
Author Topic: Who Has Changed Their Vote,  (Read 279 times)

xbox beat box

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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« on: October 26, 2004, 12:01:00 PM »

I am tired of all this bullshit election stuff, for months now we have been inundated with "Kerry this, Bush that" shit.

If anything it just shows how fickle the American people are, what i am looking for is someone to admit that they changed their vote because of a post on X-S, good chance a post created by a faceless person, with no more access to information than T.V. and the internet.

I know your out there  :unsure:


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2004, 12:39:00 PM »

I don't think someones vote will be changed by somthing on the XS.  If you realy want to talk serious politics you don't go to an xbox based forum.  

I'm doing a write in vote for Rick James.  Since I don;t live in one of those few swing states my vote doesn't much matter.  Personaly I think the electol collage is complete bull shit.


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2004, 12:43:00 PM »

Noones changed their vote or minds. Forums like these polarize existing beliefs. That's why these forums are BAD for America.

Stop it....
Stop huuuuurrting... America ;D



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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2004, 12:43:00 PM »

I'd love to hear what you think we should do in place of the electorial college. Please, enlighten us all. ;)


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2004, 12:50:00 PM »

Anyone who just changes there vote because of XS is weak.  Maybe someone who wasn't sure who to vote for did...


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2004, 12:54:00 PM »

It should be done buy a popular vote.  Were the person who gets the most votes wins.  That way eveyones vote is equally important.  

Or at least change the electrol collage so that if 60 pecent of the people vote one way and 40 vote the other way.  The states electrol votes should be divided up 60/40.  

It isn't fair that if only a litttle over half the people in a state vote one way that all of the states votes go to one person.  I have seen a couple of states are trying to pass bills to do this.  Wich is a good start.

Also if you study the electol collage system and what it legally means.  The state elector can vote any way they choose.  There is no law that says the states elector can't disregard all the votes and just do what they want.

This hasn't happend but it could under the current system.

xbox beat box

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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2004, 12:54:00 PM »

Thats what I am saying..on these forums there is so much back and forth, back and forth, to me it all seems pretty evident that more or less, people are trying to push their thoughts/beliefs/vote on other people, if nobody is going to switch sides, why doesnt everybody take a deep breath, chill out, and stop bitching at each other about something that is personal anyways?

I want to find someone who is fickle enough to change their vote...come on..if CNN or FOX can do it I am sure X-S Forum's Can to!

I guess I am just a silly Canadian, it doesnt matter who WE vote for, either way we are fucked


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2004, 12:58:00 PM »

If i read enough facts about the other canidate, I would change my vote. That's why I'm on the political forum everyday, to reassure my pick is the best pick. There was a point where I almost sided with Kerry, but then learned many truths that contridicted what I was thinking.
I'm not here to sway others, as much as I am to secure my own vote.


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2004, 02:08:00 PM »

QUOTE (pingrr @ Oct 26 2004, 07:54 PM)
It should be done buy a popular vote.  Were the person who gets the most votes wins.  That way eveyones vote is equally important.  

Or at least change the electrol collage so that if 60 pecent of the people vote one way and 40 vote the other way.  The states electrol votes should be divided up 60/40.  

It isn't fair that if only a litttle over half the people in a state vote one way that all of the states votes go to one person.  I have seen a couple of states are trying to pass bills to do this.  Wich is a good start.

Also if you study the electol collage system and what it legally means.  The state elector can vote any way they choose.  There is no law that says the states elector can't disregard all the votes and just do what they want.

This hasn't happend but it could under the current system.

 what would keep the more population-dens states from facking over the farming states? Of course everyone who lives in New York City is going to vote for the guy that increases taxes and lets the higher population reap the gains from the taxes. Meanwhile, the farmer in north dakota goes bankrupt and our economy goes to shit.

and dont say "they wont vote to screw someone over", because most people would in a heartbeat.


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2004, 02:19:00 PM »

^^Is why we have the electoral college in the first place. To even the playing field of the north vs the south.

Making it into a popular vote would step the nation closer to being a democracy(everyone has thier own say in everything) rather than a republic(groups are represented by one person). Rather than voting for your president, and hopeing that your votes will sway the people who sit in the electoral college, why not vote for state officials that see the same way you do, so you know they will vote your way.


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2004, 02:50:00 PM »

QUOTE (SKoT @ Oct 26 2004, 03:08 PM)
what would keep the more population-dens states from facking over the farming states? Of course everyone who lives in New York City is going to vote for the guy that increases taxes and lets the higher population reap the gains from the taxes. Meanwhile, the farmer in north dakota goes bankrupt and our economy goes to shit.


   This system was put into place a very long time ago.  Now there are far less farming areas than there used to be.  

In state elections it is popular vote.  And the majority of people don't vote to screw over the farmers wich are usually in the minority.   Use your exaple of New York state.  They have a lot of farms and rural areas as wel,l and the they don't screw over everyone who doesn't work in the ciry.  They have enough p[eople live in NYC were they could if they wanted to.

So is it fair to say a farmers vote is more important than someone who lives in a big city.  This is why so many people don't vote.  I'm sure that if the system was setup were every vote was equal more people would vote.  A lot of people feel that thier doesn't matter because they don't live in a swing state.  his is jsut due to a bullshit system.


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2004, 08:08:00 PM »

The electoral college is a good thing. It is usually very close to the popular vote, but like last time, it can be the opposite result. If we went by the popular vote, then California and New York alone could almost decide the election.


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2004, 09:35:00 PM »

Oh brandogg, God forbid that the people of the country decide whos president....

The unProfessional

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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2004, 09:48:00 PM »


This post has been edited by The unProfessional on Oct 27 2004, 04:48 AM


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Who Has Changed Their Vote,
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2004, 10:50:00 PM »

I'm not voting but this forum wouldnt change who i would vote for. I just think it's fun to talk politics with people you dont know and are from different parts of the country or in the world for that matter

The electoral college is a good thing. It is usually very close to the popular vote, but like last time, it can be the opposite result. If we went by the popular vote, then California and New York alone could almost decide the election.

Yeah I agree. I wouldnt want 5 states running the country.

It isn't fair that if only a litttle over half the people in a state vote one way that all of the states votes go to one person. I have seen a couple of states are trying to pass bills to do this. Wich is a good start.

Well it's not fair to have the bigger states running the country. That's why we have a 2 house Congress and electoral college to try and even things out.

Also if you study the electol collage system and what it legally means. The state elector can vote any way they choose. There is no law that says the states elector can't disregard all the votes and just do what they want.

They just dont pick a state elector. Dem and Rep parties pick an elector that is loyal to their party. What ever sides wins that elector votes for his party. If that elector doesnt vote for what side he's supposed to then it's the parties fault for appointing him.