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Author Topic: The Nba Thread  (Read 973 times)


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« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2004, 11:16:00 AM »

QUOTE (makaveli91 @ Nov 24 2004, 02:21 AM)
I can't believe that there are people out there saying that these guys are professionals and shouldn't be doing what they are doing.  I agree that Artest jumping into the stands was wrong.  The dude threw a cup at his head.  ????  What would you do if someone threw a cup at your head.. I'd do the same thing.  Go beat his ass.  Going into the stands should be the only thing that should factor into his suspension (which should not be the season).  When he started punching that guy on the court, the guy was basically doing what artest did in the stands, came into the players domain..  Does anyone really know what the guy said to Artest?  Likely something for him to start throwing punches at the dude.  And as defence to Artest and O'neil, who knows if the dude had a knife or something..  They had to do soemthing, and O'neil seen what was going on with artest and jumped in.

This is the type of person I am talking about Spency.  dry.gif
Wake up moron! It is not ok to punch a customer while you are on the job.


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« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2004, 11:29:00 AM »

I can't believe that there are people out there saying that these guys are professionals and shouldn't be doing what they are doing.

Wake up moron! It is not ok to punch a customer while you are on the job.

Nicely Said.

The dude threw a cup at his head.

A. It's a paper cup.
B. It was thrown at his chest.
C. It wasn;t the guy in black that he attacked that threw it, if you look at the vid, you'll see he still has a cup in his hands

Go beat his ass.

And you'd be thrown in jail, but since these guys are "professionals" they get off easy.

Going into the stands should be the only thing that should factor into his suspension

It's assault. That's a crime. He should have been thrown in jail that night!

who knows if the dude had a knife or something..

So if I was you at the mall, could I punch you because you could have "had a knife or something?"



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« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2004, 01:16:00 PM »


I was going to answer to that post but I figure the guy didn't have enough common sense to see the "big" picture so I didn't bother. You did a good job though.

I hope he can understand what you just wrote and not even try to post some stupid comeback shit, Oh wait a minute...there's no comeback!.  dry.gif


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« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2004, 03:27:00 AM »

QUOTE (makaveli91 @ Nov 24 2004, 07:21 AM)
I can't believe that there are people out there saying that these guys are professionals and shouldn't be doing what they are doing.  I agree that Artest jumping into the stands was wrong.  The dude threw a cup at his head.  ????  What would you do if someone threw a cup at your head.. I'd do the same thing.  Go beat his ass.  Going into the stands should be the only thing that should factor into his suspension (which should not be the season).  When he started punching that guy on the court, the guy was basically doing what artest did in the stands, came into the players domain..  Does anyone really know what the guy said to Artest?  Likely something for him to start throwing punches at the dude.  And as defence to Artest and O'neil, who knows if the dude had a knife or something..  They had to do soemthing, and O'neil seen what was going on with artest and jumped in.

Dude, you are a fucking moron.

Basketball is filled with people just like you, but most of your NBA ballers grew up in the hood and were brought up like trash, came form nothing and ran the streets. People like artest are scum, and anyone who could possibly stick up for them is right down the same path.

Lets say you are working at burger king and some guy throws his food at your face, are you going to flip out like a tard and beat his ass? Probably not, unless you are white or black trash.

Any "professional" should hold the head up that much higher and know how to fucking act and behave, artest is just black trash, something growing more and more common in the NBA. Just watch football or something, basketbaLL is almost a big of a joke as the other tardo sport, baseball. Two sports leagues filled with over paid whiney brats that cant behave. Its all about dicipline, and I am afraid football is the only sport that sill belives in it, fuck everything else.


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« Reply #34 on: November 25, 2004, 03:31:00 AM »

QUOTE (makaveli91 @ Nov 25 2004, 07:03 AM)
You know what? stick with your opinions, thats fine. I'm sticking with mine. As for the dude that said its not ok to punch a customer while on the job,  You can't compare an actual job to playing basketball for a living.  There's a certain animosity that is present playing basketball that isn't there when you work your fast food jobs.  Like for example, if i was like half of you's who work at Mcdonalds or burger king, and someone threw a drink at an employee, there's less of a chance that it would turn out to be a brawl.  AND for the record if someone threw a cup at me i would beat their ass down.  Regardless.  Secondly, you don't go to jail for assault you retard.  Well, not in this great country i live in (Canada of course).   And for the remark
Being in a fight with the suspicion that there is a weapon is a lot different than walking down the street and suspecting someone has a weapon.  That fan had NO good intention being on the court.  NONE.  Can you say he didn't have a knife?  Everyone know's how intense fans can get.  Remember Mary Pierce?   Either way, You all can stick to what you think is right and just, and i will stick with mine.

Are you black? Or just a white 2pac fan? At any rate you probably use irc and post on the xbox-scene forums. Tough or not, there is no point in acting all hard on the internet, you will give yourself a heart attack that way. Fighting does not solve much unless you realy have to fight, and artest did not have to fight.


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« Reply #35 on: November 25, 2004, 08:27:00 AM »

QUOTE (Spency234 @ Nov 25 2004, 04:55 PM)
Riiiight, there is no "trash" in the NFL.


I'm both a basketball and a football fan and I see equal amounts of "trash" in both sports.  I'm not sure what you are trying to prove here but once again, you are making yourself look like an idiot.

To makaveli:  There are certain people who will attack a customer/fan for something like getting hit with a paper cup, and there are some that won't.  The former being a criminal, the latter a normal human being.  Sometimes in our lives we have to put up with bullshit like that, and I mean what the hell did he expect?  He was lying on the scorers table, taunting the pride and joy of the Pistons, in the Palace!

I also think he had every right to hit that fan that came on the court, but he had NO right to go into the stands the first time, and by doing that he brought on everything else that happened.

Dude there is wayyy more trash in basketball, its a known fact most of the good NBA ballers grew up in the hood. Hood almost always = trash, anyone knows that. And there is nothing idiotic about my statement home skillet, football is far more strict in almost everyway, and unlike basketball where they wil take any scum bag walking down the street who can dribble a ball, the NFL almost always requires a full 4 years of college, in some cases though people may leave after three. The NBA does not care if the player is educated unlike the NFL, what this does idiot, is open the doors of the NBA for more trash, hence my previous statement. This one little tid bit alone proves me right and you wrong for trying to argue but I can go on and on.

The NFL is also the only sport to do random drug test, showing that no ONE PERSON is bigger than the game. You always hear stuff in the NBA about players choking coaches, players beating up fans, nba players working on rap albums, ect. ect. I can not ever recall a NFL player choking a coach, or climbling into the stands to beat people up, even though it was close one time. however I belive the NBA has more than one "coach choking incident". The fact is, the  NBA is filled with far more trash than the NFL. I have numbers to back it up.


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« Reply #36 on: November 25, 2004, 08:38:00 AM »

QUOTE (Spency234 @ Nov 25 2004, 04:55 PM)
I also think he had every right to hit that fan that came on the court, but he had NO right to go into the stands the first time, and by doing that he brought on everything else that happened.

You are also the kind of guy that would think it was OKAY for pedro martinez to slam a 76 year old man (mr zimmer) down on his face at yankee stadium, because he was comming after him.

The fucking dude was 76 years old, i think a side step could have been just fine. You are trash, and artest had no right to hit the fan on the court scum bag, as the fan didnt even raise his fucking hands. Fans like you make the game a lot worse. Go away.


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« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2004, 09:17:00 AM »

NBA: Crime and No Punishment

As the Kobe Bryant case moves closer to the start of a trial, author Jeff Benedict is promoting his latest book: Out of Bounds: Inside the NBA's Culture of Rape, Violence, and Crime.

    Based on a first-of-its-kind investigation into the criminal histories of 177 NBA players from the 2001–2002 season, Out of Bounds shows that an alarming four out of every ten NBA players have a police record involving a serious crime.

This is 2x the rate of crime involving NFL players. Minnesota's Vikings seem to have a running problem, with recent accusations of drunken driving, fighting, and rape/sexual assault. Benedict also has written a book on crimes in the NFL: "Pros and Cons: The Criminals Who Play In The NFL."

Sports leagues, from the commissioners offices to the teams themselves, must stop looking away from the crimes that their players are (alleged to be) committing and take a strong stand against lawlessness. I suppose one could argue that they need to stand back and allow the law process to occur, and take any disciplinary action only after the court has found the perp to be guilty, in order to protect themselves from lawsuit. But in a private league, there need not be any due process or wait for the court to make a judgment. Contracts should be written with clauses that allow a team and the league to immediately release a player and distance themselves from the sort of behavior that is rampant today.


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« Reply #38 on: November 25, 2004, 03:12:00 PM »

Secondly, you don't go to jail for assault you retard. Well, not in this great country i live in (Canada of course).

Stop talking bullshit. I am Canadian. You do go to jail bucko.

As for the dude that said its not ok to punch a customer while on the job, You can't compare an actual job to playing basketball for a living.

Hey dude! Yes you can compare them. In fact a basketball player's job demands more professionalism than most jobs.

Being in a fight with the suspicion that there is a weapon is a lot different than walking down the street and suspecting someone has a weapon. That fan had NO good intention being on the court. NONE. Can you say he didn't have a knife? Everyone know's how intense fans can get. Remember Mary Pierce? Either way, You all can stick to what you think is right and just, and i will stick with mine.

This makes absolutely no sense at all. If you really belive he 'felt threatened by the possibility of a weapon' then why did he lunge at the fan, knocking him down after he was guarded and forced away from him.


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« Reply #39 on: November 25, 2004, 09:04:00 PM »

This makes absolutely no sense at all. If you really belive he 'felt threatened by the possibility of a weapon' then why did he lunge at the fan, knocking him down after he was guarded and forced away from him.

I was talking about artest, not Jermaine O'neil.   Who knows what Oneil seen, heard or believed.  Something must have got his attention to want to do that.  

AND FOR dmb062082:
Are you black? Or just a white 2pac fan? At any rate you probably use irc and post on the xbox-scene forums. Tough or not, there is no point in acting all hard on the internet, you will give yourself a heart attack that way. Fighting does not solve much unless you realy have to fight, and artest did not have to fight.

I come on here to voice an opinion and to gain knowledge in the field of modding xbox's.  I just came to the realization that there are other threads other than the modding ones. I come here to learn.  I have no need to act hard.  If thats how it comes across then fine.  Thats not the intention.  And uhhh, unless your completely blind, yeah i do post on the scene.  I'm done with this discussion because i have my opinions you's all have yours.  I believe in suspending them, just not the length of the suspensions.


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« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2004, 01:42:00 AM »

Skip Bayless had a pretty good column on ESPN about how this has been blown out of proportion.

I think what Artest did last year (throwing a $75,000 camera and busting it) was just as bad, if not worse.

Artest blew off a shove and avoided a fight.  Then fans provoked him.  He went into the stands, and didn't throw a punch.  Then he was assaulted in the stands by fans.  He went down to the court, and was assaulted again by drunk fans.

And during the entire incident, you can't see a single cop or security guard on the entire tape.

The Detroit Piston's organization screwed up with minimal security in a city known for violent behavior.  Artest isn't an angel, but he doesn't deserve to lose $5 in salary in addition to the lawsuits that will follow.  He didn't physically attack anyone until he was attacked.

What I don't understand is Jackson going into the stands when no one attacked him, and then he got a lighter sentance.


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« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2004, 02:41:00 PM »

Wallace pushed artest, and artest backed down like a coward knowing he would get his ass kicked, and minutes later would rather go after a scrony little white boy in the stands and punch those guys instead, typical trash.


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« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2004, 02:45:00 PM »

Artest isn't an angel, but he doesn't deserve to lose $5 in salary in addition to the lawsuits that will follow.  He didn't physically attack anyone until he was attacked.

Watch the tape again. The fan on the court that got knocked in his jaw by artest didnt even do anything, never touched him, never even raised his hands...

Anyway, all one fan did was push artest to stick up for his friend, why didnt artest swing on wallace when he pushed him?

Its because artest is a scum bag from the streets homie!


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« Reply #43 on: December 16, 2004, 04:47:00 PM »

Andre Iguodala and Iverson make a sweet combo. Anyone see the game against the Nuggets? There fucking sweet with the oops and shit. But Melo and Bron and Wade are the best young players in the NBA.


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« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2004, 12:58:00 AM »

How are the Sonics not getting more press?

They are perhaps the most impressive team in the league, with the lowest expectations.

Why do I hear about Kobe every night when it's the same story?

The NBA is like a sports soap opera, and we pay more attention to individual characters with dramatic potential, then good teams and good basketball.

If you want drama, watch the WWE.  At least I still have college hoops.

Go Jayhawks!
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