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Author Topic: Halo: Combat Evolved  (Read 816 times)


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2003, 04:44:00 AM »

I can see how some people hate halo. I mean some of my friends do, but thats just because they suck at it and dont try to get better. I admit halo campaign got old after beating it 3 times, but the multiplayer never gets old. I have a LAN party every other weekend where I live, and all we play is halo. We have CTF matches that last 4 hours. Now i hope all you people that say you hate halo have at  least played system link with a couple friends. Because i cant understand why anybody wouldnt like this game.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #31 on: November 20, 2003, 11:12:00 AM »

Graphically, Crimson Skies for the xbox is superb (my humble opinion).  However, as far as the two in a comparison of gameplay, two different genres -- cannot be compared. . .


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2003, 02:51:00 PM »

QUOTE (Foe-hammer @ Nov 12 2003, 01:00 AM)
Give me a break.  I bet if you never knew that halo was 30fps, you would have never noticed.  Eventhough halo is 30fps, it runs a hell of a lot smoother than quake arena for the dc at 60fps.  So what gives?  Also, if 30fps remains constant; doesnt drop below 28fps, the human eye cannot detect if the game is 30 or 60fps.  The reason developers shoot for 60fps, is because if the game drops at all it won't be noticed, while if the game drops from 30fps, it will be noticable.

Indeed the human eye can detect if it's 30fps or 60fps... it's a big different...  a showscan test proved years ago that a normal human eye see it's environment in around 50-60fps (if you would like to measure in frames per second that is).

Compare Halo to metroid prime and you will see the big difference in frames per second with your own eyes... or even better... compare a motional picture (24fps) with your real environment... if you dont see any difference... well... then I guess you dont belong in the group of people who has a normal way of picking up eye signals in your brain.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2003, 03:33:00 PM »

Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, but honestly, i think halo is one of the greatest games ive ever played.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2003, 05:12:00 AM »



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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2003, 06:33:00 AM »

Halo is the greatest FPS ever, it beats the best FPS' on the PC, it beats UT2003, Counter-Strike, Quake, Doom, Duke, Heretic, BF: 1942, all of the Medal of Honors, etc.  Halo is much more realistic, and fun.  There are no framerate issues with the game, despite what that fag found in a magazine and then put on the forum expressing it like it was his discovery and that he could tell that it was in 30 fps.  If you have played Halo LAN with at least 8 people on HDTVs, you would take back every negative thing you ever said about the game.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2003, 11:57:00 AM »

QUOTE (Lt. DARRYL @ Nov 26 2003, 04:33 PM)
There are no framerate issues with the game, despite what that fag found in a magazine and then put on the forum expressing it like it was his discovery and that he could tell that it was in 30 fps.  If you have played Halo LAN with at least 8 people on HDTVs, you would take back every negative thing you ever said about the game.

I did'nt read that in a magazine... Firstly I saw that the game was laggy when I played it for the first time, secondly I've read it on several serious websites.
Yes I have played Halo on lan but it did'nt appeal to me, it just feels like a game you play single player... I would rather have played timesplitters 2 on lan on xbox if that was possible... or now when counter strike is available I would rather play that game instead cause I totally like that game alot better.

The last thing I want to add is that it sickens me that you people cant discuss this topic seriously without throwing bad words like fag or other stupid shit at eachother (or me)... it just shows how immature you people are

I have just expressed my own oppinion about this, you dont have to freak out like that because of that.... jeez...



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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #37 on: November 28, 2003, 08:32:00 PM »

QUOTE (TraZer @ Nov 23 2003, 12:51 AM)
Indeed the human eye can detect if it's 30fps or 60fps... it's a big different...  a showscan test proved years ago that a normal human eye see it's environment in around 50-60fps (if you would like to measure in frames per second that is).

Compare Halo to metroid prime and you will see the big difference in frames per second with your own eyes... or even better...

Bullshit.  Give some proof, because i have heard otherwise.

And also, I have metroid prime as well, and i can't tell any difference at all in the frame rates.  You must have some kind of god sense of vision if you can see such a big difference.

Mast3r Ch13f

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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #38 on: November 29, 2003, 09:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (TraZer @ Nov 26 2003, 04:57 PM)
QUOTE (Lt. DARRYL @ Nov 26 2003, 04:33 PM)
There are no framerate issues with the game, despite what that fag found in a magazine and then put on the forum expressing it like it was his discovery and that he could tell that it was in 30 fps.  If you have played Halo LAN with at least 8 people on HDTVs, you would take back every negative thing you ever said about the game.

I did'nt read that in a magazine... Firstly I saw that the game was laggy when I played it for the first time, secondly I've read it on several serious websites.
Yes I have played Halo on lan but it did'nt appeal to me, it just feels like a game you play single player... I would rather have played timesplitters 2 on lan on xbox if that was possible... or now when counter strike is available I would rather play that game instead cause I totally like that game alot better.

The last thing I want to add is that it sickens me that you people cant discuss this topic seriously without throwing bad words like fag or other stupid shit at eachother (or me)... it just shows how immature you people are

I have just expressed my own oppinion about this, you dont have to freak out like that because of that.... jeez...


First of all, the reason why some people are ridiculing you is because:

1) You're downplaying HALO since it's frame rate is not as high as Metriod Prime.  Maybe this would matter if 30fps affected the general gameplay/fun of HALO, but it doesn't in the slightest.  Hell, look at the graphical detail and the amount of things you can do with HALO compared to MP, no wonder MP has a greater frame rate.

2) You downplayed HALO's landscapes and enemies.  Anyone with a decent pair of eyes can see that HALO's landscapes and enemies are nothing but stunning (not boring).  If they seem boring to you, it must be that A.D.D. kicking in.

3) The fact that you downplayed HALO's multiplayer, proves that you're an idiot who can't detect a good thing or you're just trying to make MP look better since it doesn't have multiplayer.  Even if Halo was sold only as a multiplayer game, it would still make alot of money.

4) You said Metroid Prime's story was absolutely stunning! I bet you're going to tell me that "Dude where's My Car?" deserves an OSCAR laugh.gif .  The last time I played Metroid Prime, it barely had a story.

5) Then you started making yourself look like a victim for verbal abuse by appeasing to us that you simply like Metroid Prime better than Halo.  But we all know this considering that in your 1st post you said you HATED Halo.  Of course you'll like anything more than the thing you hate.

Metroid Prime is a good game (I had a couple hours of fun with it when I wasn't keeled over with motion sickness), but in no way, shape or form is it even better than HALO.

So basically if you throw BS at ppl, you get it thrown back at you, ten folds.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #39 on: November 30, 2003, 03:47:00 PM »

You can't notice any framerate issues in Halo.  I've been playing the game for 2 years, and I haven't noticed anything, and the majority of the people I have talked to, played with, people on XBC and on forums haven't noticed anything either.  End of conversation.

As for comparing Metroid Prime to Halo, you can't.  One game is good, the other isn't.  Metroid Prime is eye appealing yes, the eye candy is delicious.  But when you get to the meat and potatoes of the game, you find that Halo is a much heartier meal then Metroid Prime.  For several reasons.  Halo is much more exciting to play, because it doesn't have that gay target lock.  When I played Metroid Prime, here is my interpretation of the game:  Run around with terrible controls (Nintendo's fault for only 1 analog stick) and jump around, try to get from point A to point B while jumping around and pressing the auto-target button when an enemy is encountered and then pressing the fire button really fast.  The gameplay is insanely shallow.  As for graphics, I have compared both games while displayed in 480p, and I have unbiasedly determined that Halo is superior, Bungie did a better job bump-mapping than Roxio, or whoever made Prime.  The effects in Halo are superior, the lighting effects especially, (like the MC's flashlight, grenade/rocket explosions).  Halo has much more replay value in a campaign sense with the varying degrees of difficulty.  Then we get to the multiplayer (first console game ever to have LAN capabilities I believe (may be mistaken.)) which adds another element of replayability and fun.  Metroid Prime is a boring game to play, the enemy AI must have been programmed by a high school programming teahcer, it's SOOOO lame.  Halo's AI is one of the best I have ever seen on a console or PC FPS.  Also, Halo can be played with your friends at a LAN and online via tunneling software.  Halo's multiplayer element is both deep, strategy-oriented with its various multiplayer settings (FFA, TS, KotH, CTF, Ball, Race) and with how tough some of the competition is on XBC and at tournaments, the pressure and intensity is great.  Halo is extremely realistic, unlike UT series, the MC runs and moves and jumps as a 7' tall cybernetic soldier would, hes not like the flash, yet he runs faster than the normal human.  He can only hold two weapons, he can melee, melees to the rear kill, etc. the game is just very realistic and believable.  Halo truly is a game before its time, and a revolutionary game at that, it has been the cornerstone upon which the Xbox stands, without Halo, Xbox would have encountered the same fate in which the Dreamcast suffered.  Every game that is hyped up or anticipated upon being released is compared to Halo, the motto of Timesplitters was "First Halo, now this" (Sadly, that was EXTREMELY untrue), other games are dubbed "Halo Killers", etc. but no game has matched Halo yet in its glorious subliminity.  And no game other than Halo2 ever will.

My $0.02.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #40 on: December 01, 2003, 01:05:00 PM »

Foe (and anyone else who thinks the human eye can't see faster than 60 fps)-Go look at a stopwatch.  You can see the hundredths of a second go by.  There are 100 of those in a second, meaning we can see ATLEAST that.  If we couldn't see that fast the numbers would just blur.   Granted, they aren't that easy to see, but we can still see them.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #41 on: December 02, 2003, 03:27:00 AM »

It excellent, but not as good as half-life. Everyones entitled to an opinion and so is this guy so just live and let live.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2003, 08:33:00 AM »

Halo is simply the most fun game I have ever played.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2003, 12:22:00 PM »

QUOTE (Sir_Vival @ Dec 1 2003, 11:05 PM)
Foe (and anyone else who thinks the human eye can't see faster than 60 fps)-Go look at a stopwatch.  You can see the hundredths of a second go by.  There are 100 of those in a second, meaning we can see ATLEAST that.  If we couldn't see that fast the numbers would just blur.   Granted, they aren't that easy to see, but we can still see them.

Good point, but i don't think that is directly proportional to how it works with games.  While the human eye might be able to recognize images greater than 60 fps, i'm not convinced that it can tell a noticable difference between 30 and 60 fps, when all things are equal.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #44 on: December 08, 2003, 11:53:00 AM »

Lets face it people, without Halo, the Xbox would have suffered the same fate as the Dreamcast -- extinction.  The MS Xbox has not had alot of "great" games come out like Sony's systems, (more so the PSX) but also the PS2.  Don't get me wrong, the Xbox would be good without Halo, with its High Def Video, and digital sound capabilities, but the most important aspect of a gaming system is the games that come out for it.  In this criteria, the Xbox falls very short compared to the GC and the PS2.  There ARE some great games that have come out for the Xbox, such as Morrowind and Star Wars: KotoR, but the frequency of good games is not as high as the PS2 or the GC.  I suppose one might say that the Xbox makes up for its lack of quantity of good games with the quality of the few...(Halo, Morrowind, KotoR).  There are alot of "good" games for the Xbox, but very few are exeptional.  

Despite what some people may say, Halo was and is a revolutionary game.  It is very unique in its FPS genre, unlike any other game.  Some aspects that make it unique is the slow pace of the game compared to some PC FPS', a pistol being the most powerful weapon, unlike other FPS', and in a console sense, the networking capabilites of a game, (a LAUNCH TITLE).  If you don't give it any credit whatsoever and you totally hate the game, you still have to agree that it was the greatest launch title of all time.  When the Xbox is mentioned, it is automatically associated with Halo.  The Associates of Gaming Professionals (AGP) which is basically the NFL of video games uses the Master Chief as their symbol or emblem if you will.

Pertaining to the game itself, Halo has so many wonderful characterstics that are taken for granted after its debut.  The graphics -- even after being two years old are still some of the best that I have ever seen on a console.  The usage of bump mapping was done with the utmost precision and accuracy and is very apparent on the outdoor levels, and despite what you may hear, there is no issue with framerate.  Whilst displayed in 480p, Halo is absolutely gorgeous, and very few can disagree with that fact.  

The campaign and story of the game is very cool, even if it is not TOTALLY original.  The enemy AI, while not being the BEST seen in any game, is still solid, and to this day I can't help chuckling when Grunts scream "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!".  

The multiplayer is absolutely spectacular.  Even if you are a noob at Halo, spraying assault rifle rounds at your enemies, the game is still very entertaining.  If you are more skilled, multiplayer Halo is a game of precision, strategy and control, just as much so as any other FPS, PC or console.  On LAN, Halo guarentees a great time with your friends, especially on the right kind of tvs, and network setup.  The game becomes a little choppy if you play with 12 players on up to 16, but any less and the game runs very smoothly.  

In conclusion, Halo is in my opinion a great game, and if you don't like it or you hate it thats all fine and dandy, thats your opinion, but I am sure that there are alot more people who like or love the game than there is that hate or dislike it.  And no matter what you think of the game, the Xbox would not be around if Halo didn't exist.

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