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Author Topic: Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind  (Read 787 times)

The Zep Man

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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2006, 12:24:00 PM »

QUOTE(widemouthfrog @ Feb 9 2006, 12:32 PM) View Post

i play the GOTY edition a lot but i can't wait until they bring out Elar scrolls 4!
They keep on putting back the release date  mad.gif
I have seen the preview-videos of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and the graphics are jawdropping. The PC-version also has an updated toolkit to create your own levels. It is supposed that a lot of stuff can be created more easier, like making forests.

If the gameplay is better than The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, I won't see why we will not have another GOTY-edition of a fantastic game. cool.gif

Daedric Masterchief

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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2006, 01:56:00 PM »

I love this game. I mean, Look at my name! Not Masterchief, the Daedric.


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2006, 02:25:00 PM »

I bought the GOTY edition after I read in a magazine that morrowind was a great game.  I absolutly hated it at first and thought 'what a waste of money' However after you spend a couple hours and actually follow the main task you better understand how to play and it becomes wicked addicting.  I put the game on the HDD which does speed up the save/load times, but they are still very slow.
The game (GOTY in-cluded) contains bugs such as random freezes or getting stuck in places and having no way out.  
I always made a new save whenever I played, I do this for all my games.  So I had over 100 saves for sure.  Unfortunately when my xbox hdd crashed I lost it all. (Never get a Maxtor drive)  I think I had completed a good 70% of the game too.  Looking forward to replaying it in the summer if I have the time....


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2006, 07:11:00 AM »

good review


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2006, 11:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(myffonline @ Dec 11 2003, 10:34 AM) View Post

Well I didn't like this game much at all. I played it for about 10 hours I guess, got sick of wasting hours wandering the land getting lost or killed by things, or getting attacked by those god awful teradactyl things. Those stupid teradactyl birds made me just about smash this game into pieces. Much too boring also, nothing ever happened that was interesting, and everywhere looks the same.

hahah laugh.gif

That made me laugh alot,god dam stupid teradactyl things


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2003, 11:30:00 AM »

Game: Elder Scrolls III Morrowind - NTSC
Genre: RPG
Developer: Bethesda Softworks Inc
Publisher: MS
Release: Summer 2002
ESRB Rating: Teen

Introduction: you wake up on a boat not knowing who you are, where you came from or where youre going. Hmm this sounds like a game of the year RPG. Morrowind is the most visually stunning RPG that has come to the xbox. Although morrowind doesnt fit every gamer¡s criteria of a great game, RPG fans will have no substitute. Pouring 200 hours into a game couldnt be easier, this game is by far the most addicting game Ive ever played.

Customization: in morrowind you have the power to choose from 10 races: Argonian, Breton, Dark Elf, High Elf, Imperial, Khajiit. Nord, Orc, Reguard, and Wood Elf. Along with that you have choice of twenty-one classes to pick from including: Barbarian, Scout, Archer, Mage, Sorceress, Thief, or Monk. Thats just naming a few. Bethesda has even added just a little more to our surprise with a birth sign. Birth signs allow specials extra features that can make or break you thought your game. Pick only the best or fall at your enemy. If you decide to become a magician the game opens up into categories of magic and leaves it fully up to you. Whether you want to master in illusion, conjuration, destruction, restoration and others choices, it¡s all solely in your power. You beginning choices in the game can have an enormous effect on the destiny of your character.

World Map: the world of vanderfall is a vast open wilderness crawling with creatures of every kind. Some tougher then others depend on how far you want to venture out without leveling up a bit. From the time you step off the boat. The map is completely open, making it to the other side at the start is nearly impossible, but who says it can¡t be done. We all got tired of entering water in grand theft auto 3 and dying. Now we can swim for hours and hopefully not get killed. My biggest amazement in this game is how big the world is. If youve beaten the game maybe once or twice, you still havent covered the whole map. Only with hours of game play and the right character level can survive this crazy world.

Controls: my biggest pet peeve on games is controls. If a game cant be played without wanting to throw the controlled I wont play it. Smooth easy to handle, makes you feel you have complete control over the character is what makes a game playable for hours. Which in morrowind you will need endless hours or spare time. The analog joy sticks control your character as in all or most fps¡s with R trigger activates your weapon.

Graphics: Bethesda has truly out done us this time around with morrowind. They have added almost every type of landscape thinkable in this game. Except for snow and desert atmospheres because the island youre on is mountains and forest like. Every little plant you notice on the ground is full detailed and graphically beautiful. Ive found that the lava is a little bit shotty and not done as nice as it could have been. But the little areas in the game where there is lava it isnt that big a deal. The nice textures of browns greens blues mainly make up this game. But in towns is where a lot of the attention to detail comes in. each how is beautiful and very complete, along with the inside. The game creators also went to an extent of time adding in items to EACH house. Mostly u can steal them but they arent worth much unless you have a very good barter skill. However when you do come across those items you¡ll be happy u broke up in the first place.  The dungeons in this game are dark and gloomy and gives the effect that  your really in the game. When it comes to water in a video game it has been outdone in other games, however Ive never found an RPG where you can swim anywhere and go anywhere in the water. It isnt the fastest way of travel but to get some nifty stuff you must take the time to get to secret locations hidden within the game.
   One of the greatest thing in this game is the magic graphics. A fireball just isnt a fireball when it comes flying into an enemy and looks horrible. Bethesda has gone to extensive lengths to cover a wide variety of magic and the stunning colors and visual effect to go along with them.

Story: at first when you start the game all you know is nothing and that stays like that for some time. Well looky here, mr slave fresh off the boat was a cover up. So putting them first 20 hours into the game wasnt such a waste. The story turns just for the first time. Once you learn about the prophecy the game takes off and now if where people are so highly addicted to it. What Ive found out from asking around is that the game is a little slow at the beginning, and people arent just into games like that. Most of us want a jump right into action type game such as first person shooters, but for the RPG loving fans it isnt that easy. Final fantasy doesnt even have such an in-depth story and a long game as morrowind, in my opinion. I couldnt put the controller down, and thats what makes a story and complete story. Going from nothing to something and getting a feeling of satisfaction upon completion of the game.

Side Mission: most rpg fans have played a game where if u dont get a side mission done now you cant go back later and do it. Well morrowind with its open map lets u go back and do missions for respect of money at any time . The game offers over 200 side missions through guilds or houses. A guild is like a club house for a certain class of people. For instance the fighters guild, starting out as a magician you probably wouldnt join this group at start, but you can eventually gain strength to complete missions. There different guilds you can join like the fighters guild the mages guild or the thieves guild. At first they dont like each other but that eventually will change. Only in certain cities are these guilds held at and if you complete one city¡¦s guild missions itll refer you to another, but you cannot go to vivec and join because they will send u to the first city where the guild is held at. Pick the guild that comments your character class and have fun.
   Not only are there guild but there are houses. These places are very against each other but again getting far into the main game when you start fulfilling the prophecy you become orator, or war leader, of all 3 and there hatred will commence.
   Not only after guilds and houses side missions you can do separate missions that you will come across from people in the game. Some will want to be escorted places, other might want stuff, or some want a bounty. But theres tons of tem for you to come across in your journey

Sounds: no game is complete without a stable and extensive library of sound effects and music. Playing morrowind without any sfx is like staring a wall. Most of the effects inside the game are perfectly done. Ranging from when your hit an enemy to dropping an item on the floor, jumping and character voices. The game has it all. And each type of character you encounter will have something to your ears. However jumping everywhere makes that noise just get really annoying, but its something u don¡¦t notice after a while. If you fall from a great height and land hard you will get a nice effect of some bones crushing and your hp does down a little, but why aint my characters bones broke

Artificial Intelligence: my greatest problem within the game at the start was the computer a.i. id steal from people in the city and do it right in front of there face. Little did I know that if one person doesnt like you, there friend across the town probably wont either. The game is all set up to where you have to be careful about who your screw over and who your nice to. Or else no one else will like you and not want to do business with you.

Drugs: if your poured a nice amount of hours into the game youve probably notice moon sugar that you picked up somewhere along the game. And did you wonder why no one will trade with you when you have that in your inventory. Hehe its a little narcotic thats in the game. Yea its worthless in your inventory value. But stash them somewhere because eventually you will come across some dealers that you can make major profit from the moon sugar if you sell it to them.

Expansion: any pc gamer has probably played the expansion packs for elder scrolls 3 morrowind on pc. Sadly they havent made it to xbox. Well coming soon will be the morrowind Game Of The Year edition containing the normal morrowind along with 2 expansion packs added in to make the game even longer then what it already it. Preorder that today.

Ending Thought: All in all I think morrowind deserved the 50 bucks when it came, and hey now its only 20 dollars new and 15 dollars used. Go pick it up and add it to the collection. You find that with a little patience the game will give you back more then what you paid for it. Stunning graphics and awesome story makes this game Game of the Year. In which it was giving that award, and this is my favorite xbox game of all time.

Written By: JaggedChild04 exclusively for

Please post all your comments about the review. i like to hear feedback about my work. thank you and enjoy.

EDIT - delete all the wierd charates it changed around from the copyin from word to the post box.

This post has been edited by JaggedChild04: Oct 18 2003, 10:59 PM


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2003, 08:56:00 PM »

I dont care much for these types of games but i must say you did a nice indepth review of it..very nice bro


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2003, 12:29:00 AM »

Great Review!

First I want to state that I believe there is a desert atmosphere on the eastern part of the island.  There are snadstorms and everything there.

Next I must say this Game is virtual Crack.  I was told it was a good game and I didn't really care but I rented it anyway one day.  I had no clue what I was doing and hated the game.  SO my friend comes over and explains a little to me and the next thing I know.. I'm playing till 4 in the morning.  I bought the game the next day.  I worked so hard on increasing my skills, each level marking me that more excited for the following advancement.  It took me about 3 months before I even started the main quest and by then I was level 112 with nearly all my skills maxed out and my money to about $12,000,000.  I was also the head of almost every guild.  I was basically invincible.

One thing that I couldn't stand though is the bug that was shipped with the game where every hour or so the game would just freeze and give a dirty disc error.  Well since I had my xbox modded I figured the problem would stop with the game on my hardrive... nope.  So I return the game and get a new disc... same problem.  I then read online that alot of people had this problem.  Apparently there was a problem that was overlooked in the initial release.  This is rediculous that they can overlook a thing like that... very unprofessional.  I may still be playing it today if I hadn't lost so much data from the game freezing.  I had to keep about 5 different saves at all times in case one got damaged (which would appen quite often).  Well I'm sure they fixed the problem now and you can be sure I'm buy the morrowind game of the year edition when it comes out.  

The funny thing is... I don't even like RPGs...everybody should pick this one up.


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2003, 01:55:00 AM »

I think Morrowind III: The Elder Scrolls is awesome. I think it is the best RPG out on Xbox so far. I give it a 10 out of 10 definatley worth playing


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2003, 05:56:00 AM »

this game is by far the most addicting game Ive ever played

This is exactly the reason i stopped playing this game! huh.gif

I was staying up all night playing it so i had to stop myself before I totally stuffed up school and stuff...  Probably only got about 20 hours into it before i realised it was so bad for me!

Great game though, good review.


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2003, 12:44:00 PM »

hey thanks for the comments. yes i pooured around 200 hours in the game if i can remember correctly. it was like the only game i played during the whole summer. hehe.


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2003, 05:39:00 PM »

Firstly, I have to agree with the posts in this thread about what an addicting game this is. I played wayyy to many hours on Morrowind.. my brother more so (I think he was level 89 or something).

Anyways.. my opinion of this game is basically the same as the other posters in this thread (amazing) but I want to elaborate on the bugs..

The game has some serious bug issues. Most noticably, the game could freeze after any moment after your file reaches above 140 blocks. This makes it important to save very often, which is annoying because the game takes a LONG time to save after your file surpasses 100 blocks. You know the game has "frozen" when it lags for a moment, then goes to the "Dirty Disc Error" screen. Fear not, neither your DVD Disc nor your DVD-ROM is malfunctioning (I know because I went through three discs from EbGames).

Over the past few months I have compiled a list of Morrowind freeze fixes that seem to work for people. I'm going to post them here just so more people can see them.. and hopefully continue playing an amazing game.

Fixes for freezing:

  • Don't leave bodies lying around; dispose of corpses.
  • Don't leave items out in the open; store in containers or sell them.
  • don't re-arrage peasants items, as fun as this may be.
  • save often, and make new save games instead of writing over old ones.

If your game keeps freezing:

  • Sleep for a week. this will make all/most bodies left in the open 'biodegrade', reducing memoey usage.
  • Load three other game discs (ie Spyhunter, DOAX, Halo). this clears the Xbox cache of Morrowind data OR, if you have a modchip, clear volumes X, Y, and Z of all data (these are temp drives)

Bug Conclusion: The game is totally playable if you are really conscious about where you leave items and corpses. As you know from playing, the game remembers where you leave EVERYTHING. Once you re-arrange every peasant's home and distribute their items to random points on the map, it is understandably strenuous for the Xbox to remember these THOUSANDS of items. Of course, it would of been possible to have this fixed, but it is something we have to live with until they possibly make a fixed version for the Xbox.

Game Conclusion: Morrowind is a startlingly detailed game with TONS of text, plenty of voices, and LOTS of different people and places. Playing this game truly puts you into a world of your own, where you can choose what you want to do; who you want to work for; and what you want to accomplish. There is of course a storyline in the background, which is as equally as exciting to follow. Morrowind is unique because it is the most recent popular game where you are free to do what you want, whenever you want. The graphics are astounding considering the sheer amount of textures and game data that is packed onto the disc.

9/10 - Graphics - As I said above, beautiful for such a large game.
9/10 - Gameplay - If you are a gamer, the controls can be mastered within an hour. Well thought out and effective while playing.
9.5/10 - Sound - there is simply so much that happends in the sound.. although you hear voices repeat eventually, there are still TONS of voices, sounds, sound effects, and generic background music that is soothing, and not annoying like some games.
7/10 - Replay Value - You could play forever in one file, but restarting after getting a long way, dying, and forgetting to save can be very discouraging.

Overall Score (average) - 8.6/10

My Score - 6.6/10

I subtracted a whole 2 points because of the incredibly annoying, frustrating, and stupid freezing glitch. I don't pay big bucks for games that freeze (I bought it when it was new.. not a bestseller).  


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2003, 02:05:00 PM »

I agree this game is like crack! It is so addicting and  full of quests and things for you to do. I am looking forward to the newer version coming out that includes the 2 add-ons previously released for pc. Hopefully they will do something sbout the dirty disc error as well! It is also going to be released at $29.99!


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2003, 12:31:00 PM »

I just bought the GOTY edition of morrowind and have made all the mistakes mentioned in this thread I have played this game non stop for 8 hrs and belive me I havent had a single freezing situation.

I guess they fixed the game in the GOTY edition I really recomment the GOTY as they have included Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansion packs along with it.


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Elder Scrolls Iii: Morrowind
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2003, 03:03:00 PM »

Well I didn't like this game much at all. I played it for about 10 hours I guess, got sick of wasting hours wandering the land getting lost or killed by things, or getting attacked by those god awful teradactyl things. Those stupid teradactyl birds made me just about smash this game into pieces. Much too boring also, nothing ever happened that was interesting, and everywhere looks the same.
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