
Author Topic: Oddworld: Munchs Oddysee, Pal  (Read 127 times)


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Oddworld: Munchs Oddysee, Pal
« on: February 23, 2004, 02:50:00 PM »

This game is very fun, but after a while the levels all begin to look the same.  6 out of 10  <


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Oddworld: Munchs Oddysee, Pal
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 05:59:00 PM »

Name- Oddworld- Munches Oddysee
Publisher- Infogrames
Developer- Oddworld Inhabitants
Release Date- Nov 15, 2001

If a 3d-puzzle/Action game is your kind of thing, This is the Biz. Munches Oddysee is the 3rd in the series of Oddworld games introducing many new aspects to Oddworlds Environments and Inhabitants. The biggest change in the game is that it is no longer a 2d side scroller like its predecessors but is now in 3d giving Oddworld a much larger feel.
You play as Munch the last Gabbit searching for his lost brethren all over the many seas of Oddworld. Until he is captured by The Vykkers (Seriously screwed up scientists) and taken of too Vykkers labs. You also play as Abe the Super powered Mudokon with attitude that was the star of the last two games. His role is to help Munch save his Fellow Gabbits and Fuzzles (creatures he befriends) and in return munch helps him save his Mudokon scrubs. It'll take all your wits and cunning to save every Scrub, Mud Egg, Gabbiar (Gabbit Eggs) and Fuzzle there is.


The controls are very easy to use the only problem I ever have is remembering what buttons correspond to which gamespeak. Its a very fast paced game and very action packed one minute you could be walking along quietly and the next thing you know is your being charged at my a herd of hungry scrabs. There is a variety in the game play. In one area you must sneak stealthily as you can past sleeping sligs while in another you have to full out brawl with the enemies main forces or Figure out how to unlock certain locks and doors or how to save this poor Scrub (who is guarded by 20 big bro sligs). The gameplay is aided by a very in-depth storyline and cut-scenes showing your characters progressing into new areas. The graphics themselves aren’t exactly stunning but are good enough to be playable and the story of Oddworld makes up for any loss.


One of the main aspects of Oddworld always has been Oddworlds crazy locations. Upgraded from the previous games this time you get to see it in 3d giving it a whole different and much bigger look. There are many different environments and locations in Oddworld from the Seas to Slog Huts to the native homes of Mudokons each highly different and detailed in its own special way. Quite alot of the buildings in Oddworld are intractable meaning you can go inside them etc. And each different character excels in different ones for example Munch lives in the sea naturally so he can swim well but only having one foot gives him a disability unlike Abe who is the opposite meaning they will have to work together to get around Oddoworlds vast environment alive.

Along with the expansion of the Environment comes the expansion of the Inhabitants in Oddworld. Each new (and old) Inhabitant has been re-vamped to look even better in the new 3d look. Each new creature is very detailed in the way it looks, walks and talks etc and as you see from the way the talk and are shown in the storyline have there own personalities. From the grim scientists the Vykkers to the Innocent used Mudokons, Which each play a specific role in the story. Another fun fact is possession, which gives you the ability to posses (control) most of the Inhabitants using their unique features to survive.

Overall this game is very much worth buying. Whatever it lacks in Graphics it makes up twice as much in how unique these games are. Due to the fact the game is quite old and is fairly cheap lately you should be able to pick it up for not too much so if in the end the game is not what you wanted it isn’t too much of a Pocket Blow-out. Indeed this game is a good addition to anyone’s collection and I recommend you to purchase it if in need of a game to play
Overall Rating- 8/10

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