
Author Topic: Toca 3  (Read 114 times)


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Toca 3
« on: February 26, 2006, 09:38:00 PM »

I never really got into Toca 2, sadly I just didn't get around to it until shortly before Forza was out and Forza just did it much better for me; which is really a shame since Toca did have a good deal to offer, obviously the numerous types of racing as well as a lot of cars on track at once which really does change the dynamic of play.

Well I have been eyeing Toca 3 for quite a while as much for graphics ability as for yet more unusual racing options.  And Toca 3 definitely delivers in the fun department giving a wide range of racing options with decent depth and a really solid fun factor.

Graphics wise Toca 3 does a good job all around with impressive refelctions that really do reflect everything from the track surroundings to the opponent cars very well and very good detail in the cars and track details.

Toca sticks with it's rather fake looking graphics where trees look like big puffs of hard styrofoam painted green and have a rather unatural glow all around the edges and tires, asphalt grass that all look cookie cutter repetitive.  It would have been nice to see detail in the tracks like Forza put out and looking at the grass and the tarmac really reminded me of the soft 2D cheating sort of look from Test Drive V Rally on Dreamcast.  It does ge the job done but doesn't go too far towards reality.  On the good side it keeps everything clean and once you start concentrating on the racing it doesn't look half bad.

Tracks seem reasonably well approximated, how truly accurate they are can be up to the real gear heads to decide but they all seemed to play well and the real tracks all feel like you think they should when you race them.  The rally tracks seemed to feel even more cookie cutter, especially when you hit back to back to back to back 3 turns and they are obviously they exact same turn.  Not at all organic which is something I like in a rally track.

Sound wise again Codemasters did a good overall job.  The sad fact that the car sounds are not actually sampled audio but rather generated tones becomes obvious fast but they do their job letting you know how high you are revving.  Without the real sampled audio though something about the cars never has that meaty personal feeling you like to have especially from the heartier engines.

Tire screeches and collisions are likewise just a tad to fake sounding but the sound seperation is done well allowing them to do their jobs in telling you what's going on around you.

In game the damage engine is decent and I do rather like watching the open wheels get all deformed.  Sadly at any difficulty that makes the game a decent challenge, getting any major damage pretty much will result in a restart so you don't really get to ride out the damage too much.  And with restarts as easy as they are (you can restart any race even in the middle of a championship without loosing so much as your qualifying time).

The AI is pretty decent, yes it does do weird things sometimes and pushes you into a spin (again resulting in a pretty much mandatory restarut) for no apparenty reason.  But it does tend to keep solid racing lines and knows when to go two wide and when to line up.  

No matter what though it suffers from the age old problem of racing game AI which is taking the corners WAY to slow.  Even on the hardest difficulty you can pretty much depend on underbreaking the AI and cutting in to take a few positions on any sharp turn.  It's so bad that passing on the outside is not the gut wrenching risk it should be but rather a pretty common occurance.

Even so when you are in a particularly nasty track in the middle of the pack trying to fight your way up (I prefer to skip qualifying so I can fight my way up through the whole pack as I don't really like racing with no one in front of me) and carefully avoiding cars on all sides while picking openings to dart through in the turns it can be a real sense of satisfaction.

As per usual with racing games too many assists are turned on by default, which can be great for the beginner but after you get a good feel for the driving do yourself a favor and drop the assists and crank up the difficulty a bit, it will make the races tighter and keep you from trying to pull as many cheap passes by pushing opponents off the track or cutting corners (I know you do that sometimes too!).

And on the subject of cutting corners the penalty system of Toca is in full effect giving you flags for careless driving and cutting corners.  Sadly the penalties only seem to be righteous in about half the time and half th etime they fail to give you a penalty for a definite illegal move.  So many times I have had another driver just plow into me in a turn resulting in me getting a penalty only to be followed up by me ramming another driver off the track with no penalty for that.   And nothing gets my goat like taking a turn too fast, going off the outside of the track and getting a penalty for cutting corners... comeon I went off the outside of the track!!!! That's a penalty in itself!

It's certainly not a GT or Forza contender as the "tuning" is kept pretty simple an sweet.  Camber, toe and suspension etc can all be tweaked with a bit but overall the cars all drive well the way they are given to you.  Occasionally a little adjustment here or there can help out but even on hard I had very little problem getting first on any race with the stock setup, usually on the first try.

Don't think this is a significant step in the sim directly, but as far as some good solid racing fun that features much more pack driving than most other racing games Toca 3 brings it on in droves.  It kind of feels like they did for track racing (and a little rally) what rallisport did for rally racing.  As wrong as some parts feel, others feel just oh so right, and if not at least oh so fun!

I give Toca 3 a solid 8 out of 10 and would consider it a must rent for any racing fan and probably a buy for most.


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Toca 3
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2006, 05:33:00 AM »

well i aint played toca3 yet but i will here very soon (supposedly) but i cant understand how you dont like forza! ... that game (forza) is damn good. it's pretty much king of simulation race games if you ask me hands down... but like i said i heard good things about toca3 though so ill have to wait and see but from what someone told me im pretty sure it's a quality sim race game that im sure ill like wink.gif

ill redit this post after playing TOCA3 for a bit.


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Toca 3
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2006, 03:29:00 AM »

UPDATE: ... well i fully read your review this time and i agree with a pretty good percentage of it... as u need to set the assists off and play on "pro sim" settings as it makes the cars feel far more realistic! instead of the default settings... that right there makes the game WAY better than it is running with default settings.

after playing toca 3 for a bit now you can see the differances between forza and toca3 ... some are better some are worse but i still think that the "core gameplay" of forza is better although toca3 is a pretty fun game with a good ammount of vareity to it.

one of the things i really liked about toca3 that was missing from forza is when playing systemlink you can play with the CPU oponents along with your friend on system link which is lacking in forza motorsport.

i would talk more but it's late and i need to get to sleep.

i would probably give toca3 a 8 out of 10.

forza i would give it a 9 out of 10.


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Toca 3
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2006, 12:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(ThaCrip @ May 15 2006, 10:00 AM) *

UPDATE: ... well i fully read your review this time and i agree with a pretty good percentage of it... as u need to set the assists off and play on "pro sim" settings as it makes the cars feel far more realistic! instead of the default settings... that right there makes the game WAY better than it is running with default settings.

after playing toca 3 for a bit now you can see the differances between forza and toca3 ... some are better some are worse but i still think that the "core gameplay" of forza is better although toca3 is a pretty fun game with a good ammount of vareity to it.

one of the things i really liked about toca3 that was missing from forza is when playing systemlink you can play with the CPU oponents along with your friend on system link which is lacking in forza motorsport.

i would talk more but it's late and i need to get to sleep.

i would probably give toca3 a 8 out of 10.

forza i would give it a 9 out of 10.

Glad you got a chance to give it a go, I think every racing fan should take a shot at it.

Check my Forza review for more depth on my first takes of Forza, they did change a bit but I am far from knocking forza as a bad game.


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Toca 3
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2006, 02:43:00 AM »

ill definately most likely play toca3 til i beat the game and then probably a little more past that wink.gif

but on a side note... i noticed the damn game dont seem to keep your settings under the .... Options > Pro-Simulation > gravel traps/handling/damage (i want these on) ... those are unchecked by default and it dont seem to keep these settings permanent even after u switch them to the green check marks and it says "auto-saving" after u exit that part which u would assum would keep these settings permanent but it dont sad.gif ... thats pretty annoying but i guess ill have to deal with it.... cause without those settings on the game aint nearly as fun/realistic/challenging.