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Author Topic: What Religion Do You Follow?  (Read 5741 times)


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« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2004, 09:50:00 PM »


Anyone watch Stargate sg1 hehe it could be true in a way.

Look at the bible it has changed so much that it has lost all meaning now. I am not saying the events that took place back then didnt happen but that maybe it was not as the bible states it. What i meen is that the bible prolly exaggerated it alot.

Anyone ever heard of the BIG BANG THEORY. There is considerable evidence that this could have happened. and this is what I think might have happened but i have other ideas too. I am not saying you have to beleive this too just stating my opinions thats all. biggrin.gif


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« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2004, 04:18:00 AM »

I'm an athiest.  Not to be "cool" or "rebelious" or because "the bible is so fake, science has proven it wrong, what bs!" like others who are the same but just simply because I believe there are ideas to follow instead of people to worship.  I grew up roman catholic and spent 5 years of my life in catholic school but I always found myself asking questions about our lord that no one could answer.  I slowly stopped believing, then stopped going to church, and finally stopped praying.  I know all about my religion and I still follow their basic values of love one another and so on.  These are the things we should live our lives on.  (don't flame me for the following statement on "false hope", it's just my opinion) Some people can live their lives of going to a building to worship a being they've never seen just to have some false hope in their lives.  I see this more as a cult.  I've always considered myself a nonconformist, I follow what needs to be followed.  So in the end, I believe and live by most of the commandments and everyone should, going to church and everything else, well thats their choice... I have nothing against them, I just have my own feelings on the topic.

[edit] to reply to some of the above posters, if you are an athiest because the bible is not accurate of anything, then you followed that religion for all the wrong reasons in the first place and it would do you good to read the bible, think of it as a good fictional book like lord of the rings but with a hell of aalot more meaning... and less reading.


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« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2004, 05:28:00 AM »


/flicks cape over shoulder, waves joint around in dark room


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« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2004, 07:40:00 AM »

I'm an athiest. Not to be "cool" or "rebelious" or because "the bible is so fake, science has proven it wrong, what bs!"
Dude don't call it BS that is just not right. Why do you have to judge other ppl when you don't know the facts yeah you think i am doing this to be "cool" or "rebelious" or "the bible is so fake, science has proven it wrong" NO not true. I was athiest befor i knew all that stuff about the bible being fake and the other stuff i said.
I always found myself asking questions about our lord that no one could answer. I slowly stopped believing, then stopped going to church, and finally stopped praying.
Yeah same here dude but you would'nt know that cause you don't know me and what i "beleive in" When you pass judgement over me you are telling me that what i "beleive in" is wrong and should not think that way "What BS".
I know all about my religion and I still follow their basic values of love one another and so on. These are the things we should live our lives on.
I totally agree with that. Please ppl dont pass judgement on otheres here. It is wrong no matter what "religion" you are or what you "believe in". Passing judgement is another way of saying hey your wrong so i am saying something about it so everybody knows it. Ihave been judged my whole lkife for what i "beleive in" and been made fun of and been cursed at cause i think the way i do. Now BLANK comes here and says its all "BS" well BLANK i can say the same thing about your opinions.

Deut5:7..'You shall have no other gods before Me.
8 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image - any likeness that in heaven above, or that in the earth beneath, or that in the water under the earth;
9 'You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your GOD, a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth (generations) of those who hate Me,
10 'But showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.'

  Jn14:15.."If you love me, keep my command-

2Thes1:8..In flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know GOD, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ.
9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the LORD and from the glory of His power.

GOD Almighty, the Supreme Being, spoke to us thru Moses, saying "obey My voice" Ex19:5,
but from then till now very few even want to acknowledge Him, seeking other gods.

GOD, in Ex20, forbade us from having any gods before Him, and expressly says
make no images, but millions of believers worship idols + images and pray to the dead.

GOD, in Deut5, repeated His basic laws, and promised a blessing or curse in Deut11; then in
Mat19 Jesus clearly says obey for life, all repeated thru His word till obey to enter Rev22:14.

GOD, thru history, sends many messengers or prophets to exhort, judge, rebuke
believers, as He lovingly grows a few into His own true priests and holy nation 1Pet2.

GOD in Jn3:16 offers life to "whosoever believing" but very few have full,
active belief in His word, so most deny Him.

GOD in Gen to Rev says obey for blessing, life, love as Jn15:10 sets conditions
for His love, even as Christ obeyed to abide in the Father's love.

GOD clearly sets conditions to abide in Him, be "as Him" 1Jn2:6,
all others face His wrath Jn15:6 1Cor3:12-15(5:5) Mat10:28.

If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept the Father's commandments and abide in His love.



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« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2004, 08:13:00 AM »



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« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2004, 09:16:00 AM »

wink.gif Glad to see a lot of ppl are proud to represent their cultures, religions and ethnicities too. Good stuff, yo. biggrin.gif Remember, we're all apart of the same human race... and more importantly, love our video games! *hugs Xbox* lol Peace.


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« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2004, 09:45:00 AM »

xmaniac,Mar 15 2004, 12:40 PM]
I'm an athiest. Not to be "cool" or "rebelious" or because "the bible is so fake, science has proven it wrong, what bs!"
Dude don't call it BS that is just not right. Why do you have to judge other ppl when you don't know the facts yeah you think i am doing this to be "cool" or "rebelious" or "the bible is so fake, science has proven it wrong" NO not true. I was athiest befor i knew all that stuff about the bible being fake and the other stuff i said.
I always found myself asking questions about our lord that no one could answer. I slowly stopped believing, then stopped going to church, and finally stopped praying.
Yeah same here dude but you would'nt know that cause you don't know me and what i "beleive in" When you pass judgement over me you are telling me that what i "beleive in" is wrong and should not think that way "What BS".
I know all about my religion and I still follow their basic values of love one another and so on. These are the things we should live our lives on.
I totally agree with that. Please ppl dont pass judgement on otheres here. It is wrong no matter what "religion" you are or what you "believe in". Passing judgement is another way of saying hey your wrong so i am saying something about it so everybody knows it. Ihave been judged my whole lkife for what i "beleive in" and been made fun of and been cursed at cause i think the way i do. Now DuDeR MaN comes here and says its all "BS" well DuDeR MaN i can say the same thing about your opinions.

woah man, you read my post all wrong.  if you notice I had the BS in qoutations with the part before it.  In other words I was making a fake qoute from people who do not believe in god because the bible has some elements that are hard to believe and contridicting.  The "what bs" was part of that fake woute.. meaning the fake person I qouted was saying that the bible was bs.  I don't think anybody's opinion is bs nor the bible.

I honestly don't know why you were offended by my post.  It wasn't directed towards anybody.  I just expressed my own opinions... I think you took it completely wrong.


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« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2004, 09:54:00 AM »

Here is my 2 cents on the subject.....

I myself come from a Jewish background but I don't fallow the religion like my family does. I don't really believe in all of it. I show my respect though by doing want is told to do from the torah not that I believe in it at all but I show respect by doing it. I think religions don't matter in this world. I think religion was brought up to keep everyone from corrupting the world. They should always have a feeling where if you were to do something bad that god is watching over you. If people had nothing to keep them in line just once you live life there's no where for you to go then people wouldn't care what would happen because they know nothing would. More crime would happen a lot of different things would go on. Also religion is something where people can come and talk to the only one about the problems and let it of there chest. Its a place of forgiveness and apologies.  IF you think about it by all the information we have gathered over the years death and god have so little to do with each other. If you were to die you wouldn't even know it. It's like blacking out your dead, gone. There is no god to meet , your gone. Its pretty sad because you wish there was something for you waiting in the afterlife but what comes down to facts of what we have today there is no god the big bang happened as a effect. Like bacteria we look like we came from different animals. Have you ever paid attention to your body details in a way somehow were related to animals on our planet.  Yes we are the smartest of our kind but were just like them. Were more civilized though. As far as other planets that might have people I'm sure there is far far away from us there must be other planets with living cell's. Not aliens but other people like us there form might be different but there exactly like us. They could be smarter or they could be dumb. I am sure if we ever figure out light travel there is so much more to see. We cant be the only earth here that's living out of a infinite space. If there was "aliens" that come visit us they don't want to harm us. If you think about it if there that smart to travel to out world then there problem smart enough to know that Violence is a horrible thing. Maybe they don't show themselves because are planet isn't to good enough for them because of the things that happen or maybe because they never even came down here. I know this post got a bit of hand just expressing my feelings though Religion is something that is put together to keep us together and have someone we can talk to. If there is a god he doesn't care where you come from and who you believe in all he cares about is you. He wouldn't put a different aside he loves everyone.


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« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2004, 10:29:00 AM »

QUOTE (AMoonwalker @ Mar 15 2004, 02:16 PM)
I'm a Muslim too. Follow the Islamic faith. wink.gif Glad to see a lot of ppl are proud to represent their cultures, religions and ethnicities too. Good stuff, yo. biggrin.gif Remember, we're all apart of the same human race... and more importantly, love our video games! *hugs Xbox* lol Peace.

Yes.. we have FOUR Muslims on this board!  biggrin.gif


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« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2004, 01:07:00 PM »

You should really have made a seperate choice for Catholic.  I wouldn't want to be lumped in with protestants.


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« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2004, 02:26:00 PM »

QUOTE ([-MXB-]xmaniac @ Mar 15 2004, 07:50 AM)
Anyone ever heard of the BIG BANG THEORY. There is considerable evidence that this could have happened. and this is what I think might have happened but i have other ideas too. I am not saying you have to beleive this too just stating my opinions thats all. biggrin.gif

Actually there is so much evidence of the Big Bang that it's no longer really a matter of IF it occured or not, but rather how and why.  You could argue that the Big Bang was an act of God and so on, but anyone who doesn't believe it occured at all is probably a fundamentalist.


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« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2004, 06:48:00 PM »

woah man, you read my post all wrong. if you notice I had the BS in qoutations with the part before it. In other words I was making a fake qoute from people who do not believe in god because the bible has some elements that are hard to believe and contridicting. The "what bs" was part of that fake woute.. meaning the fake person I qouted was saying that the bible was bs. I don't think anybody's opinion is bs nor the bible.

I honestly don't know why you were offended by my post. It wasn't directed towards anybody. I just expressed my own opinions... I think you took it completely wrong.

I am truly sorry then. But at least my point will still be made lol.


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« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2004, 07:44:00 PM »

Agnostic, though leaning more to the Athesist side. The only reason I consider myself Agnostic not Athesist is that I can't disprove that God exists and until I can do so I will remain in the middle.



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« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2004, 08:43:00 PM »

Agnosticism seems pretty popular nowadays. Makes sense, really. There are enough mysteries about the universe, and you can't really prove or disprove faith unless you can answer every unanswered question. To say I'm an outright atheist is not only stupidly arrogant, but as bad as any unquestioning religious zealot.
I think that most organized religions, if any were ever true, are polluted to the point where you can't trust them. But that's just my opinion. Live and let live, I say.


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« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2004, 09:59:00 PM »

colonel, since the rate of birth is highter than the rate of death... where do all the new people come from in your beliefs.. I'm very curious about this one.
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