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Author Topic: Offical God Topic  (Read 3662 times)


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Offical God Topic
« Reply #90 on: April 19, 2004, 09:53:00 AM »

QUOTE (HSDEMONZ @ Jan 18 2004, 03:58 PM)
I don't understand why anyone would be baptized if they don't believe in God

Free bath by a stranger. smile.gif


That is undeniably the funniest post I have read on these forums in months... rotfl.gif


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« Reply #91 on: April 22, 2004, 04:59:00 AM »

why would anybody challenege the existence of god is beyond me but since thr is a whole lot of ppl out here who r challenging it so.........

lets take something into consideration i think which hasnt been talked abt in this thread and that is the matter of DEATH. why does everybody have to die? ok an answer cud be that if nobody died then thr wont be enuff space to live on this planet, ok i'll consider that.......then answer this......if every thing has to die why isnt the timespan a human being dies after exactly 60 yrs of life, my point being that thr is something or somebody or some power out thr which is keeping track of this.

also thr is this thing abt laws abt wot is rite and wot is wrong, whr did they come from??!! how do u know that murdering somebody is wrong??!!! IT IS because we have been told so by the HOLY BOOKS and THE HOLY MESSENGERS of GOD!!! although a human being is the most excellent form of life even then its abilities r limited unless it is taught, unless it learns......and how did the early or even the human beings ..not only humans but animals... today r learning from??!!!  referring to the Holy scriptures and Books that r still being learnt from.....

Concscience, wot is that? if u dont fear something if u dont believe in the fact that doing something wrong will get u in trouble thr wont be any effect on ure conscience rite??? then why does a human being have something bothering his coscience when lets say he adultrates with his neighbours wife???

i know i know the above statements that i made dont PROVE the existence of GOD as u ppl want it, but think abt it. what is the reason behind this life? the reason behind our existence? the reason behind the life at the bottom of the ocean? the life under the surface of the earth? NO SCIENCE cant give u any answers coz science is limited!!! science is limited so thr cant be any scientific proof for the existence of GOD. and why is science limited???!! because it originates from the mind of a human my friend above said, i'd like to extract something from it......the created can not be superior to the Creator!!! humans being the created ones and Creator being God. and purely because of this limitation Science will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of God.

The reason for our existence is to obey our Lord that is God, wotever religion u may be following, the point is that u obey the rules and guidelines jotted down by God and worship him. yeah it might feel corny but believe me i've seen ppl with millions of bucks in thr pockets with ever luxury in life and in who's life thr is almost no mention of God, they have this uneasiness, this emptiness that u cant explain , peace of mind is lacking......and i know ppl with mediocre salaries living almost hand to mouth but they r happy as HAPPY as the word can be and the only thing differing is that they have a self-assurance kind of thing that we obey our Lord and we worship him and we live by HIS rules and we r happy with wotever he has given us, these r the ppl with the real peace of mind.......

now a lot of u will say i have peace of mind and i dont worship god or pray to Him or follow HIs rules and i am an athiest well my friends u r only fooling ureselves. stop living in a LIE. and tell me do u ppl believe in the saying or wotever that GOOD ALWAYS WINS(something like that), why do we have this faith??! we have it because we believe that even if something wrong has been done some injustice has been done thr is a HIGHER POWER that will rectify it someday........

tell me WHY does ure science fail when it declares that a person will die of Cancer within 6 months and that person goes on living for 6 yrs??!!! i pointed this out that like the guy above me wrote Science is not everything it cant answer every single thing. u say einstein said that u can travel in time rite and u guys believe it??!!!! well i'll end this here by saying that u ppl will believe in a scientist when he says something that cant be achieved atleast that hasnt been achieved yet and he only theorized abt it without actual proof!!!! and u wont believe in the existence of God coz he doesnt come down and proves it to u??!!!!  unsure.gif

p.s- i'm a muslim and we believe that God-Allah- showed a glimpse of his existence to Moses on a Cliff and that our Holy Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) when he was lifted upto the heavens met Allah and HE talked to Muhammad(peace be upon him). but that is another arrgument that u guys wud get into so stay away from it and think abt wot i stated above........thr was this guy who mentioned he cudnt sleep for a nite coz he thought abt these things..........i'l ask anybody who read this post to give 30 mins of his time and think abt his existence and the reason for it........surely GOd willingly that'll work wonders for u.

p.p.s- i'm sorry if i blurted out anything that might hurt somebody.  love.gif

p.p.p.s- sorry but wud somebody mind telling me who gave Moses the power to seperate the waters and make a path in it, also who gave him the powerful stick that when thrown on hte ground turnd into a snake kinda thingy and who gave Jesus the power to cure diseases like leprosy and bring the dead to life???!!! my answer GOD gave them those powers.


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« Reply #92 on: April 23, 2004, 12:35:00 AM »

QUOTE (khurram @ Apr 22 2004, 08:59 AM)
why would anybody challenege the existence of god is beyond me

It's because da homos.  laugh.gif


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« Reply #93 on: April 27, 2004, 01:48:00 AM »

I personally don't advocate religeon, I am not an theologist and I'm not nihilistic. Taking into account all beliefs, religeous, secular, scientific etc I would offer the opinion that 'God' is a label. 'God' is whatever you believe that gives you a better understanding of yourself.
I have friends who push science as an opposing force to religeon. "The Big Bang theory dissproves the existance of God." is one my mate just came out with, well then isn't the Big Bang Theory just another interpretation of God? Even if not in your mind, in the mind of others you are describing Genesis.
I see no ill in any belief system that enables society to function fluidly, unfortunately organised religeon flies in the face of everything 'God' stands for.
I am a good person, I have strong morals and defined opinions on the way I conduct my life. I inflict no pain on anyone with intent, physically or emotionally. I believe that I have an equilibrium within me that some people would label 'God' however I don't think it is in anyway important to affiliate yourself with one doctrine or another.
My mother is a Christian and she believes I am too because I follow the same set of rules and morals as she is taught, other people think I'm a hippy because of my compassion and respect for other people. I am me, I'm none of these things and all of them because all these things are merely labels.


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« Reply #94 on: May 01, 2004, 06:17:00 AM »

QUOTE (saad84 @ Apr 22 2004, 05:41 AM)
Now have u ever heard that nature has instability??? If there is no God why the Earth, Sun, Moon and all other stars have such perfect revolutionary paths and our satellites read ISS (International Space Station) has to be pushed into orbit every 4th week?????

Another question why is nature in harmony with its existence and we are not??? U never saw nature destoryin nature??? But we humans do it????

you NEVER see nature destroying nature? predator/prey, dinosaur extinction, spreading populations ruining foreign ecosystems
if there is a god, shouldn't he be doing something to aide the stability? or is he just having fun watching his creatures destroy eachother?

as for your first point, maybe its because the ISS is in a LOW orbit with an extremely LOW mass, extremely LOW gravity of its own? it's not a huge solid ball of dirt at an overwhelming distance.  small deviations in their orbit make no difference, but with something as tiny and unsubstantial as the ISS it can cause major deviance

why does everybody have to die? ok an answer cud be that if nobody died then thr wont be enuff space to live on this planet, ok i'll consider that.......then answer this......if every thing has to die why isnt the timespan a human being dies after exactly 60 yrs of life, my point being that thr is something or somebody or some power out thr which is keeping track of this.

our molecules break down. the time isn't fixed because there is an extreme amount of variables involved.  It's called Biochemistry.  And there are a milion reasons for us dying.  With many complex organs, they degrade at different rates (depending largely on genetics and general health), and once one goes the whole body goes down with it.


tell me WHY does ure science fail when it declares that a person will die of Cancer within 6 months and that person goes on living for 6 yrs??!!! i pointed this out that like the guy above me wrote Science is not everything it cant answer every single thing. u say einstein said that u can travel in time rite and u guys believe it??!!!! well i'll end this here by saying that u ppl will believe in a scientist when he says something that cant be achieved atleast that hasnt been achieved yet and he only theorized abt it without actual proof!!!! and u wont believe in the existence of God coz he doesnt come down and proves it to u??!!!! 

again, there are an incredible amount of variables. and a scientists theory is able to be tested.  The existence of god could never be tested, and there is just as much against gods existence (or even more if you consider contradictions in the bible) as for it.  No scientist claims to be able to pinpoint the day of your death, there is simply too much data to analyze right now.  Science is always improving however.  Your argument could just as easily go against you, as scientists are able to tell within a margin your life expectancy for a disease or condition.  If there was a god in control, why would they be able to do this?


now a lot of u will say i have peace of mind and i dont worship god or pray to Him or follow HIs rules and i am an athiest well my friends u r only fooling ureselves. stop living in a LIE. and tell me do u ppl believe in the saying or wotever that GOOD ALWAYS WINS(something like that), why do we have this faith??! we have it because we believe that even if something wrong has been done some injustice has been done thr is a HIGHER POWER that will rectify it someday........

That argument had absolutely no substance.  I could just as easily say the same to you, chaging a few words, and it would be just as valid (if not more valid since theres actually support for science, making it less likely to be the lie in my eyes).
People say good always wins out of hope, its a moral boost etc.  I believe it to a degree because of faith in mankind, not faith in a supreme being.  I don't need to be threatened with hell to do what i feel is right.  Faith in mankind is more of an agreement for a common good.


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« Reply #95 on: May 02, 2004, 09:07:00 PM »

QUOTE (gronne @ Mar 20 2004, 10:29 AM)

Well, I never said all christians believe it's only about 6000 years old, but most do.

Well, why do you think the world is millions of years old? What, because darwin said so? Oh, its because some (falible) human made a theory (and even denied it on his death bed) said so? What makes your "the earth is millions of years old" theory better than some Christians who think that "The earth is around 6000 years old" theory? Absolutely nothing. Humans are not perfect and they will never be perfect. That means that there is a possibility that, GASP, evolution (a THEORY made by a human) is wrong. The funny thing is, all you athiests' believe "proof" that is in your text books when you have absolutely no idea if it is correct. What makes you different from Christians that grow up with the Bible as their standard? Its really sad nowadays. I love it when morons say "Christians are soooo closeminded" when they completely shove off any notion that a supreme being might exist. Hypocrisy at its finest. Anyways, I'm tired and I don't really feel like writing a 10 page exposition on this. I guess all I'm trying to say is: I hope the next person who says shit like "People who believe in God are wasting their lives" or "God doesn't exist" (you know, because they've proven that, right... right?) gets a nice random punch in the face. God knows I'd do it tongue.gif


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« Reply #96 on: May 03, 2004, 07:25:00 AM »

nobody denied evolution was a theory (i've never heard it described as anything but a theory).. but it is a theory with factual support.  Of course it can be wrong, nobody is denying that.  But religion is much more close minded.. evolution, and anything else scientific, is wrong if it contradicts the religion.  But the religion is absolute, the religion is infalliable, the religion is the fact without base.  As far as I'm concerned, religions are all theories, ones that have been disproven but refuse to die.


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« Reply #97 on: May 05, 2004, 11:42:00 PM »

maybe religion was a theory 2000 years ago?
maybe it just became popular?

I am agnostic but if people want to belive I would be ignorant to belittle them.

I do think religion has been abused through the ages. From the crusades to modern day jihad.

A poet once said

They were looking for God but found religion instead

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