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Author Topic: Stolen Honor  (Read 2292 times)


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« on: October 17, 2004, 12:18:00 AM »

By now, some of you heard about this film which is probably almost just as bad as Fahrenheit 9/11.  Here's a report on it.


The thing which pisses me off is that FCC Chairman Michael Powell (who happens to be Colin Powell's Son) won't stop it from Airing saying that "I don't know of any precedent in which the commission could do that."

Looks like another cheap Bush tactic to me just around 2 weeks before the election.



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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2004, 01:57:00 AM »

Why would you want to censor (or prohibit) what is played?  I would rather see garbage shows like Fahrenheit 9/11 then be censored.  I will decide what is accurate and what is fabricated.  I do not need the goverment doing this for me.  Freedom of speech should be something we all fight to preserve.  If you are claiming it is an unfair campaign contribution their contention is:

"Sinclair has contended that the program is news, covering an issue of interest and importance to viewers, and has invited Kerry to appear on a post-broadcast program. Kerry has declined."

Looks like Kerry might be missing out on an opportunity.  Or he is ashamed of something..... dry.gif


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« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2004, 03:09:00 AM »

Well, the problem I have is that Sinclair reaches several small media outlets that simply do not have access to an opposing view (the Sinclair station is the only local station). Basically, there will be lots of people who only hear (1) side of the story.

With a movie, like Fahrenheit 911, anyone who WANTS to pay to go see it can, and people have a right to see it equally everywhere.

On top of that, I thought it was heresy for a news or broadcast organization to "take sides" (remember CBS lol?).


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« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2004, 02:22:00 AM »

Good valid points fleflicker.  I would like to see ALL sides of an issue and not just one skewed view.  I am not familar with their coverage, but would assume they have competing stations in their teritory.  These other stations should maybe run a Kerry rebutal if he doesn't want to appear on Sinclair.

On another note;

I know everyone hates polls because of there margin of error.  But here is a site that has compiled all the polls into one list.  It is interesting to watch the trends after a debate or state speach.

List of Polls

And for those watching the electoral votes go here:

Electoral Votes


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« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2004, 02:48:00 AM »

I agree dss311. That is why I generally rotate my news through MSNBC, CNN, and FOX. I figure I get decent "coverage" that way. (Even if I feel the urge to break my T.V. when Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter are talking). I balance that with my internet news reading as well (drudge, etc). People who limit themselves to (1) media outlet are opening themselves up for bias, if you ask me.

Sinclair actually has a lot of "middle America" coverage, where these stations are the only station the vast majority of people watch, or even get. That is why I have a problem with it. If it was a cable channel, it would be different in my opinion...

I disagree with the statement "other stations should maybe run a Kerry rebutal if he doesn't want to appear on Sinclair". Let's not get these news stations competing against each others biases OPENLY  jester.gif On top of that, from what I have heard so far about this film, it is sort of like Fahrenheit 911, it would be ridiculous to even try and rebutt the silliness (which Fahrenhype 911 did not do a good job of, if you ask me, I know, I know, different topic!).

As to the polls, the problem I have is that they don't openly tell you the math behind their election "forecast" model. On poll only expects 12% minority turnout, another one 18%, etc. Good links though, the best way to get a real feel for what is going on is to average it all out  wink.gif


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« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2004, 03:08:00 AM »

QUOTE (dss311 @ Oct 17 2004, 02:00 AM)
Looks like Kerry might be missing out on an opportunity.  Or he is ashamed of something..... dry.gif

or he doesnt want some miseditted peice of crap airing where they take more remarks out of context... and/or he doesnt want to give anymore attention/validity to a piece of visual slander...


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« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2004, 08:39:00 AM »

There are several reasons why I think this movie doesn't deserve to be here at this time.

1) Vietnam war was over a long time ago.  Many people just want to put that in the past because they already got hurt by it

2) It is election time, maybe they could've put up that film a year ago, or even after the election.

3) Fahrenheit 9/11 is more like a documentry.  Stolen Honor doesn't even fit in that category.

4) Fahenheit 9/11 is shown on theatres, pay-per view and now DVD.  So you have to pay for it to see it.  Whereas Stolen Honor is spoon fed thru free tv.  Might I add that there are already anti-Kerry films already out there (I don't remember the names) that you have to pay to see, and there was no controversy over it.  

5) I would imagine a film that would have the equivilent tear jerker emotion as Stolen Honor is a film of about Iraq vets who got  physically Injured asking Mr. Bush 'Why me.'  A bunch of relatives of dead Iraq vets asking Mr Bush 'why me?'  Any of you Anti-Kerry people tell me why a show like can't be on free TV.

Yet at the same time FCC Chairman (Colin Powell's Son) would probably say that you can't Air this type of program because of censorship and hurt the Iraqi war effort.  Yet the FCC Chairman says that Stolen Honor doesn't share the same category.  FCC says that Stolen Honor didn't violate any policies because it has not been aired yet.  Very convient excuse.

I just hope that the Major News Networks (probably except fox news) know that this is an underhanded trick and hopefully would respond negatively about airing this film.

This post has been edited by pug_ster on Oct 17 2004, 03:53 PM


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« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2004, 09:13:00 AM »

Michael Moore has offered up Farenheit 9/11 to all Sinclair stations free of charge as long as they agree to air the movie as well to give two different viewpoints.


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« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2004, 08:29:00 AM »

this is also a good site (it's been posted here before but what the hell)

It's nice because you can go back and look at previous reports and it's updated just about every day...

oh and does anyone know why new hampshire isn't a blue state (i know some of you sill respond like a 2 year old here).  Just because geographically it's surrounded by blue



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« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2004, 12:52:00 PM »

spoon fed thru free tv

Shh... not so loud, the cable guys might see it.

which is probably almost just as bad as Fahrenheit 9/11

Looks like another cheap Bush tactic to me just around 2 weeks before the election.

So wait, if Liberals attack a Repub, it's ok? But if the exact same happens between a Repub and a Liberal, it's a cheap "Bush" tactic?


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« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2004, 01:07:00 PM »

Yeah yeah.  Read what I said.

This post has been edited by pug_ster on Oct 17 2004, 08:10 PM


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« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2004, 03:09:00 PM »

I could really care less if they show it or F911 on TV before or after the elections.  If people are making thier votes based on a movie that they saw on TV or in a theater, then they really don't deserve to vote anyway.


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« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2004, 04:03:00 PM »

No one is being forced to watch it. Same thing anyone here says about violent movies, or music with explicit lyrics. If you don't want to see it, don't watch it. And, the guy who runs Sinclair is no doubt a republican, but the RNC has nothing to do with this, and it is in no way a violation of the FCC.


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« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2004, 07:31:00 PM »

So wait, if Liberals attack a Repub, it's ok? But if the exact same happens between a Repub and a Liberal, it's a cheap "Bush" tactic?

This posts arguement ended right there.

3) Fahrenheit 9/11 is more like a documentry.

I havent seen this but from what I have heard it's not close to it.

Anyways freedom of speech comes to play here. They can show whatever they want on tv. Ecept if its nudity, language, vilence, but sometimes you need to show everything to get a point through. Kerry has done a few of these tactics to Bush also, it's not a one way thing here.


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« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2004, 08:51:00 PM »

Anyways freedom of speech comes to play here. They can show whatever they want on tv. Ecept if its nudity, language, vilence, but sometimes you need to show everything to get a point through. Kerry has done a few of these tactics to Bush also, it's not a one way thing here.

There is no such thing as freedom of speech when it comes to broadcasting. The FCC was created to control things, as it is well known that broadcast media is a very powerful way to communicate. On top of that, freedom of speech really gets gray when your audience gets larger...

I don't remember any liberal broadcast company funding and forcing their stations to play a documentary focusing on Bush's National Guard Service (or lack of it)! That would the equivalent story here...

The premise of this documentary is ridiculous. The claim is that Kerry's remarks after returning home from Vietnam made it more difficult on our POW's. Are we going to make a documentary on every thing that anyone said back then that *could have* negatively effected our Military men/women in Vietnam?  For the love of God, McCain even says Kerry did the right thing! dry.gif
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