
Author Topic: I Need A Few Things Cleared Up  (Read 184 times)


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« on: December 16, 2004, 06:54:00 PM »

I need to know a few things about Kerry vs. Bush. First, did john edwards or kerry bring up Dick Cheney's daughter being lesbian and use it against Cheney in a negative way or in the form of a logical question? This person I'm fighting with says he did/. If this is true, link me to a video or news post please.

Also, this person never todl me waht was great about Bush after I asked that questions 5 times literally. What's up with that? What the fuck is so great about Bush?

Also, this person is emphasizing wayyyyy too much on John kerry "lying." Joon kerry expresses so many of his views and bleiefs that they're easy to change. It's jsut that those Bush supporters got used to Bush being So DRASTICALLY simple and general in all of what he says and his belifs (accidentally, im not giving any credit), that they're almost hard to change without him being considered democrat. When Kerry gained new knowledge, he changed his views SLIGHTLY or jsut added to his views, and the extremists ere like, "OMFG HE'S A FUCKING LIER BECAUSE HE ADDED TO HIS VIEWS OR CHANGED THEM!!!!!!" Honestly, that's what it comes down to.  God damn.

Someone jsut look at the bush and kerry debates. Kerry is so much more intelligent, knowledgable, understanding, and strong in waht he says. George Bush says almost the same thing over and over. Believe me, I've watched tese videos over and over again, and it's honestly mindblowing. Why is GW so great????

And please don't hold my typing mistakes against me, I'm angry and typing quickly.


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2004, 08:30:00 PM »

Edwards brought up Mary Cheney being a dyke...err lesbian first.

Some great things Bush has done -
Liberated Afghanistan, including destroying the Taliban and starting democracy
Liberated Iraq, in the process of cleaning it up and creating a democracy
Increased eductation spending 60%
Increased police program 35%
Increased pel grants by 1 million students
Created Dept of Homeland Security
Destroyed 75% of Al Qaeda leaders
And so on and so on

You never hear about the good stuff on the news though.


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2004, 08:31:00 PM »

QUOTE (Exige_ @ Dec 17 2004, 03:26 AM)
What the fuck is so great about Bush?

I'll tell you when you're older, Johnny...  :lol:  

In all seriousness, I don't think the lesbian comment was too bad, it was made in the final debate... it was a question about homosexuality being a choice or not...

==="We're all God's children," Kerry said. "And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was. She's being who she was born as. I think if you talk to anybody, it's not a choice."===

He didn't really use it negatively, but it was definately politically motivated to mention Cheney's daughter, since Bush was relying on the "religious right" vote.

Nothing is too great about W., IMO but Kerry is much worse.  Certainly anyone with an extensive record in congress can be seen as a "flip-flopper", you can't always vote for what you believe in congress if you want to get anything done...  My problem with Kerry (outside of his big-government stances on economic issues such as health care, welfare, etc...) is his history of being anti-war, anti-American.  Why the hell would anyone vote for a dirty hippy as president?  Look at the cover of his book for Christ's sake...


This guy should be leading our country?  The democrats were idiots to nominate him.  I would have voted for Edwards long before I'd ever vote for Kerry.  We'll see if the Dems are sttupid enough to nominate Clinton next time around.


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2004, 08:36:00 PM »

Liberated Afghanistan, including destroying the Taliban and starting democracy -good decision, not executed well, but i'll give u that one as a pro.
Liberated Iraq, in the process of cleaning it up and creating a democracy-  if peace is ever brought to the area then it will still be a puppet govt run by the US so that we make money and become more wealthy not the Iraqi people. Con
Increased eductation spending 60% -spending money on shit that dosn't work, Con
Increased police program 35%-Ok Pro
Increased pel grants by 1 million students- I don't know much about this topic so i won't say pro or con
Created Dept of Homeland Security- Patriot act infringes on peoples rights and it is poorly orginized and executed Con
Destroyed 75% of Al Qaeda leaders - Only to create thousands more by killing off innocent bystandars in Iraq, for every person you kill you create an entire family that wants revenge, Con
And so on and so on -Con

George W is an out of touch neo-conservitive who is in no way a comman man.  He weaseled his way out of war, un-american, Kerry went to war and fought in a war he didn't believe in because he is so american that he did what hiscountry told him to.  Then when his tour was over he protested for what he believed in.  If thats not American i don't know what is.  And incase you didn't know, WAR IS BAD  It is necissary, but holding the fact that kerry does not enjoy killing people when there is another option that could be reached, against him is just plain stupid.

This post has been edited by pegasys: Dec 17 2004, 04:41 AM


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2004, 08:39:00 PM »

Never mind

This post has been edited by coltblue18: Dec 17 2004, 04:39 AM


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2004, 09:48:00 PM »

How can you say the education spending doesn't work? You'll have to look at the kids that truly benefit from it over the next decade or so.
The Iraq government will be run by Iraqis, but it will take time. This isn't for our profit - look at how much it's actually costing. It's for the benefit of the middle east, and effectively, the globe.
The Patriot Act, no matter how bad you think it is, would have prevented 9/11 if we had it before the fact. It's a good thing.
Kerry served 4 months, hurt himself twice and got sent home because of it, and was later dishonorably discharged (but won't let the gov't release the documents that would show this). I'm not gonna get into a debate, the election is over. I was just trying to answer a couple questions for this guy.


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« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2004, 04:37:00 AM »

About education, I thougt you ment the no child left behind Act.  And we did have info about 9/1 before it hapened.  The report was titled, Osoma determined to atak within the US or something like that.  The Patriot act is a dangerious step towards a police state, it infringed on constitutional rights, which I find unacceptble.  There is no point in arguing(other than to waste time in math class, but that's a different story.) I didn't really like either candidate, but I hate bush and basically everything he stands for.  His Economic policy, his educational policy, social security.  I agreed with going after Osoma, but war's will not stomp out terrorisum.  IT is the nature of terrorisum, he people aren't soldiers they are just people who one dasy get pissd off enugh tht they decide to do something rash.  Against kerry, I liked the stuff he said, but since he has never really ben in office, I have yet to see if he would have executed his plans well.  I have always found it hard to find a candidate I like because my beliefs are a blend of liberal, and conservative(which bush is not, conservatives aren't supposed to run up our hugest defici EVER).  So everyone think whatever you like, just wait 10-20 years and see how impartial(is it possible) historians remember Bush.


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2004, 07:04:00 AM »

it infringed on constitutional rights

You do realize that the Constitution was created by taking away your freedoms to give you rights, and limiting your rights to give you protection, right?

Liberated Iraq, in the process of cleaning it up and creating a democracy- if peace is ever brought to the area then it will still be a puppet govt run by the US so that we make money and become more wealthy not the Iraqi people. Con

If this statement was true, consider this:
The Iraq people didn't have money under Saddam's riegn, nor did they have peace.
Under the new government, the Iraqi people will have a chane to rebuild thier nation with thier governments money. Not to mention peace... you can tell you're sheltered when you worry about money more than peace... The above statement is the most selfish idioctic statement I've read ever, on XS...

Increased eductation spending 60% -spending money on shit that dosn't work, Con

Cause we don't need education... Again, you're sheltered and only know your way of life in your suburban welthy school, with clean halls and high-end technology... go into your main city, Atlanta for me, and walk thru one of thier school... then you won't say we don't need government spending increases for education...

but I hate bush and basically everything he stands for.

Right, cause having a president with no initiative, no national pride, no complete plans is a better choice. Not to mention OUTsourcing our HOMEland security... I didn't want to take this back to the political election, but I couldn't let that statement go.


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2004, 07:12:00 AM »

I need to know a few things about Kerry vs. Bush. First, did john edwards or kerry bring up Dick Cheney's daughter being lesbian and use it against Cheney in a negative way or in the form of a logical question? This person I'm fighting with says he did/. If this is true, link me to a video or news post please.

Both Kerry and Edwards brought it up in the debates, and it was used to imply Cheney's daughter would support their campaign for the sole fact she was a homosexual.

Also, this person never todl me waht was great about Bush after I asked that questions 5 times literally. What's up with that? What the fuck is so great about Bush?

Bush is a strong leader who doesn't bend, this is important in times of crisis.  He's a man whose convictions are based on his life experience and his faith, not his wife's money.

Also, this person is emphasizing wayyyyy too much on John kerry "lying." Joon kerry expresses so many of his views and bleiefs that they're easy to change. It's jsut that those Bush supporters got used to Bush being So DRASTICALLY simple and general in all of what he says and his belifs (accidentally, im not giving any credit), that they're almost hard to change without him being considered democrat. When Kerry gained new knowledge, he changed his views SLIGHTLY or jsut added to his views, and the extremists ere like, "OMFG HE'S A FUCKING LIER BECAUSE HE ADDED TO HIS VIEWS OR CHANGED THEM!!!!!!" Honestly, that's what it comes down to. God damn.

It's acceptable to revise one's views based on new information, but to bounce back and forth like a volleyball for months, changing opinions based upon the audience is decietful and wrong.

Someone jsut look at the bush and kerry debates. Kerry is so much more intelligent, knowledgable, understanding, and strong in waht he says. George Bush says almost the same thing over and over. Believe me, I've watched tese videos over and over again, and it's honestly mindblowing. Why is GW so great???

There's a difference between eloquence and intelligence.  Kerry has both, Bush has one, and neither make you inherently qualified as a leader.

This post has been edited by nemt: Dec 17 2004, 03:12 PM


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2004, 12:22:00 PM »

out of curiosity nemt, what has bush done that shows you that he has intelligence (above the level needed to survive that is)?


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2004, 12:27:00 PM »

QUOTE (gcskate27 @ Dec 17 2004, 02:54 PM)
out of curiosity nemt, what has bush done that shows you that he has intelligence (above the level needed to survive that is)?

He flew an F102, graduated from Yale and Harvard, built a fuel business from the ground up with next to no experience, managed the Texas Rangers, oh - and he beat John Kerry and Al Gore, one of whom is supposedly a genius and the other invented the internet.

If calling him stupid makes you feel better, go for it...then you have to live with a guy who's both stupid and a liar beating the crap out of the democrats, sure says a lot for your party.

This post has been edited by nemt: Dec 17 2004, 08:27 PM


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2004, 12:46:00 PM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Dec 17 2004, 08:59 PM)
He flew an F102, graduated from Yale and Harvard, built a fuel business from the ground up with next to no experience, managed the Texas Rangers, oh - and he beat John Kerry and Al Gore, one of whom is supposedly a genius and the other invented the internet.

If calling him stupid makes you feel better, go for it...then you have to live with a guy who's both stupid and a liar beating the crap out of the democrats, sure says a lot for your party.

a company that he ran into the ground...  and flying a plane dosnt make him smart either.

lol @ the invented the internet though..  although i think that is a myth.


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2004, 12:50:00 PM »

If calling him stupid makes you feel better, go for it...then you have to live with a guy who's both stupid and a liar beating the crap out of the democrats, sure says a lot for your party.

a. i didnt call him stupid
b. im not a democrat, i do identify with their standpoints more than repub though...
c. him winning the election just shows how well the repubs scared people with kerry = death by terrorists while bush is the 'stand-up tough guy'... and thats laughable...


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« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2004, 12:53:00 PM »

although i think that is a myth.

You think?

flying a plane dosnt make him smart either.

You're right... retard's are completely capable of flying planes... there is no thought processes in flying one. Just have to worry about anything and everything that can go wrong, and everything you have to do to prevent something like that to happen. Not to mention all the controls and guages you have to worry about, your altitude, the balance of the plane, the power going to the engines, avioding turbulance, and keeping it on track with your destination. ;)
I'll agree, there is no intelligence needed to fly a crop dusting bi-plane, no more needed than driving a car. But once you go higher than the clouds, and have to rely on reading guages rather than looking out a window, it gets complicated.

a company that he ran into the ground

Just because you run a company into the ground, doesn't mean you are not smart. Look at Donald Trump's companies. You can't call a person who built a multi-billion dollar industry like that unintelligent, yet his company is slowly slipping further down.


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I Need A Few Things Cleared Up
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2004, 12:56:00 PM »

c. him winning the election just shows how well the repubs scared people with kerry = death by terrorists while bush is the 'stand-up tough guy'... and thats laughable...

Us repubs wouldn't have had the ammo if Kerry didn't supply it. ;)
Reminds me of the Kerry commercial, where it symbolizes Kerry as an Eagle, and Bush as an Ostrich with it's head in the ground... Cute. :P