 10:55:00 PM »

QUOTE (Rebel-Soul @ Oct 4 2004, 03:43 PM)
I dont even know why people still talk about final fantasy. it is a worthless series. zelda by far kills it and turn base fighting is a joke. cuz u kno realastically your aggressor is going to wait for you to hit him after he hits you laugh.gif  i kno ppl who would say final fantasy X is better than morrowind ocarina and kotor. i played about five minutes of final fantasy 7 and X and i was bored as hell. ocarina of time is the most absorbing game ever. morrowind is difficult and very time consuming (nevermind fun) and kotor i liked since i started... maybe its like a habit playing final fantasy. or maybe they keep making them cuz they kno ppl will buy them just because they are fanboys i dunno but im going to judge fable after i beat it and do everything i can. and if it sucks it will join the ranks of final fantasy and all those other gay ass jap-aneese nes rgps. laugh.gif

well, by the way you spell and the way you talk about epic games like ff7 i can tell you are under the age of 14. That being said, maybe you should give ff7 another go. Who can base a decision on 5 min. of gameplay??? Certainly not me, and im pretty sure no one else can either.  As far as the whole turn base thing goes, its all part of the strategy. It's turn based so you can have a chance to think about what you are going to do, not just hack and slash like zelda. Don't get me wrong, zelda is a great series. I have played it since the days of NES, but it's not the end all to be all. And as far as fable goes, you can read my opinions in the review i typed up.


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« Reply #44 on: October 09, 2004, 08:18:00 PM »

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