
Author Topic: Bochs And/or Plex86 With 3d Acceleration  (Read 60 times)

nazis X.

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Bochs And/or Plex86 With 3d Acceleration
« on: April 14, 2003, 09:18:00 PM »

Alright, I checked everywhere for the answer to this question, and I can't seem to find the answer offhand. Hopefully, one of you *nix (or bochs/Plex86) gurus have the answer.
Does either of the mentioned programs support a 3D card at all? If so, does it actually pipe the usage to an actual video card present on the system running the programs, or is it software emulated?
In case anyone's wondering why I'd ask, I'm just wondering if it'd be possible to run a full-fledged Windows distribution with video card support on an actual PC running a *nix derivative (not an XBox running *nix).
Sorry if my terminology is horribly incorrect.